He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2471 Two champions, Du and Dandi!

Meanwhile, the Galar region.

Gongmen City, somewhere on the street of the World Championships venue.

A man with red vertical hair was sitting in front of the round table. His facial features were firm and handsome, and his face was sharp and angular. Coupled with the majestic aura endowed by the strong aura, many passing female tourists whispered longingly.


It was the Kanto champion Du, but he didn't pay attention to the movement around him, and just calmly stared at the Rotom phone in his hand.

Needless to say, the level of science and technology in the Galar region is much more developed than that in the Kanto region.

All people use convenient Rotom mobile phones, which have various functions such as communication, illustrated book, and entertainment.

"I didn't expect Kona and Xiaozhi to face each other...Which side will win this match?"

Du was also following the Hezhong World Championships, watching the live broadcast at the same time, and the corners of his mouth could not help showing a playful arc.

I didn't expect that there was a civil war in my hometown, and it looked very intense.

He understands Kona's strength, it's extremely powerful...

As for Xiaozhi, although he has seen the latter fight before, he is definitely a top trainer of the younger generation.

But he really hasn't paid much attention to how far Xiaozhi has grown now... He happened to pass this battle, so let's take a good look!

I was watching vigorously, at this moment, a burst of hearty laughter suddenly sounded from behind.

"Oh~ Du from the Kanto region is about to play against me, do you still care about the other side's game?"

Hearing this, Du raised his eyebrows, and finally moved his eyes away from the screen and looked behind.

Instead, he saw a man with long blue-purple hair, a flat cap, brown skin, and his age.

With a small circle of sideburns and a beard, he has a rough and bold temperament.

He was wearing the standard sportswear of the Galar Arena, but he was wearing the champion's brocade cloak behind his back, which seemed a bit out of style.

The brocade robe and cloak were even covered with several advertisements.

Champion of Galar, Dandi!

Du didn't say much about this opponent.

The two favorites to win the championship gathered together, which immediately attracted many passers-by to watch. Du Du frowned slightly, so he put away Rotom's phone and stood up.

"Hmph...you will know our strength after fighting..."

After leaving a slightly hostile sentence, Du walked away alone.

This "strongest champion" who was forcibly created and touted by the Galar Alliance, although he does have some strength...

But he doesn't recognize the title of "The Strongest Champion"!

Speaking of which, for the two World Championships this time, for the Kanto League, Kona originally participated in the Hezhong region, while the World Championships in the Galar region were contested by Shiba, the king of fighters.

How could it be so easy to invite a champion to participate in a pheasant competition without knowing the details?

Not transitioning is a bit shameful for the Galal Alliance's excessive praise of god-making, so he took the initiative to take over the task.

"Just in time~ I heard that Mr. Ma Shide will also participate in the new World Fighting Championship. I still need time to practice my fighting skills."

The Heavenly King Xiba was very happy and didn't have to get up.

Since Maste did not participate in the last session, Shiba didn't bother to participate.

It is said that the final champion was won by an unknown monkey?

Although the fire monkey is the signature Pokémon in his hometown, it really doesn't have much gold content.

But the new World Fighting Championship is different. Xiba intends to avenge his shame and revenge on Ma Shide.

"Uh, it's really indifferent..."

Seeing Du go straight away, Emperor Dan scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

He also wanted to ask Du, is there any strong player in the Hezhong World Championships?

On the other side, it seems that we have almost reached the semi-finals, the final stage of the finals, right...?

Emperor Dan doesn't know much about this aspect. President Luoz can handle things properly except for fighting, so he doesn't need to worry about it at all.

This allows him to be happy and relaxed. He only needs to concentrate on training and fighting, and keep winning.

"Forget it, I still don't pay attention~ If you are a strong trainer, there will always be a chance to meet him in the future~"

In the end, Dandi smiled, quite hearty and free and easy, but did not continue to pay attention to the situation of the World Championships on Hezhong.

And in the next final, when I face the famous champion Du, I must go all out!



At the same time, under the sky of the Hezhong area, there was an extremely fierce battle.

"Stupid beast, use the feature exchange!"

Seeing that he couldn't overwhelm his opponent in frontal superpowers, Kona's eyes turned cold, and he repeated the old trick again.

The dumb beast sang loudly, and the pink spiritual light cluster flew out, replacing the two upside down...

The characteristic of the dumb beast has been transformed into a quark charge!


Because it is under the electric field, the surrounding electric arc flows into the body, as if it is charging, the body of the dumb beast also flashes with amplified red light.

However, since the most outstanding ability of the Silly Beast itself is physical defense, the hardness defense is also improved.

Facing the iron poisonous moth that is good at special attack, it is almost useless as eggs.

But more importantly, the iron poisonous moth temporarily lost the dangerous characteristic of quark charging.

Next, there is no need to worry that the opponent will continue to stack murder books, you can slow down the rhythm and fight.


On the other end, the iron poisonous moth made a suspicious mechanical sound, and its characteristics changed accordingly...


It's just the slow characteristic, which has obvious slow interference effect on normal organisms, and it's powerless.

But for the poisonous iron moth whose whole body is made up of machinery, there is no delay effect at all.


Following Xiaozhi's low shout, the metal wings of the iron poisonous moth closed, and a violent electric current burst out instantly!


The dense electric current diffuses and surges out, especially under the increase of the surrounding electric field, the power is even more powerful, covering almost the entire audience, and the momentum is about to surpass the Dance of Fire!

On the other side, Kona responded quickly:

"Stupid, use mud to shoot!"

She had already used the tactic of exchanging traits against metal mechanical Pokémon like Electromagnetic Monster in her hometown before.

There really wasn't much negative interference, so she wasn't too surprised.

The dumb beast understood, and sprayed a ball of mud from its mouth, but just half a meter away, the dirty mud burst in the air.


The sprayed mud immediately fell on the dumb beast, forming a layer of brown-black mud on the surface.


This caused the lasing current to fall on this layer of ground-type mud shell, and it was bounced off without any good effect.

"Well, Miss Kona..."

Xiaozhi bit it, it really wasn't so easy to break through.

Apparently, Kola had already figured out a solution to the restrained electric moves...

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