He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2474 The orthodoxy of the sun god is the fire-breathing dragon!

"Oh, it's finally here?!"

Kona let the rain drip from his cheeks, and the mirror reflected a cold light, staring straight at the fire-breathing dragon that suddenly appeared!

She wasn't surprised. She saw Xiaozhi riding a fire-breathing dragon flying around the sky around the world championship venue yesterday. Maybe he specially invited him back to attack his trump card?

At the Silver Conference, Kona had already seen the strength of Xiaozhi, the fire-breathing dragon.

Now that time has passed, the strength of this fire-breathing dragon must have reached a new height, right?

"Chenglong, don't take it lightly...this is a dangerous opponent."

Kona quickly reminded.

After all, as the Kanto Heavenly Kings, facing countless challengers, in order to conquer the ice attribute they are good at, they most often send out the fire-breathing dragon from their hometown Yusanjia.

just strength...

Basically, after a few rounds, he was easily killed by his own Chenglong and quick-frozen.

In recent years, Chenglong has manufactured "fire-breathing dragon ice withering", not a hundred or fifty.


Chenglong let out a melodious humming sound, his eyes were serious.

It naturally felt the strength of the fire-breathing dragon in front of it.



Even the latter flew into the air as soon as he appeared on the stage, raised his head to the sky and let out an excited dragon roar.

Not only was the voice majestic and trembling, but it even set off a gust of airflow, making the surrounding rainwater extremely messy.

It's a formidable opponent!

Also, on the neck of this fire-breathing dragon, there is a silver armor ornament...

"Eh? Did the Charizard wear that armor yesterday...?"

In the stands, Ming Yi squinted his eyes, trying to see the fire-breathing dragon on the field.

On the silver armor necklace, there seemed to be two round jewel stones inlaid symmetrically.

You didn't have it when you practiced yesterday, right?

Glancing at the rain that kept falling from the sky, Xiaozhi suddenly laughed loudly, and shouted boldly:

"Hey! Fire-breathing dragon, don't delay! Just use your full strength!"

On the one hand, he raised his left hand, and the keystone bracelet on it already glowed with bright white light.



The fire-breathing dragon in front of him also let out a low growl, and the ball inlaid with orange-yellow patterns on the right side of the neck also burst into dazzling light in response!

The bright light wraps the whole body of the fire-breathing dragon, and its figure is constantly changing in the light...

"Is it a mega evolution...?!"

Kona didn't dare to be careless, his eyes were extremely focused.

Almost the most famous Pokémon in her hometown, she naturally knows that Charizard has the possibility of mega evolution, and there are even two types!

Which will it be?



There was another high-pitched dragon chant, and the fire-breathing dragon's wings suddenly spread out, breaking through the white light, showing a brand new posture!

The body, shape and even skin color have not changed much.

But the big belly is gone.

The wings became wider, and there were even dilapidated traces of broken wings on the bottom edge.

The arms became smaller, making it difficult to perform powerful dragon claw moves, but on the wrists, slender fleshy wings grew.

The double horns on the top of the head directly turned into three spiked dragon horns, especially the dragon horns in the middle were extraordinarily slender.

The whole body has become more slender, and the temperament has changed from fierce and sturdy at the beginning to more elegant and agile.

But the majestic and noble aura around her has actually increased dramatically!

even give a...

The illusion of another sun? !

This is the Y form of the mega charizard!


With the high-pitched roar of the fire-breathing dragon, golden-white rays of light burst out from its body, rushing straight into the sky.

Even the torrential downpour around him subsided in an instant.

The dark clouds dissipated, and a huge and dazzling sun hung in the sky again, casting warm and hot sunlight...

Sunny day!

This is a new feature of mega Charizard Y, Rizhao.

The appearance comes with a sunny day, which generally only appears on some rare individuals of the ancient god Gulardo, or Nine Tails, and the Coal Turtle.

"Is it mega evolution again?! I didn't expect that Charizard can also mega evolve. It's so handsome!"

"Sunshine characteristics?!"

"I declare that the new sun god in the Hezhong region is the fire-breathing dragon!


"Uh, the sun god's orthodoxy has always been on the mega charizard Y..."

The audience at Hezhong's home court seemed to have almost blood worship for the "Sun God".

Regardless of whether he is strong or not, handsome is enough!

The glare of the sun fell on Kona's face, causing her to frown slightly.

"Y-shape? He's also good at special attacks..."

And the troublesome sunlight properties...

For this feature with its own weather, it has nothing to do with the speed of the enemy and the enemy.

The built-in weather effect will be more stable, even if Chenglong continues to use the move of praying for rain, it will be difficult to completely change it...

"Chenglong, use the water cannon!


The final battle started, and Kona took the lead in attacking Dao.

At least in terms of attributes, she still has the upper hand for the time being?

Chenglong opened his mouth wide and sprayed out a jet of water... It's just that the hot sunny day made Chenglong's throat a little hoarse.

The power of this water cannon also dropped a lot.

It's rare to fight side by side with the fire-breathing dragon again, Xiaozhi's expression is also quite excited at this moment, and he shouted:

"It's useless! Charizard, use hot air!"

The mega fire-breathing dragon Y spread its wings, and its body movements became more flexible, avoiding the incoming water cannon easily.


As the wings flapped forward, scalding hot wind blew out, raising the temperature of the entire arena.

There was even a lot of hot air, and with a "boom", it actually burned into a real flame, and clusters of jets sprang out, which showed how powerful it was!

"Ride the dragon, use Blizzard!"

Seeing this, Kona rushed to meet him head-on.

Chenglong opened his mouth and blew out a storm of ice mist towards the sky, mixed with countless snowflakes.


It's just that when it hits the hot wind head-on, the ice and snow are melted in an instant, and they are pushed back.

Even if it is an ice-type big move, it is difficult to block the hot wind attack in the Y form of the mega charizard!


This forced Chenglong to swallow this move hard. The hot wind blew his whole body, causing the surface of his body to be scorching and stinging, and he couldn't help letting out a muffled groan.

Not only that, Kona also noticed that as the sunshine time continued, the ground of the entire stadium began to dry and crack...

"How does the sunshine of this fire-breathing dragon feel more outrageous than the god of the earth, Gulardo?!"

Kona Tong Kong shrank, and couldn't help complaining.

This already has the legendary Pokémon, the sense of sight that permanently changes the surrounding environment and climate, right? !

Especially for Chenglong, who is used to staying in the water, the water in the air is constantly evaporating and disappearing in an increasingly arid environment.

This made its wet skin dry, making it extremely uncomfortable.

"I can't drag it on...!"

Kona's eyes sharpened, knowing that an attack must be launched immediately.

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