He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 227: Learn from the Ancient Beast Huskies!

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The skull dragon seemed to hit a steel wall, and the reaction force made its head dizzy.

"It's okay, everything's okay..."

Suffering a steel head hammer from the front, Xiaozhi relieved the pain after taking a few deep breaths, and hugged the skull dragon with his backhand, comforting softly.

After the fossil hatches and recovers, Pokémon will inevitably be afraid of everything around them and destroy them everywhere. This is common sense, and as a trainer, we must alleviate this fear.

Xiaozhi stretched out his palm and kissed the back of the head cover dragon. The latter's skin has a matte texture between metal and rock, which feels very good.


After some operations, the gradually irritable eyes of the head cover dragon gradually calmed down, and the red light in the blood-colored pupils slowly dissipated.

Although it was just a fossil 2 hours ago, it could somehow feel that the human in front of it felt very familiar to it.

Hugs are also very warm...

Before recovering, Xiaozhi often took out the fossils.

Just like the old man likes to hold walnuts in his hands, tossing for many years can form a coating oxide film on the surface of the walnut, then this walnut is no longer an ordinary walnut.

Although Xiaozhi didn't reveal the patina on the fossil, a fetter has already connected one person and one stone...

Pokémon resurrected from fossils are not considered babies. According to the official data definition, the level of Pokémon hatched from Pokémon eggs is lv1, while the level of fossils is lv25, but this only refers to the ability.

If you only refer to the brain and mind, there is no difference between the two, both are new babies.


The cranium dragon's body gradually stopped shaking. Although there is still some inexplicable power in its body, which makes it very irritable, and wants to rush up to have a good time when it sees anything, but if there is this man's warm embrace, It should be suppressed.

It couldn't help but narrowed its eyes in relief.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

Suddenly, the little head cover dragon felt as if someone had knocked on his forehead three times, making a crisp sound like knocking on a wooden fish.

"Haha, I'm sorry, your forehead is too smooth, I couldn't help knocking it three times." Xiaozhi scratched his head and explained with a smile.

Brachiosaurus: "?"

The mind that had been soothed just now disappeared in an instant, and a fierce bloody red light appeared in its eyes again, and the irritable blood in its body spurted out, and it could not be suppressed at all.

This time it couldn't calm down.

How dare you knock on my forehead?

Even if I have a crush on you, I will push you away today!


The little cephalic dragon let out a low growl, and struggled desperately to break free from Xiaozhi's arms, but under the restraint of the latter's steel and iron frame, it was so irritable for a while that it couldn't break free.


Xiaozhi was a little surprised, he felt that the wooden fish he held in his hand seemed to be getting hot, and it seemed to be expanding in size.


In the next second, a burst of fierce red light energy emerged from the body of the little cephalic dragon, which turned into a coat of real energy and attached to its body. In an instant, a violent prehistoric breath spewed out from its body, covering the entire body. Surrounding the audience, the surrounding air seemed to be frozen, and it became difficult for everyone to even breathe.

Xia Bo and his party couldn't help taking half a step back, and were startled by the sudden eruption of the skull dragon.

"This is..."

The dazzling red light shone on Xiaozhi's face, and he couldn't help but shrink his pupils. He seemed to have seen this kind of behavior on that fossil pterosaur before.

If the sign of 10% prehistoric blood concentration is red pupils, then the sign of 50% prehistoric blood concentration is the condensed red light energy coat around the body, with an extremely terrifying barbaric atmosphere.

Didn't it mean only 10%?

This is directly pulled to 50%?

"Is it because of the mutation caused by mixing with that stimulant?"

Xiaozhi's expression gradually became ecstatic.

Not only the prehistoric aura of wildness, but everyone can also feel that there is an extra energy in this red light energy. They will be very angry for no reason just by looking at it from a distance.

The mood has become very irritable!

"Has the prehistoric bloodline mutated into a prehistoric violent bloodline...?"

Xiao Gang gave this mutation a new name on the spot.

Although the prehistoric blood aura of Microcephalosaurus is much worse than that of fossil pterosaurs, but if you add the extra violent power obtained from folk black technology and stimulants, it is hard to say whether it is strong or weak.. .

This violent red light energy made Xiaozhi subconsciously relax a little bit, and the skull dragon took the opportunity to twist his body suddenly, broke free from the restraints, and fell to the ground.


