He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2431 Xiaozhi is boring now

"Ah, the young people of today are really amazing."

The huge skyscraper cake crashed down in front of her, Popola couldn't help but widen her eyes, the make-up on her old and skinny face was frightened.

The last spot in the quarter-finals of the Galar World Championships naturally fell into Du's hands smoothly.

And if there is no accident, there is a high probability that the winner of this Galar World Championship will be born from Du or Dandi.

"When can I be this strong"

Across the screen, Xiaochun said with a somewhat envious tone.

Forget it, let's go back and study the Great Elder's test carefully.

Xiaozhi was still staring at the screen, but above the field on the screen, the heads and names of the top eight players appeared at one time, most of whom he didn't know very well.

Xiaozhi looked at the profile picture named Emperor Dan.

"Is this Mr. Dandi?"

In his twenties, with long blue-purple hair, dark skin, and a small beard, he looks very rough and heroic.

He was wearing a sportswear, but he was wearing a brocade robe and cloak on the back, and he even wore a hip-hop-style flat-brimmed hat on his head

The outfit is also very rough.

Xiaozhi secretly kept the appearance of Emperor Dan in his heart, and whenever he finds a chance in the future, he will always fight this man who is known as the "strongest champion".

"That's President Roz!"

Douzi's audience focused on money, and immediately pointed to the middle-aged man on the screen who was giving a speech.

Not like the Hezhong area

The opening ceremony of the Galar World Championships will not be held until the quarterfinals. As the president of the Galar Alliance, Luoz naturally stepped onto the stage with a big belly.

Beside her was a tall, fair-skinned and beautiful woman in black silk, but with a very cold expression. She seemed to be Mr. Lotz's secretary?

"Well, it does look a bit like Mr. Pioni"

Xiaozhi made a careful comparison and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

By the way, why do so many people in the Galar region look so black?

After watching the grand occasion in the Galar area, Xiaozhi calmed down a little, and in the afternoon he made the final adjustments alone in the practice field.

Since it has reached the top eight stage, almost all the players have been eliminated, which makes the practice field in the backyard of the elf center look very empty, and almost no other trainers are using it.

"Rogue crocodile, use the continuous crushing trick!!"

Xiao Zhi shouted loudly, and the rogue crocodile in front of him immediately opened its mouth wide, its sharp teeth biting forward one after another.

Since the next opponent is Cattleya, who is good at superpower attributes, the evil-attribute rogue crocodile is obviously an excellent attacker.

Although the training time is not long, with the help of the Pokémon virus's efficiency increase, it is not impossible to defeat a king of the alliance.

"Shuangrenwan, dodge! Dodge continuously!"

On the other side, Mingyi and her Shuangrenwan are helping to make a duel doll.

"rice wine!"

Shuangrenwan dodged left and right continuously, and frequently dodged from the jaw full of sharp teeth, looking very dangerous.

Of course, it's not entirely for the purpose of being a sparring partner.

Mingyi had a hunch that her Shuangrenwan would soon evolve!

Although it is a pity that the World Championships cannot allow Shuangren Wan to break through the bottleneck, and now he can only think of a way outside the court.

Just fight a few more times with an opponent with evil attributes, maybe he can break through the shackles and evolve into that ancient evil sword ghost?

"rice wine!!"

This made Shuangrenwan work very hard as a wooden puppet.

At the same time, Xiaozhi was still directing another Pokémon to practice.

"Zoroark, use Retribution!"

Zoroark clasped his palms together, and his eerie blue-purple long hair fluttered like a will-o'-the-wisp.

Boom chi chi!

In an instant, black and purple flames sprang up all over his body, and the resentment was soaring, which made people feel chills.

A boulder a few meters away also raised a beam of resentment flames, continuously scorching and roaring.

Xiaoxia: ""

Sitting on the rocking chair next to her, Xiaoxia who was watching couldn't help shivering.

Now Zoroark doesn't look like the little cute fox in Zoroya's time!

It is completely a violent and ghostly humanoid killer, as if it will pounce on the target in the next second, gnawing and killing the target in a burst

Although Zoroark has been evolving for some time, Xiaoxia has not slowed down yet.

"The speed is not fast enough! The attack must be faster, Zoroark!"

Xiaozhi shook his head and continued.

Although the flames of grievance rising out of thin air from the target's feet are hard to guard against

But with the assistance of Cattleya's superpower, her Pokémon's teleportation must be able to respond.

Even faster!

Zoroark nodded, his mind extremely focused, his hair flying all over his body.


Accompanied by a roar of foxes, the wild will-o'-the-wisps of resentment were ignited again!

This exclusive move of the ghost attribute has an excellent effect on superpower Pokémon, and Xiaozhi plans to use Zoroark as the second best fighter.

And the frostbite effect of retribution, for most Pokémon with super powers who are good at long-range special attacks, halving special attacks is an extremely terrifying debuff.

After completing the evolution, Zoroark is even stronger than the rogue crocodile in terms of strength!

"The first one is of evil attribute, the second one is of ghost attribute~ It's completely restrained according to the attributes~"

This made Xiaoxia beside her shake her head helplessly.

Now Xiaozhi is completely tasteless.

If there is anything to say, King Yanwu with the fighting attribute has to be sent, and the inverse attribute will attack Cattleya head-on!

Such a game looks interesting!

Not far away, the rogue crocodile's crushing attack was slightly interrupted, and Shuangrenwan rested on the spot, and Mingyi had a chance to breathe.

"Speaking of Xiaozhi, which one will you decide to send as your third Pokémon?"

She came closer and couldn't help asking.

Rogue Crocodile and Zoroark are both Xiaozhi's new partners after he came to the Hezhong area

So for the third one, you should choose an old partner at the bottom of the box as a guarantee, right?

In the quarter-finals of the Sailing World Championships, the number of Pokémon that each player can use is still three.

Don't look like it's rare

In the quarter-finals of the Galar World Championships next door, each player even only has the right to use two.

In the semi-finals and finals of the World Championships, the number of 3v3 was changed to the rule of six selections of four.

In the entire conference, there will be no 6v6 battles with all members.

"The Last Word"

Xiaozhi rubbed his chin, but he hadn't made up his mind yet.

If neither the rogue crocodile nor Zoroark can defeat Miss Cattleya, it is indeed necessary to send a general to the rear.

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