He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 226 This stupid dragon drank the stimulant as water? !


Finally, after being hit several times, the device finally trembled and exploded violently.

Seeing this, the Cephalosaurus spewed out a puff of white gas in satisfaction, and stepped on the ejected parts. Just when everyone thought it was about to give up, the latter lowered its head and looked at the ruined machine again. Attacked.

How dare you create me? !

Even if it explodes, I will continue to rush at you!

"My recovery machine..."

Xia Bo's expression was a bit heartbroken. The cost of this machine was extremely expensive, and now it was ruined by this skull-capped dragon.

As if responding to Xia Bo's grief, the Skull Dragon suffocated, and finally stopped and continued to impact the recovery device, although this machine has been completely turned into scrap iron.

Then it turned its head and slammed into another very expensive-looking machine.


In less than a few seconds, the machine also trembled violently and then exploded with a "boom". The explosion even sent the closest skull dragon flying. When the latter got up, he already had several scars on his body.


The skull dragon slammed into the ruined machine again.

How dare you blow me up?

See if I don't rush you away!

"Boom!" "Boom!"

Within a short while, all the high-end machines in the entire fossil recovery room burst into sparks, exploded again and again, and were reduced to ruins.

Xia Bo's face was also instantly livid, and his heart seemed to have been slashed.

It can be said that the most expensive instruments in the entire Red Lotus Research Institute are in this room!

"It's just a few machines, and it's all small money."

"It's okay, anyway, sooner or later this place will be blown up by the volcano, it's the same whether it's sooner or later."

"Just now, it seems that someone said that Xiaozhi's expenses today are all on his head, so if he can't speak, it doesn't count...?"

"Of course not. Who is Xia Bo, but he is the strongest gymnasium owner in the Kanto region."

The three arms landed on Xia Bo's shoulders at the same time again, and they patted lightly, which should be comforting.

By the way, he also played a classic moral kidnapping, leaving the latter speechless.

"Skull-headed dragon? Is this a stunned-headed dragon?" The young man standing in the front couldn't help blurting out.


As soon as the words fell, the little cephalosaurus that was still rushing around in the explosion finally noticed the sight of everyone, turned its big head around, let out a low growl, and a pair of red pupils were instantly stained with a tinge of blood. The redness, the aura instantly became dangerous, and there was even a vague aura of wildness in the narrow laboratory, which made people feel chilled.

The restoration of a fossil is different from the hatching of an elf egg. Although the former is still a baby after restoration, the most basic fighting ability still exists.

"Bloody pupils? Good job!"

Faced with this dangerous aura, Xiaozhi turned a blind eye, even his face became rosy, and he slapped his hands excitedly.

He has confronted the fossil pterosaur with the most powerful breath before, but the breath of the little cephalosaur in front of him is still a lot worse, and he still has some understanding of the characteristics of fossil Pokémon now.

Bloody pupils can appear, which is a sign that the blood concentration reaches 10%.

Moreover, the aggressive appearance of this little dinosaur, and its eagerness to rush at anything, suit his appetite very much.

Especially the bald head reminded him of the Squirtle at the beginning, just looking at it made him want to touch it.


With a low growl, the little cephalopod dragon's eyes were filled with redness, and its hind legs slammed on the ground. This time, it gave up hitting the wall, and instead slammed directly towards the crowd.


Caught off guard, the temporary worker Xiaofu who was standing at the front was knocked straight.

"Ah, I'm tickling my kidney!!"

Feeling a sharp pain in his stomach, Xiao Fu held his stomach, his face turned from blue to purple and then black in an instant, and he almost vomited out the overnight meal.

But the Brachiosaurus succeeded in one blow, its round head was still pressing on Xiaofu at this moment, but before it stopped moving, its hind legs hit the ground and kicked again, pushing against Xiaofu again and used the head hammer again.

boom! !

A muffled hum sounded at the place of contact.



The little husband even spat out a deep-fried dough stick that hadn't been digested in the morning in mid-air, and the body was attached to the skull dragon and quickly retreated, until he hit the wall of the corridor outside before stopping, unable to fight in an instant.

Xia Bo and Xiaozhi understood, turned their bodies around and hid on both sides of the gate, giving this person enough space.

"What happened?"

"What happened?"

The three geological researchers next door came out one after another after hearing the movement in the corridor, and found that the temporary worker had fainted on the ground, and there was a small gray-blue dinosaur with an obviously irritable expression on his body.


How dare you look at me! ?

The little cephalosaurus shifted its attack target again, its eyes were red, and its thighs kicked the ground and rushed towards the three geologists.

In less than an instant, four people had fallen in the corridor.

And the expression of that little cephalosaurus became obviously more wrong. This time, it crazily crashed into the wall of the corridor, and the blood in its eyes became more intense. .

"This guy..."

Xiao Gang, who is good at observing, was the first to notice something was wrong. He found that there was still a lot of red liquid left on the skull.

But the big red liquid in the nutrition jar just now was gone. If the glass was broken, it would flow all over the ground, but at this moment, except for the wet body of the little cephalic dragon, there is not much liquid on the surrounding ground.

The nutrient solution has its own hypnotic function. Even if the Brachiosaurus has completely recovered within 2 hours, the next hour should be sleeping and absorbing the surrounding nutrients, waiting to wake up...

Combining everything, Xiao Gang blinked, opened his eyes, and finally got the answer.

"This stupid dragon stuffed that big vat of red nutrient solution in one gulp!?"

As soon as he said this, Xiao Gang shuddered again, and finally remembered a woman from Palast a few months ago.

He had already forgotten the woman's appearance and name. The only thing he remembered was that the woman gave Xiaozhi a small jar at that time, but this was not some fossil activation potion.

It can greatly improve the physical fitness and concentration of Pokémon in a short period of time, and the mind becomes extremely excited...

simply put.

It's a stimulant.


He looked at the skull dragon with the word "temper" written all over his face in front of him, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

Xiaozhi seems to have poured the bottle of stimulant into it just now...

At that time, the woman seemed to have said that one pill is the normal dosage...

Then this stupid dragon swallowed the whole tank of water, is it drinking the stimulant as water?

It's not enough to bleed to death...


The little cephalosaurus once again aimed its gaze at the four of Xiaozhi, and after a low growl, it kicked its hind limbs on the ground, and charged forward with its eyes closed, with an imposing manner!

Head hammer! !

"I come!"

Xiao Zhi stepped forward and stood in front of the three of them, and withstood the head-butt attack of the cranium dragon with his steel and iron bones.

"Scallion duck, this guy is really strong..."

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