He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2475 Completely suppress Kona!

"Ride the dragon, use Surf!


Kona is still looking for opportunities, and the most urgent task is to cool down the temperature of the arena.

Chenglong understood, his eyes glowed with a faint blue light, and a steady stream of water gushed out from the ground below him, covering the surroundings.

It's just that under a sunny day, the power of water attribute moves has been greatly reduced, so that the waves that are usually 2 or 3 meters high are now only one meter high, making them feel very shivering.


When the water flow came into contact with the dry and hot ground, it made a sharp, boiling sound.

However, Kona did not intend to rely on water attribute moves to cool down, but raised his hand and pointed:

"It's now, absolute zero!


Cheng Long's eyes closed, and the icy and chilling air suddenly spread around from its body as its source!


The incomparably cold air completely froze the water on the ground in the blink of an eye, and even icy mist floated in the air.

Under a sunny day, the power of water attribute moves is reduced...

But the power of the ice attribute moves will not be weakened, and the power of Chenglong's absolute zero moves is still 100% exerted!

This also caused the temperature of the arena to drop several degrees, which eased slightly.

However, during this time, Xiaozhi didn't just watch.

"Charizard, sun and flames!"

As the sound fell, the fire-breathing dragon had already spread its wings high in the sky, raised its head and let out a low growl.

Gold and white, with a little green light cluster on the edge, quickly condensing on the top of its head...


At the next moment, it turned into a hot golden-white light beam, and suddenly swooped down and shot down!

Since it comes with a sunny day, its power is related to the sun...Sunshine Flame is an anti-restraint move of water-type Pokémon, and the fire-breathing dragon naturally masters it.

Chenglong below had just finished withdrawing the frost power from the sky, and his movements seemed a little stiff.

The sun and flames suddenly fell, hitting Chenglong's neck and body!

Boom boom!

This beam of sunlight and flames not only has a strong thrust, but also keeps Chenglong retreating on the ice.

The extremely hot sun flames, like the sun falling, erupted in an astonishingly hot explosion, stirring up countless ice chips!

The effect is outstanding!

"Forcibly withstand the sun and flames, but also change the surrounding environment?"

Although he succeeded in one blow, Xiaozhi's face did not show any carelessness.

Obviously, Kona has not completely given up... successfully changed the arena into a suitable environment for Chenglong, and the next step is probably to attack.

"Charizard, raise the distance!"

Xiaozhi decided to wait and see what happened, not rushing to attack.

It's not a big problem, the sunny day effect of the sunshine feature is far more than the sunny day caused by the use of moves, and there is still a period of time for the continuous round.

The ice on the ground will eventually melt slowly...

Anyway, he is not in a hurry, the other person should be in a hurry.

"Tsk... don't give it a chance at all?"

Xiaozhi's strategy also made Kona frown slightly, especially looking at the fire-breathing dragon flying so high in the sky, he didn't give him any chance.

The figure of the fire-breathing dragon just covered the huge sun.

With the flapping of the wings, when some traces of the sun's silhouette are exposed in the gaps between the body, it will also emit dazzling light, which makes it difficult to look directly at.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, Kona also knew that he couldn't procrastinate any longer, and made a decision in his heart.

"Chenglong, use the white mist!"

Chenglong seemed to have a tacit understanding, his eyes were firm, and a thick white mist spewed out of his mouth, which immediately enveloped the entire arena.

"It's useless, Charizard, use hot air!"

Xiaozhi sees the tricks, and the mega fire-breathing dragon Y in the air flaps its wide wings, and the fiery air blows out instantly, baking the earth!

In the blink of an eye, all the white mist below was blown away, revealing Chenglong's real body.

It's just that the latter completely took the blow at this moment, and didn't do anything else...

"Now, use Avalanche!"

Kona delayed for half a second before counterattacking.

Hearing this, Xiaozhi immediately understood that the avalanche is a late attack attack, and the power can be doubled after receiving the damage first.

Chenglong's eyes glowed with ice blue luster, and several huge boulders condensed out of thin air in midair.

As if responding to the burns on his body, the scale of the avalanche began to expand suddenly!

Immediately, as if using a strong mind to control it, several ice stones smashed towards the position of the fire-breathing dragon!

"It's not that simple! Charizard, use the flame vortex!"

Xiaozhi raised his hand and pointed.

If it is the normal state of the fire-breathing dragon, or it has evolved into the X-form of the fire-breathing dragon that is better at physical attacks, Xiao Zhi will choose to use the steel wings to directly smash the incoming ice cubes.



However, the flames of the Y-shaped fire-breathing dragon are so hot that under the sun, the edges are even faintly showing a golden-white color similar to the sun's flames. The terrifying high temperature only makes people feel hairy.


The flaming tornado that spun out swept all the boulders that hit it, and melted away in less than a moment.

Facing the Y-shaped fire-breathing dragon, even the double-powerful avalanche move has no good effect.

But as the flames dissipated, Xiaozhi suddenly heard the sound of gurgling water spraying...?


Taking a closer look, Chenglong's body has been covered with a thick blue water coat, as if he has mastered the flying moves, he is soaring into the sky and rushing straight in the direction of the fire-breathing dragon!

Not a jet of water, but...

Waterfall climbing? !

But without the fast attack of the water jet, the waterfall climbing move performed by Chenglong is not fast.

Especially in mid-air, like a living target...

Xiaozhi didn't hold back at all, and immediately shouted:

"Fire-breathing dragon, directly use the big characters to explode!"

The fire-breathing dragon Y understood, opened its mouth wide, and spewed out a large mass of flame energy, forming a huge flame text in the air!

The explosion of big characters burned the air violently, and slammed towards the rushing Chenglong!


Unbiased, the move hits head-on, triggering a massive flame explosion in mid-air!

"Isn't this free?!"

"Miss Kona really worked hard...!"

"That's right, player Xiaozhi doesn't give any chance to get close at all."

"I'm a fan of player Xiaozhi, and he can keep Miss Kona under him all the time!"

In the spectator stands, countless spectators were discussing, all looking up to appreciate the shocking flame explosion.

In a corner of the auditorium, Xiaoxia stared wide-eyed, clenched her palms tightly, and couldn't help holding her breath.

"What's next is the main event...!"

Even though Miss Kona was seriously injured, she still wanted to get closer, the purpose of which was to unleash Chenglong's killer blow!

Under the smoke and dust, Kona's expression did not change at all, but became more dignified and deep.

And the water flow trajectory composed of climbing waterfalls is more solid than the water jet, stretching all the way down from the mid-air at a height of more than ten meters...

At this moment, Kona finally shouted in a low voice:

"Absolutely, zero degrees!


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