He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 228 Director Richuan and Tyrannosaurus Rex Fossils


The high platform containing the huskies shattered suddenly, and countless broken stones and glass residues fell down, stirring up a burst of smoke. The fossils are thoroughly ground into powder.

How dare you become my idol, all the ashes will be thrown away for you today.

The wrath of the wooden fish is also free from the crown and barefoot, grabbing the ground with the head and ears.

After a lot of tossing and turning, Xiaotou Gailong bent his thighs and sat down on the ground, his tongue fell to his mouth, spitting out madly to dissipate heat, panting heavily.

The barbaric aura and violent aura dissipated from his body at the same time, and he was like a tired baby at the moment, harmless to humans and animals.

Of course, if you count the traces around the Red Lotus Research Institute, no one should think that this is harmless to humans and animals, and even wish to take out the whip and slap its ass hard.


It has been dismantling houses everywhere just after it was recovered from the machine, and it has exhausted a lot of energy.

"How about it, Wood... Skull Dragon, are you willing to be my Pokémon? Aim to become the strongest prehistoric beast!"

At this time, Xiaozhi finally remembered the means of being a trainer, took out a poke ball and held it in front of the latter.


The little cephalon was panting heavily, but he didn't refuse Xiaozhi's invitation.

It has a good impression of Xiaozhi, and it is quite moved by the pie of the strongest beast.


The elf ball just hit the back of the little cephalopod dragon's head, and after a crisp wooden fish knocking sound, it turned into a red light and received it into it. After shaking it three times, it indicated that the subjugation was successful, and there was nothing unusual.

"My first fossil Pokémon, successfully tamed!!"

Xiaozhi looked at the elf ball in his hand with a joyful expression.

"Congratulations, Xiaozhi, this little cephalosaurus is quite qualified."

"But it's another thorn, and it still needs to be worn in."

Xiaogang and Xiaoxia also came up together and congratulated repeatedly.

If the prehistoric violent bloodline can be fully mastered, and the power of this bloodline can be fully displayed in battle, the future can be expected.

"Since everything is done, let's go first?"

"Xia Bo, I look forward to meeting you next time."

Seeing that the matter came to an end, a layer of wall skin even fell from a ceiling, the three of them didn't dare to stay for a long time, after a haha, they quickly oiled the soles of their feet and left the Honglian Research Institute.

It's okay, it's going to explode anyway.

Xia Bo: "..."

He looked at the messy surroundings, and then at the fainted researchers and husbands in the corridor next to him.

"Forget it, throw the pot to the temporary workers..."


A few hours later, in the Red Lotus Research Institute, several researchers and her husband Xia Bo and others were drinking tea, surrounded by various ruins, and from time to time, a few pieces of paint fell off the wall.

But their expressions were not too turbulent. Instead, they looked at ease, and at the same time they entered the state of sages.

Xia Bo had already told them all about the upcoming eruption of the Red Lotus Volcano. In the face of even worse things, the Red Lotus Research Institute was demolished by a future husky, so it was nothing.

Everyone was even quite grateful to Xiaozhi and his party.

Compared with his own life, what is this money?

"I'll make a phone call to the director, let him take care of it here..."

Xia Bo sighed softly, took out his phone and tapped a line of numbers.

After all, his main job is the owner of the Red Lotus Gym, and the researcher is only in name, and these things should be left to the director of the Red Lotus Research Institute himself.

The latter's status in the Pokémon Alliance is not low, and it is more convincing to contact the alliance to assist in evacuation and rescue.

Moreover, Xia Bo just thought of the site selection of Red Lotus Gym 3.0 last night, and now he really wants to go to the field to investigate. Compared with these bells and whistles, he is more interested in the battle of the Gym.


After the call got through, Xia Bo was the first to speak:

"Hey, is it brother Yinhe, there is good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear?"

The voice on the other end of the phone is also an old man, and his voice is quite capable and direct.

"Let's start with the bad news, I don't like to wait..."

Hearing that Xia Bo smiled and replied:

"Oh, the bad news is that our Fire Lotus Volcano is about to erupt, and the entire Red Lotus Island will be reduced to ruins. You should hurry back and take charge of the overall situation. By the way, your Richuan family's status in the alliance is not low, right? Hurry up and get a few people over to help."

