He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 223 Red Lotus Research Institute and Fossil Restoration

"Beep. Congratulations on triggering the taboo, the God of Volcano is already angry."

Just after getting out of the crater, the bright light outside was a bit dazzling, and before everyone had time to say anything, a prompt sound came from Xiao Zhi's waist, accompanied by a rather festive bgm.

This reminder caught everyone off guard.

Xiaozhi was the first to break the silence:

"Haha, my illustration book has started to talk nonsense again, everyone don't care."

"Indeed, what I counted is exactly 10 times short of the last sentence "little coal turtle", "little coal turtle", "little coal turtle"."

In order to vent her inability to speak out at the crater just now, Xiaoxia said it three times in one breath.

Coal Turtle?

Is it a water-type Pokémon similar to Squirtle? It sounds silly.

Everyone came to a conclusion.

"It's fine."

Immediately, he did not continue to take care of the illustration book, and walked towards the town.

Although Xia Bo is the owner of the Red Lotus Gym, due to the impact of the tourism and hotel service industry, his prestige as the owner has been limited in the past few years. He has to find a place where he can really speak.

Although five weeks is not a short period of time, we must hurry up and evacuate. Who knows if the volcano god, who has been provoked by them 9 times, will erupt early.

"Isn't it because we provoked 9 times that the volcano erupted in 5 weeks? If we say 10 times, it will erupt on the spot?"

Xia Bo shook his head again and again to dispel this terrible thought. Now he was a little afraid that he would not be able to control his mouth.

Then he looked at Xiaozhi and his party.

"Oh, we plan to take a good look at Honglian Island in the past few days. Next time we come here, there will only be the scenery of the underworld."

The three of Xiaozhi waved their hands. Their notification task has been completed, and the next thing to do is to evacuate the crowd.

"Oh, you guys are the heroes of this incident. I will definitely write a letter of commendation to the Pokémon League." Xia Bo first made a verbal promise, and then handed Xiaozhi a business card, giving him quite a compliment. He blinked ambiguously.

"If Honglian Island is boring, if you can come to this place, you may have unexpected gains."

Xiaozhi stuffed it into Xiaogang's hand casually, just treating it as a special advertisement for a certain hot spring hotel.

Teacher Gang, it seems that even this small ocean island has people who need you to purify their souls.

Xiao Gang's face turned red, and he put it in his arms calmly, without further words.

Fo Ri: It cannot be said.



The next day, Xiaozhi and his party wandered around the town of Honglian.

Although it was decided to visit the last Honglian Town for a few days to commemorate the upcoming outbreak, but at the moment Xiaozhi was in a daze, and the surrounding scene was completely out of sight.

He already has 7 badges, and he is short of the last one. He can't wait to fly directly to the last gymnasium to get the eighth badge.

As the man who knows Xiaozhi best, Xiaogang patted his shoulder at this moment, and said in a deep voice:

"The state of mind is also a kind of practice, Xiaozhi, your rock will cultivation is not enough."

"Master, what's the explanation?"

Xiaozhi hurriedly asked for advice sincerely. Ever since he experienced the red lotus battle in the volcano yesterday, his blood is still surging and he can't calm down at all. He needs to do something to vent.

"Then let's vent!"

Xiao Gang let out a low voice, as an adolescent boy, he should vent when he should vent, and his heart is full of panic, as long as the vent is over, it will be fine.

He raised his palm, and at some point there was a small card on the tip of his finger, which was the small advertisement given by Xia Bo yesterday.


Seeing this, Xiaoxia next to her blushed, staring at the two of them first with her big eyes.

"What's wrong? We're going to the Red Lotus Research Institute, is there any problem?"

"Won't anyone think it wrong?"

This time it was Xiaozhi and Xiaogang's turn to look at Xiaoxia inexplicably, and he pointed his fingers, and the advertisement on the small card was the Red Lotus Research Institute.

Xiao Gang flipped the card over and placed it in front of Xiao Zhi's face.

"By the way, Xiaozhi, do you see what is written on it?"

"Let me see, Honglian Research Institute undertakes domestic, entry-exit and other tourism-related services, including group tours and independent travel..."

Although it is the Honglian Research Institute, the meals still need to be appropriate, and the money earned from undertaking tourism is used to invest in scientific research, forming a perpetual motion machine by itself.

"No, it's the line below." Xiao Gang reminded.

Xiaozhi took a closer look again, and sure enough, he found a line of small characters under the travel item.

"Undertake the Pokémon Fossil Incubation and Restoration Project, the activation degree of the prehistoric bloodline is guaranteed to be above 3%, the price is favorable, and the round-trip air ticket will be reimbursed with the receipt... Wait, the scallion duck, the fossil resurrection!?"

Xiaozhi was shocked, and quickly grabbed the small card to observe carefully.

Seeing the latter's face gradually flushed, Xiao Gang nodded.

"Did I forget that I told you that there are only two institutions in the Kanto region capable of resurrecting fossils. One is the Rock Museum in Nibi City, and the other is the Red Lotus Research Institute."

In fact, he still missed one thing. Both the museum and the research institute are actually just local institutions, and the most advanced technology has to be the official Pokémon League.

In the other two places, both the quantity and quality of fossils have far less technical support than the official ones.

"However, more than 3% of the prehistoric bloodlines that can be activated are guaranteed, which is quite high..."

He remembered that the rate in Nibi City was only 2%.

The official rate is only 5%.

With these data as a comparison, Xiaozhi couldn't help but gasp, he didn't know how rare those real prehistoric Pokémon woke up from slumber until now.

how terrible...

The limit of the machine is only 5%, and the fossil pterosaur he tamed was born with 100% prehistoric blood! !

So scary! !

"Damn it, it must not be given to Xiaomao! It's decided. After I get 8 badges, I will temporarily stay in Zhenxin Town for special training. I must abduct that prehistoric fossil pterosaur!"

According to the current progress, there is still a period of time before the official start of the Pokémon League Conference. During this period, Xiaozhi has not yet decided where to go.

Now that he has made up his mind, he will give his Pokémon army physical fitness in Zhenxin Town, practice military boxing, and then talk to the fossil pterosaurs to give gifts to increase their friendship.

You must know that the luxury ball is his, and now their friendship is very high!

But now he still has a fossil in his backpack, and he just went to try to incubate it and restore it. Maybe it will be a miracle.

It's not that there are no cases where high prehistoric blood concentration was restored by using machine incubation, maybe he is the only one in Europe?

Their luck in Zhenxin Town has always been very good!

"And the concentration of blood is not the key to everything. Innate blood and acquired cultivation are the factors that determine whether a Pokémon can be strong or not."

Xiao [笔趣阁 www.biqusa.info] just smiled, a rotten street electric mouse is now dancing in style, and the blood concentration actually produced by the fossil is low, so it is not necessarily a Muggle.

Pikachu: "?"

Your whole family is a bad street.

The three of them nodded. Anyway, there is nothing to do in Honglian Town. Following the map instructions on the small card, the three of them walked towards the Honglian Research Institute with great interest...

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