He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 224 Little husband, we are coming in

Red Lotus Research Institute.

The three of them came to the research institute, which can be said to be the only real industrial building in Honglian Town, and most of the others are hotels, hot springs and other buildings, which are not acceptable.

The Red Lotus Research Institute looks quite old on the outside, it is a squat building with only two floors, and the walls are yellowish in color.

Without any hesitation, the three of them pushed open the door and walked towards a place that looked like a reception desk.

There were not many people in the institute, only a few researchers in white coats walking around.

Inside is a wide hall, with a spacious corridor on both sides. Every corridor is a gate a few meters away, and there should be various laboratories and other places inside.

"Are the customers here to travel from other places? When you go out, turn left to the special restaurant of the Red Lotus Research Institute, and turn right to the special hot spring hotel of the Red Lotus Research Institute..."

Standing at the front desk was a black-haired boy with spiky hair facing forward, a pointed mouth, and a rather lazy tone. He was playing with his mobile phone without even raising his head.

"Little husband, these are my distinguished guests, let me entertain them..."

A skinny but hearty voice came from the door of a room. When everyone looked up, they saw a bald head coming out of the door.

It was Xia Bo who had fought a battle before.

"Oh, hello Deputy Director!"

The boy at the front desk quickly shook his body and said hello.

Xia Bo is not only the owner of the Red Lotus Gym, but also the deputy director of the Red Lotus Research Institute.

As for the absence of the director, it can be said that he is in charge of the Red Lotus Research Institute at the moment.

"Three, we meet again."

As far as Honglian Town is concerned, there is really nothing to do in other places, except the Honglian Research Institute. He expected the three of them to come, and he has been waiting here for a long time.

The three of Xiaozhi quickly greeted each other and informed them of their intentions.

"The resurrection of fossils? This is a rare thing."

Hearing that Xia Bo's eyes lit up, most of the fossils are in the hands of the alliance officials, while the scattered passerby trainers are more willing to go to Nibi City. Their Red Lotus Research Institute has not revived fossils for a long time.

"I don't know if I can take the liberty to ask, what kind of fossil is it?" Xia Bo asked curiously.

There are three types in Kanto, crustacean fossils, shell fossils, and mysterious amber fossils. It would be interesting if it was the last one.

"Oh, it's a skull."

Xiaozhi took out the skull fossil from his backpack. According to Toyosaki Nikkawa, the fossil collector at the time, it was a curious big-headed doll with a forehead 1/3 bigger than the same kind.

"Skull...? That's something I didn't expect."

Xia Bo was taken aback for a moment. This kind of skull fossil should be a characteristic of other regions, and it is not found in the Kanto region. He actually knows a little about fossils, and he doesn't know what Pokémon it is.

Immediately, he took it over and examined it carefully, and after confirming that there was no problem, he carefully handed it to the man named Xiaofu at the front desk.

Now the resurrection of fossils is done by Muggles, even those who are professional in CNC machine tools can master it, and it is not difficult.

"Little man, you should aseptically treat this fossil first, then turn on the switch of the fossil restoration machine, and prepare, oh, prepare some small fossils, and take out those precious materials. These are mine. Honorable guest, you must use the highest-grade resurrection materials. By the way, let me operate the hatching restoration today."

"Don't worry, deputy director, I understand."

The little husband took the skull carefully, not to mention that it was quite heavy, so he didn't dare to be careless, and hurriedly walked towards a laboratory in the corridor.

"Just ask if you don't understand, do you need to prepare extra small fossils for resurrection?" Xiaozhi couldn't help asking.

"Hehe, normally it's not necessary, but since you saved Honglian Island, I naturally have to add some ingredients for you for free. Although it's just a small fossil, it also contains a lot of things, which may increase the concentration of prehistoric blood. "

The conservative estimate they gave was 3%, but with these extra natural treasures, small fossils, it is enough to increase the concentration to 5%!

"5%? Well, that's the only way..."

Xiaozhi might have been very excited before, but now he feels a little dull.

This move made Xia Bo feel like he was hitting the cotton with his fist, 5% is already very high...


Taking advantage of this gap, Xia Bo took the three of them to browse the research institute carefully. There are still many rare fossil skeletons in the Honglian Research Institute. different systems.

Everyone looked at a jaw frame with sharp teeth on it. Even though there was no breath of life, and even the genetic information had completely dissipated, it still exuded a strong and penetrating aura, which no one dared to underestimate.

"This is the jaw fossil of an ancient ferocious beast named Husky..."

Xia Bo introduced, and pointed to one of the things that resembled a human skull.

"This is a strange species similar to ours, a skull fossil called a caveman..."

"Wow..." The three of them were amazed, and it was really unheard of for them to secretly think.

"Is it said that these can't be resurrected?"


They have heard of fossil pterosaurs a few times, but they have never heard of the name Husky.

"No, it's too long ago without any trace of genetic information, and it's not even a product of the prehistoric world. According to expert analysis, this may be a remnant of an era on this planet..."

Xia Bo shook his head with a deep expression.

Some experts once put forward a subversive hypothesis. In the prehistoric era of this planet, Pokémon did not actually exist, and the living creatures were completely different from the present.

It's just that for some unknown reason, all these creatures disappeared.

Next is the official history of the Pokémon world, the creation god Arceus, the ancestor of all things, Dream...

Time and Space Three Dragons...

Fang Yuan Three Idiots...

Prehistoric fossil pterosaurs so...

Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit oppressive, Xia Bo couldn't help but smile.

"Hehe, just for fun, this hypothesis was actually criticized by most historians..."

The three of Xiaozhi were stunned when they heard it, as if they were listening to a fantasy story, they clicked their tongues in amazement...


After turning around, Xia Bo estimated the time, and it was almost time to operate the fossil hatching recovery, so he brought Xiaozhi and the three to the innermost small room in the corridor.

There is a sign on the door.

"A dedicated room for fossil restoration."

Xia Bo knocked on the door and reminded softly:

"Little man, we are coming in."

To revive ancient Pokémon, don't be careless, even if you speak, you have to keep your voice down.

"Come in, Director, remember to be gentle..."

A voice came from inside.

Everyone pushed open the door and walked into it slowly.

The little husband was lowering his head to operate something on the instrument. In front of him was a transparent tank nearly 2 meters high, connected with countless catheter data lines on the outside. The tank was still full of dark green liquid, which looked delicious. .

And that skull fossil is currently floating in the nutrition bottle...

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