It saw that Xiaozhi was not easy to mess with, and subconsciously it didn't want to attack this human being, and the few humans behind were also blocked by Xiaozhi.

Then the Brachiosaurus turned its head, its hind limbs ran again, and began to hit other places with its forehead.



After hitting several times in the corridor, it has already hit the hall all the way, no matter where it goes, no matter it is worthless furniture or valuable scientific instruments, it has been knocked to pieces by it.

For a moment, the entire Red Lotus Research Institute seemed to be smashed by the Rockets, full of chaos.

There was even a broken fan on the skull dragon. It hit from the center, and the remaining fans around it were stuck on its neck, like a flower blooming.

"What a demolition beast..."

Everyone couldn't help being amazed.

Just recovered from the fossils, it has such vitality, the future can be expected!

"Come on, let's hit, I don't care anymore, hahaha..."

Xia Bo slumped on the sofa with a spoiled expression on his face, with a smirk on his face.

When the director came back, he said that the volcano had erupted earlier, but only one meteorite fell, which just happened to smash Honglian like this?

It should be reasonable.



The little cephalosaurus was still wantonly destroying and demolishing houses, and the blue round head even left a dent on every wall, and the place it went was full of mess.

Xiaozhi finally came to his senses and hurried forward to stop him.


But before he got close, the little cephalopod dragon seemed to have seen something, stopped its movements very abruptly, raised its head, and stared straight ahead in a daze.

"Mugailong, what's wrong?"

Xiao Zhi signaled everyone not to approach, and walked up slowly by himself.

Looking at the sapphire-like back of the skull dragon's head, his unicorn arm was itchy again, and he really wanted to reach out and tap it now.

"I'd better wait until I'm familiar with it before knocking..."

Xiaozhi forcibly suppressed this impulse, like when he touched the Squirrel's head at first, the latter would be very angry, but now it doesn't matter if he touches it by himself.

He stood behind the little cranium and followed its gaze, wondering what could make it turn into a wooden fish dinosaur in a violent state.

"This is..."

Seeing the items in front of him clearly, Xiaozhi's eyes froze for a moment.

This is a fossil skeleton of lower jaw teeth, which is very old. Standing on a high platform, it is protected by a glass cover, but even through the glass, it still exudes a faint prehistoric atmosphere, with a mysterious wild atmosphere.

It's prehistoric, prehistoric...

It is the fossil of the ancient fierce beast named Husky! !


The little cephalosaurus couldn't help but let out a low growl at the lower jaw fossil, and a sense of fear arose in his heart. The violent red light on his body disappeared immediately, as if he was shocked by the latter.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi quickly touched Tougailong's bald forehead, and said:

"Don't be afraid, this is an ancient beast named Husky. The strength of this beast lies not only in its own strength, but also in the fact that Husky is loyal like a soldier, sticks to its heart, obeys orders, especially It will not destroy the surrounding things at will, and it also had a nickname at that time, it was called the Guardian Beast!"

That's right, he intends to use the name of the ancient fierce beast to educate the head-covered dragon.

"If you want to become a powerful ancient beast like a husky, remember not to destroy and demolish houses casually. You must learn from your idols and be a soldier who sticks to your heart!"

The corner of Xiaozhi's mouth curled up, and he secretly smiled.

Huskies, ancient armored beasts, learn from them.

Sometimes an idol's example is far more effective than a parent's beating.


Hearing that the head-covered dragon's eyes became brighter than ever before, looking at the glass box in front of him, his eyes were full of admiration. It had just hatched and recovered in less than an hour, and set a lofty goal in life!

Become an ancient beast as powerful as a husky! !


Unknowingly, the little tongue of the Brachiosaurus spit out and landed on one side of the mouth, exposing it to the air.

Seeing this, everyone was completely relieved, secretly thinking that Xiaozhi is really a clever little ghost, who can think of using idols to educate children.

As for what Huskies looked like before, no one knows at all.


But not long after, a roar came.

I saw a fierce red energy coat bursting out of the skull dragon again, attached to the surface of the body, and the wild and violent breath instantly became stronger than ever before!

Immediately afterwards, it lowered its head, kicked its hind legs on the ground, and bumped head-on towards the high platform in front of it.

Since you want to become a husky, the first thing you need to do is flush the husky's grave! !

Head hammer! !


The high platform containing the husky fossils was instantly shattered...

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