He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2470 Vulcan Moth is orthodox in Iron Poison Moth!

"Acceleration characteristics...?!"

The corner of Kona's mouth twitched, and he couldn't help blurting out.

Even if it is triggered once, can you continue to increase? !

The acceleration feature is only added to the speed, and this quark charge is directly added to the special attack... Doing nothing, as long as you stay in the electric field, the murder book can be stacked one after another? !

In this case, it is impossible to let Chuanshan King continue to hide underground!

"Icicle crash!


Kona sharpened his gaze, and suddenly attacked.

This Alola Mountain King also specially chose a special angle from behind, and suddenly poked out of the ground, and with a flick of its claws, a sharp and sharp ice cone flew into the air!

"It's useless, use Fire Dance!"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi just greeted him with a smile.

The Vulcan Moth once again danced a mechanical dance in the air, and then danced several long flame whips, sweeping and whipping around again.

The absolutely defensive Dance of Fire has no dead ends at all.


After the increase in quark charging, the power is even higher, and even the incoming icicle crashes are directly melted into water vapor!

Seeing this, Kona's face became flustered for the first time today.

If the latter is allowed to stack up, I'm afraid it won't be able to push the team directly...

This panic also spread to Chuanshan King, who couldn't help but slow down.


The flame whip finally hit its back, and most of the dense ice cones melted away, causing extremely high damage...

Four times the restraint, the effect is remarkable!

"Calm down, use digging to dodge temporarily!"

Kona realized that he had a flaw, and said in a low voice.

Xiaozhi has also been paying attention to the changes in Kona's demeanor, secretly marveling that he is indeed the old and spicy king, and calmed down so quickly.

In fact, don't look at the description of quark charging so powerful...

But this characteristic is not as outrageous as the acceleration characteristic. The speed of the second increase under the electric field is actually not fast. It is more of an effect of disturbing the enemy's mind and causing people a sense of oppression.

At that time, after Mr. Akromar invents the charging props for the iron poisonous moth, the combined effect of the inside and outside may be able to catch up with the increase efficiency of the acceleration characteristic...

However, with the dance of fire move that is absolutely defensive, Chuanshanwang has no way to attack at all.

Although in the last round, Mr. Mashid's martial arts bear teacher accurately saw the flaws of the dance of fire, and the move passed through the gaps between the dense flames and long whips, and hit Mr. Adek's Vulcan moth...

Obviously, a Pokémon like Chuanshan King is purely muscular, so it is naturally impossible to have the spiritual power and insight of a martial arts bear.

"However, the mental power of my iron poisonous moth is not weak!"

At this time, Xiaozhi suddenly flashed his light and shouted:

"Use mental force!"

The Vulcan Moth's metal wings closed, the orange cross electronic eyes flashed, and the vast and exquisite superpowers swept out like a tide, even covering the entire underground!

buzz buzz...!

There was a high-frequency trembling sound, and it precisely caught the Alola Chuanshan King who was hiding under the mud.


With a sudden drag, the latter was even pulled out from the ground and exposed in mid-air.

Kona was startled, is the opponent also a super king? !

Seeing that Chuanshan King was frozen and bound in the air, she quickly shouted:

"In this case, attack directly! Use the direct drill!


Alola Chuanshan King understood, clapped his claws together, and turned his whole body rapidly.


Accompanied by the powerful centripetal force, and the sharp ice needles turning behind him, he broke free from the shackles!

This time, Chuanshanwang's body turned into a huge ice pick steel drill, which made a huge high-frequency noise, pierced the sky, and rushed straight towards the iron poisonous moth!

Seeing this, Xiaozhi didn't even look at the lake, and shouted out the big move with a frantic look in his eyes:

"Good time! Iron poisonous moth, use big characters to explode!


The iron poisonous moth understood, and the wings on the back flickered, emitting a scorching breath like the sun, and merged together abruptly.

Its head was lifted up, hot and thick flames condensed around the mouth, mixed with hot wind, blowing out suddenly!

The flame turned into a huge flaming text on the way, burning the air with great momentum!

Boom boom...!

The next moment, Alola Chuanshanwang's direct charge hit the center of the big character explosive flame. In the past, it could easily penetrate and smash any kind of flame it faced.

Today, however, the heat is so hot that even its steel drill bits are completely melted by the flames.

Then a heat wave surged in, like a giant palm, covering its face.


The straight-drilling move was completely destroyed, and the big character burst into flames on Alola Chuanshanwang's body, exploding and exploding!

The fire is soaring, the effect is remarkable!

And Chuanshan King also fell powerlessly from the billowing black smoke and fell to the ground.

There were scorched black marks all over his body, most of the ice needles on his back had melted away, and his breath was extremely sluggish...

"Alola King Chuanshan, you can't fight!"

The referee, Don George, immediately said loudly, this mechanical version of Vulcan Moth is completely pressing Chuanshan King to fight...

The strong victory of the iron poisonous moth also caused abnormally loud cheers to erupt in the venue.

What about Hezhong Sun God Vulcan Moth, I'm really not familiar...

The orthodoxy of Vulcan Moth lies in Iron Poison Moth!

Now there are only iron moths!


Seeing the reverse of the public opinion of the audience, Adek's complexion darkened, and he really wanted to prove for his Vulcan Moth.

But just that big-character explosive fire just now...it seems that Xiaozhi's iron poisonous moth is really better?

Another ground-climbing wing for physical combat, and a more powerful iron poisonous moth...

How does it feel, the normal Vulcan Moth is really going to become a Muggle! ?


"Well done, Iron Moth, keep fighting!"

Xiaozhi won the next round again, and Xiaozhi did not hesitate to praise him.

The body of the iron poisonous moth did not move much, but the metal wings on the back opened and closed like breathing. Obviously, the heart of the machine was quite excited at the moment.

"Thank you, King Chuanshan..."

Kona raised his hand to take back Alola Chuanshanwang, and comforted him in a low voice through the poke ball.

Sure enough, against an opponent like Xiaozhi, a straight-forward Pokémon like Chuanshan King couldn't play a very good role.

"Then I'm counting on you, Silly Beast!"

His eyes sank, and Kona sent a third Pokémon, which was the dumb beast that had performed well in the previous game.

"Psychic thoughts!"

"Psychic thoughts!"

Even as soon as it came up, the two trainers shouted the same command.

The eyes of the Pokémon in front of them were fixed, and they all burst out with superb and vast waves of thought power, rushing towards each other!

The faint blue arc of thought power, with the center of the arena as the dividing line, kept colliding and stiffening.

buzz buzz...!

The invisible mental impact even made a high-frequency piercing sound, setting off a substantial airflow towards the surroundings.

In the end, the power of thought exploded, and the energy poured out and spread!

Both the Iron Poison Moth and the Silly Beast leaned back, and neither of them took advantage of it! ?

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