He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2432 Unexpected information about Brother Chi?

The next day, morning.

The main match of the quarterfinals has officially begun.

Xiaozhi and his team came to the viewing seats early, but for the first match, everyone didn't have much expectation.

In the first match, Douzi fights against the champion of the United States, Adek...

Due to the disparity in strength, everyone is looking forward to the second match, which is the match between Mr. Qianli and Ma Shide.

"Douzi, this guy... went out to do business yesterday, it's a complete mess..."

Sitting in his seat, Xiaozhi couldn't help complaining.

I still hope to take it seriously, at least to play something like Mr. Adek.

However, when the audience took their seats one after another, an old man in purple robe walked unsteadily in front of Xiaozhi's position.

The large robe directly covered all the scenes in front of him.

Xiaozhi: "?"

He scratched his head, this old man is the former plasma team member who reached the quarterfinals, Asura.

Like a log, what are you doing in front of yourself?

"Uh, Xiaozhi from the Kanto region...that..."

But Asura obviously wanted to say something to Xiaozhi, but her expression was a bit tangled, hesitating.

The appearance of Asura made Akromar and N, who were sitting next to Xiaozhi, look vigilant at the same time.

"Uh...don't be nervous, it's fine."

Feeling the double sharp eyes of the former and current plasma team kings, even Asura couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat, only feeling full of oppression, and quickly smiled dryly to appease.

"Forget it, there are too many people here... After the game is over, I will tell you in detail..."

Asura glanced at the messy surroundings, sighed, and added before leaving:

"Anyway, it's about a trainer named "Chi"..."

Hearing this name, Xiao Zhi's expression changed instantly.

Brother Chi, why are you still related to this member of the plasma team?

Seeing the change in Xiaozhi's expression, Asura also nodded secretly, and sure enough, these two people are related.

After all, the two of them carried the electric mouse from Kanto Rotten Street at the same time. This feature was too similar.

When he first met Chi, the latter also mentioned the name "Xiaozhi" to him after the battle with the legendary third ice dragon...

Seeing that Asura walked away after dropping a riddle, Xiaozhi couldn't sit still for a while, and was about to get up and catch up to ask.

Speaking of which, he hasn't heard from Brother Chi for a long time.

At the beginning, I fooled myself into the Hezhong area, saying that there was something urgent and dangerous, and then...

Then there is no text? !

They are all riddlers, so if they have something to say, they can't just say it clearly!

Unexpectedly, the news was suddenly heard from the mouth of the plasma team.


Xiaozhi suddenly remembered, it seems that the downfall of the Plasma team was related to Brother Chi.

As a senior member of the Plasma team, Asura, one of the Seven Sages, has been in contact with Brother Chi, so it doesn't seem surprising?

"Um, who is Chi...?"

It was too late to ask, and Akromar, who was sitting next to him, couldn't help asking.

"Xiaozhi, do you know Grandpa Asura...?"

N also poked his head curiously, and asked the same question, is Xiaozhi still related to the plasma team?

The only person present who knew Chi's identity was Xiaoxia.

However, she was also holding her head like a Kodak duck, leaning slightly.

Brother Chi, when did you come to the Hezhong area to sneak out?


"Forget it, let's ask after the game is over..."

Seeing that the competition was about to start, and Adek and Douzi had already stood at both ends of the field, Xiaozhi could only sigh and give up the idea of ​​directly asking the Riddler.

It's urgent, but don't be in a hurry.

And the entire World Championship venue also burst into loud cheers and cheers following Adek's appearance.

As the league champion at home, Adek's call for the championship is still the highest.

On the other side, Douzi was still wearing a cloak full of sponsorship advertisements, and the trademark brand was even longer than the previous one, and intentionally or unintentionally exposed his back to the direction of the live broadcast camera.


This scene made Adek a little speechless, he could only cough and signal Douzi to focus on the game.

"Haha, I'm sorry, Uncle Adek~ I'm used to my profession~"

Douzi smiled awkwardly, and then looked at the lion-headed man in front of him.

She is quite familiar with Adek, and even her eligibility letter was given to her by Adek himself.

"Douzi, although I know that your ambition is not here...but since you have already reached the top eight stage, let's continue to go on earnestly and focused!"

Adek's face straightened. It's a pity that this rare seedling in front of him is completely lost in the business entertainment industry...

With a roll of his eyes, Adek suddenly got a plan.

"Speaking of which, since you want to make a lot of money and make your performing arts company the largest company in Hezhong...why not make yourself the strongest trainer? When the time comes, use yourself as a brand and make yourself famous?"

"Think about it, since you, Douzi, are now able to enter the top 8 of the World Championships, maybe you will work hard next time, and it is entirely possible to win the championship~! As the number one star trainer in the Hezhong region and even the world, Even if you do nothing, you can make your company shine~!"

Adek was still trying to confuse Douzi.

The sound was not too loud, and only the referee who was closest could hear it. From the audience's perspective, they could only hear the two whispering, but they didn't know what they were actually saying.

But looking at the champion Adek's flushed face and excited tone... he must be encouraging the younger generation, right?

He is a champion with a big heart, even if he is facing an opponent, he can still give advice!

"It seems to make sense..."

Hearing these words, Douzi really touched his chin, bowed his head and thought for a moment.

Don George: "..."

Why do you feel that something is wrong with the plot?

He stood closest and could see it most clearly. The expression on Adek's face at this moment is completely that of an evil uncle who seduces a girl...

"I made a decision!"

Soon, Douzi's eyes lit up and he had an idea.

"In other words, as long as my company recruits a few more of the world's strongest trainers, I can make money lying down, right!?"

Adek: "?"

Logically, there's nothing wrong with that...

Douzi patted his face immediately, his morale was high, and he had already pulled out an elf ball in his hand.

"Anyway, Mr. Adek! Please fight me with all your strength!"

She paid a lot of money for herself to be ruthlessly worn three times!

Seeing that words couldn't change the girl's mind at all, Adek could only sigh helplessly, then straightened his face, and took out an elf ball.

Sure enough, we still have to fight with Pokémon, let this girl realize the reality!

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