He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 225: The Birth of the Brachiosaurus

"Now this fossil is ready in the nutrient warehouse, and then put special materials in this position."

Xiaofu poured a lot of materials into an opening next to the device, and then poured a few small earthy brown stones. These are fossilized gravel, and some prehistoric Pokémon breath remains. .

The remaining genetic information is not enough to support the resurrection to hatch a complete fossil Pokémon, but it can be a good nutrient.

"Then press this button, and the hatching and resurrection process will officially begin."

Xiaofu pointed to one of the buttons. This set of operations is indeed Muggle operations, even a layman can complete it according to the instructions.

Xia Bo patted his chest and said boldly:

"Little husband, throw in the best materials from our research institute, and all the expenses of this young man today will be charged to me."

The husband nodded.

"Already remembered."

After all, material costs, electricity costs, equipment maintenance costs, etc. are not caused by strong winds. This young man is not familiar with their Honglian Research Institute, so there is no reason for him to prostitute for nothing.

Xia Bo hasn't informed everyone that the Red Lotus Volcano is about to erupt, otherwise Xiaozhi and the three would really be eligible to prostitute.

"Worthy of being the strongest Gym Master in Kanto, wearing clothes and talking is tough, it's too generous!"

Xiaozhi hurriedly flattered him, even though the strongest curator or something is just a picture, so he can't take it seriously.

"a ha ha ha!"

The flattering words made Xia Bo look up to the sky and laugh a few times, then regained his composure, stroked his beard, and was about to press the button.

"By the way, Xiaozhi, don't you have the black technology sent by Toyosaka Nikawa, don't forget to use it." Xiaogang reminded suddenly.

"Oh, I really forgot!"

Xiaozhi shook his body and slapped his head. Only then did he remember that in the Grand Canyon that day, after exchanging fossils, Toyosaka Nikawa gave him two bottles of medicine, saying that it could increase the concentration of prehistoric blood to 10%. Folk black technology.

He quickly reached into the backpack and fumbled for a while.


Hearing that Uncle Xia's forehead lit up with an unknown cold light, the surname Richuan is not common in the Kanto area. As far as he knows, only that family for generations likes Richuan of fossils and prehistoric civilization. Not a small family.

It's the director of their Red Lotus Research Institute...

If this family has developed some black technology to increase the bloodline, it is still possible.

Soon, Xiaozhi took out two small jars from his backpack, which were similar in color and shape. Before the opening for adding materials to the device was closed, he took it together without thinking, and pulled it out with a "boo" sound. Two medicine stoppers, pour all the "tons and tons" of the contents into them.


Just after pouring, Xiaozhi's movements were slightly taken aback.

Why is there liquid poured out of one jar, while the other bottle is filled with pills one by one?


At that time, Toyosaki Hikawa gave himself a bottle?

Or two bottles?

"Is it a bottle?"

"How do I remember it was two bottles?"

In the back, Xiaogang and Xiaoxia also scratched their heads in confusion, which really made the glans bigger, but they didn't get too entangled, and the three of them quickly gave up thinking at the same time.

"It's okay, it's all medicine anyway, it's a big tonic, there's nothing wrong with taking more."

As Xia Bo pressed the start switch, the recovery machine officially began to run, and after a sudden tremor, it made a sound similar to the chimney when a steam train started, as if it was about to explode.

"chug chug..."

Even the original dark green color of the nutrient solution seemed to be polluted by something, and it turned from green to red. In less than a few seconds, the entire nutrient solution had turned into a pool of blood, and the khaki skull Fossils float in it, which looks a bit weird.

Xia Bo looked at Xiao Fu and said doubtfully:

"Is this red liquid normal?"

"how could I know?"

Xiaofu asked back.

He is just a master who has just graduated from the CNC machine tool major, and he came to work as a temporary worker. All operations are done according to the manual, and he doesn't understand anything else.

A researcher who really understands fossils is away on a business trip these days and just happens to be away.

"But it should be normal..."

The little husband quickly took out the instruction manual, searched for the instructions and read according to the instructions:

"Oh, as mentioned above, don't panic, as long as it doesn't explode, it's a small problem. If it does explode, then you don't have to worry about it. You only need to wait for 3 hours after pressing the button, and the fossil Pokémon will be released. born..."

Hearing this, everyone felt relieved for the time being.

Although the color of the liquid was red, the whole machine showed no signs of exploding except for a burst of chugs at the beginning.

"Walk around, it's still three hours, I invite you to drink tea."

Xia Bo smiled heartily and led everyone towards the hall.

"We all drink cappuccinos."

"Tell us about that ancient ferocious beast named Husky."

"Do you think this prehistoric husky is strong?"

"I think it's 1.5 crossing from the start..."

Everyone smiled and left the fossil recovery room, drinking coffee happily, waiting for the hatching of the fossils.


Two hours later, everyone was still drinking coffee.

"Keng..." "Keng..."

"By the way, did you hear any sound?" Xiaozhi asked suddenly.

He always felt that there was a strange sound coming from a certain room next door from time to time.

This kind of sound is like he stuffed Xiao Gang's mouth with a cloth, and then punched him in the chest, he probably would make this kind of sound.

"Is your tinnitus ringing?"

"It's okay, it's probably the geologists next door playing with the vibrator."

"Geology is not science."

Just as Xiaozhi let go of his mind, he heard a voice from the next door again.


This time it was the sound of glass breaking, and the movement was not small. The sound should have come from the fossil recovery room.

Everyone didn't dare to continue to drink coffee leisurely this time, so they quickly got up and walked towards the innermost room in the corridor, and pushed open the door. The scene inside was completely different from what it was 2 hours ago, and everyone was shocked .

The nutrition container on the top had a big hole broken in the middle, and the ground was full of glass shards.

And at this moment, there was a small dinosaur beast out of thin air in the room. It was less than half a meter tall and looked a bit small.

Its two hind legs stepped on the ground, and its two small claws were raised on its chest. It had blue-gray skin, and its back and tail were covered with a dark blue hard shell.

The most special thing is the head of this little dinosaur, which is quite round and big. There are a few white spikes around the forehead, and even the top seems to be smashed by something, protruding a piece of dark blue. Rounded like a sapphire.

Comparing its head with its body, it seems a bit out of proportion, top-heavy.


At this moment, the little gray-blue beast was hitting the lower part of the recovery device with its head, and after a hit, it backed up a few steps and shook its head, as if it knocked itself into a daze.

But then he stomped on the ground and rushed up again, hitting that place with great force.


After hitting it several times, a dent was made on the metal device, and the former's head was also dizzy for a while, but soon his eyes became serious, and a puff of air spewed out of his nose again. The current-generating device continues to impact.

"Didi. Brachiosaurus is a characteristic fossil Pokémon in the Sinnoh region. It has a very iron head and likes to hit people with its head."

The picture book suggested.

"This should be the iron-headed baby, right?" Xiao Fu blurted out.

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