He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 229 Reshape the body!

"What a coincidence, are you all going to Twin Islands?"

At the pier, the three of Xiaozhi were still looking for a boat that could travel 2,000 meters east to Honglian Island, when they saw a familiar person.

Sunglasses, gray beard, bald head, Xiabo again.

At this time, Xia Bo was fiddling with on a small yacht, and when he saw the three of them, he greeted them from a distance, and he heard what Xiao Zhi and the three of them said.

Honglian Island is 2000 meters eastward, which is Twin Islands.

"Xia Bo, why do you...?"

Seeing Xia Bo's appearance about going out to sea for adventure, the three of Xiaozhi were taken aback for a moment, now you don't want to stay on the island to take charge of the overall situation, but also go out to explore?

"Hehe, I'm just a nominal person who doesn't care about things. Now that the director is back, he's more familiar with this than me."

Xia Bo replied with a smile. During the conversation, everyone saw many ships engraved with the Pokémon League at the pier. It seems that the officials are aware of this matter.

The evacuation has also begun to proceed in an orderly manner.

"Why do you want to go to Twin Islands all of a sudden? It just so happens that this old man is going to that place too."

Xia Bo greeted the three of them to board the boat, and happened to see them off for a ride.

As the speedboat engine started, the three of them also officially left Honglian Island and headed for the next-door Twin Islands.


"Oh, are you looking for the legendary frozen bird?"

On the deck, Xia Bo was a little surprised. He had already heard from Xiaozhi that he was going to challenge a powerful enemy, and the target was the Twin Islands. The answer was naturally the God of Snow Mountain, the legendary Frozen Bird.

"It is said that in the deepest part of the twin islands, there is a mysterious and powerful frozen bird, but this is a legend long ago. I have stayed in Red Lotus Island for so long and I have never heard of anyone seeing it in recent years. Pass."

Xia Bo was a little curious about how they knew.

Of course Xiaozhi would not expose Brother Chi, he only said that it was a passer-by who met him by chance.

"However, you may be disappointed this trip. There are three divine birds in the Kanto region, but each of them is a legendary existence. It is not so easy for normal people to meet, let alone challenge them."

Xia Bo operated the steering wheel and laughed heartily.

Speaking of this, he is actually a little proud. The illustration book has exposed his background before. Xia Bo is just a scientist. He officially set foot on the road to become a scientist because he was saved by a legendary flame bird one day. The path of a fire attribute trainer.

He is the one who has seen the flame bird!

You know some people spend their entire lives never seeing a single legendary Pokémon.

"Three Divine Birds? Are they rare?"

Hearing that Xiaozhi inexplicably took out a yellow feather from his bosom, the texture was hard, the upper part was in the shape of spikes, and the surrounding was even faintly surrounded by electric current.

"This is?!"

Xia Bo widened his glasses.

"Oh, it's not a big deal. I overturned a lightning bird before, and this is the hair it gave me later. Really, the legendary bird also loses hair. Do you think it's funny?" Xiaozhi smiled. replied.


Xia Bo quickly regained his composure, it seemed that this kid had a lot of blessings, it sounded like he had even fought with a divine bird.

It seems to have been approved by the other party?

Naturally, he didn't believe that Xiao Zhi really overwhelmed the other party, he only thought that it was the encouragement feather that the Lightning Bird gave to novices.

"Oh, speaking of this, I seem to have another feather here, which is the feather of a flashing toucan, please identify it."

Xiaozhi reached into his arms and groped.

"Hehe, toucan? What can a toucan do, it can't do anything... the god of volcanoes, are you the hair of a toucan?!"

In the middle of Xia Bo's words, his tone suddenly changed, his voice was hurried, and his eyeballs almost popped out of his sunglasses.

At this moment, Xiaozhi was holding a colorful feather in his hand, and the surface of the feather even emitted a burst of colorful blurred light. As soon as he took it out, the whole yacht was immediately filled with a holy and great atmosphere.

"This is..."

Xia Bo stared straight at the iridescent feather. Although he didn't know what kind of Pokémon it came from, just based on the breath, the owner of the feather should be higher than the three gods.

"This boy..."

Xia Bo's face became extremely deep. At first, he thought that Xiao Zhi was just a novice trainer with some skills, but now it seems that the background may not be simple.

"Put it away, don't show this iridescent feather in front of the public, maybe it will make the villain feel evil..." Xia Bo reminded, then manipulated the steering wheel again, as if thinking of something, and fell into deep thought.

"Speaking of which, I seem to have heard a legend when I was a child..."

Seeing that there was a story to listen to, and the twin islands were still some distance away, Xiao Zhi quickly put away two feathers, signaling Xia Bo to start the performance.

"Seeing that you are carrying two items of legendary Pokémon alone, the old man suddenly remembered such a legend. According to the legend, if you get the approval of all the legendary Pokémon in this world and get their tokens, you will get Blessings of the world."

"In ancient times, this kind of people seemed to be called the brave of the gods, but there is no such term now."

Xia Bo paused for a while and continued:

"Moreover, by gathering the power of all tokens, you can change your fate against the sky, turn your hands into clouds and turn your hands into rain, and even rewrite the laws and will of the world. Even if you die, you can reshape your body and become an almost The invincible immortal existence, I am afraid that even the current champion Tianwang can only serve tea and water beside him..."

Xiaozhi was still listening mysteriously, when he suddenly heard something, he couldn't help shaking his body, and interrupted quickly:

"Wait, what did you say last sentence?"

Xia Bo raised his eyebrows, a little confused.

"Last sentence? Hero of God?"

Xiaozhi's tone suddenly became very hasty, and he said anxiously: "No, it's the last sentence that is almost invincible!"

Xia Bo scratched his bald head:

"Can you reshape your body even if you die?"

"Haha did you hear that?!"

Xiaozhi suddenly shouted happily, and danced on the deck.

Xia Bo: "?"

What did I hear?

Xia Bo looked at Xiaozhi in front of him in a bewildered climax, while Xiaoxia and Xiaogang's eyes in the back gradually became deeper. They can know what Xiaozhi is talking about now...


"Well, I heard..."

In the soul, Chi Rarely stood up from the Grand Master's chair, and there was a bit of fluctuation in his voice.

Reshaping the physical body can be said to be Chi's top priority. Even though he has been sitting on the grand master's chair with Ge You, he has been thinking about it all the time.

Xiaozhi's age is growing up day by day, and Chi can't always stay in the former's soul. It's okay to say now, it will be very embarrassing to get married and make a man in the future.

Or use the power of science to cultivate a physical body through the power of human technology.

Or use the power of metaphysics to find the legendary Pokémon and reshape a physical body with their divine power.

From the looks of it now, it was the metaphysics that had the first breakthrough.

Although Xia Bo's legend may not be accurate, it is still a feasible solution. Even Chi has not seen all the beasts and defeated them one by one.

He didn't quite understand the power of the gods.

Gathering the power of all the beasts, if even this cannot reshape a new body, then there is probably no other way.

Xiaozhi and Chi's eyes lit up at the same time, and they had a common goal in their hearts.

Rush away all the beasts!

The latter is to reshape the physical body.

Apart from helping his elder brother, the former also made his blood boil for the fact that he was simply chasing the beast! !

"Didi. Obtain the main task [Slaughter God like a dog]: Defeat all the legendary Pokémon in this world or get their approval, and get their tokens."

"Didi. Current token progress: 2/unknown."

The illustrated book detected the will of the two and issued a notification sound.

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