Hearing that the other end of the phone fell into silence, it took a long while to recover and speak again, but the trembling could be clearly heard from the tone.

"So what's the good news...?"

The answer that director Richuan wants to hear most now is, "The good news is the bad news just now. I lied to you. Is it unexpected?"

Soon, Xia Bo replied again:

"Oh, the good news is that our Red Lotus Research Institute was just demolished by a husky, so you don't have to think about how to demolish the research institute anymore. The research institute is gone now."

Director Rikawa: "?"

You call this good news?

And what the hell is a husky?

"Husky? An ancient beast left by a prehistoric civilization. Didn't you write this thesis? It was later listed as the top ten hypotheses of cerebral palsy in the modern world." Xia Bo was puzzled for a while:

"Doesn't our institute still have the husky jaw fossils you excavated?"

Speaking of the jaw fossil, Xia Bo was also puzzled for a while.

Obviously the lower jaw fossil was attacked by the cephalosaurus, but when the crowd dispersed, Xia Bo found that the lower jaw fossil was not damaged at all, it was still intact, but it was embedded in the ground, which was extremely hard.

Ordinary prehistoric fossils do not have such hardness. Prehistoric fossils should be turned into powder directly.

And it seemed that after some collisions, there was a ray of danger on it, which made Xia Bo feel inexplicable.

"What are you talking about? My paper only assumed the existence of prehistoric civilizations. When did I mention huskies? And when did our research institute have husky fossils? Are you confused? Who said we have huskies? Fossil?"

When it comes to academics, Hikawa Yinhe's tone becomes unfriendly.

Xia Bo scratched his head and said uncertainly: "I seem to have heard what my husband said."

Hikawa Yinhe asked again: "Little husband? Who is Xiaofu? When does our research institute have a researcher named Xiaofu?"

"Little husband is a temporary..."

Speaking of this, Xia Bo was breathless.

It's the pot of temporary workers again!

The temporary worker who was drinking tea at the side couldn't help shivering when Xia Bo suddenly mentioned himself and the husky.

"Hehe, deputy director... Actually, the ancient beast Husky was made up by me to bluff outsiders..."

The Red Lotus Research Institute undertakes all kinds of tourism services, so it is natural to make up some tricks and legends to attract ignorant outsiders.

"But I'm not talking nonsense. I remember hearing the director mention that this jaw fossil is really a prehistoric civilization from prehistory..." Xiao Fu argued.

Hikawa Yinhe on the other end of the phone seemed to have heard their conversation, and his tone suddenly became hurried.

"Hey, you are not talking about the jaw fossil in the hall, are you? This thing is very dangerous. Once it touches the flesh of a creature, something terrible will appear..."

"Old Xia, didn't I tell you before that I may have discovered a prehistoric civilization, and that jaw fossil is likely to be a legendary creature called "Tyrannosaurus Rex". This is not a treasure. Dreams, but another creature..."

"Anyway, I'll talk about it when I go back. I'll book a plane ticket right away. Don't take out that jaw fossil, let alone touch it with your hands..."

Hikawa Yinhe said a few words in a row, then hung up the phone, and hurriedly booked a plane ticket.

Xia Bo: "?"

He was talking on the phone with one hand, while tossing the jaw fossil with the other, his expression was gradually freezing...



three days later.

The incident at the Fire Lotus Research Institute has come to an end. After Xiaozhi and his party soaked in the hot springs for 3 days, they finally planned to leave this small island and go to the location of the eighth gymnasium.

Enough rest, and then we have to fight hard.

"The last badge, here I come!"

Just when the three of them packed up everything and arrived at the pier of Honglian Island and were about to set off, a faint voice suddenly came from Xiaozhi's mind, it was Brother Chi who hadn't been online for many days.

"There is a strong enemy nearby, do you want to touch it?"


Without even thinking about it, Xiao Zhi immediately agreed.

He was already itchy.

Brother Chi said he was a strong enemy, so he must be a formidable opponent!

"Then head east for 2 kilometers after going out to sea, and you will see two connected islands..."

Chi reminded.

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