He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 234 Tool Bird vs Frozen Bird!


"Tsk, I was almost discovered by this kid..."

Bibi Bird's mind sank, and his pupils swept over Xiaozhi without a trace, but his expression didn't change at all, he just looked like a hot-blooded tool bird who was stupid and obeyed orders.

It seems that taming wild humans is not easy, so don't be too eager for quick success...

Bibi Bird landed directly in front of Xiaozhi with the movement of a free-roaming chicken, and a pair of eagle eyes swept over the Frozen Bird in front of him, ready to put himself in a state of being tamed.

"Xiaozhi, the ice attribute is more disadvantageous than the bird attribute."

"And the level difference between the two Pokémon is too big, cannon fodder."

Xiaogang and Xiaoxia reminded loudly outside the solid ice.

"It's fine!"

Xiaozhi was fearless, and focused all his attention on the ice and snow bird in front of him.

He liked a sentence that old brother Chi said very much.

"Fighting against the attribute can truly show the full strength of a trainer."

As long as there is enough willpower, the reverse attribute is an advantage!


Chi, who had just taken out the popcorn package in the soul space, choked, thinking to himself when did he say such a stupid thing...



"Bibi Bird, they all think you are a cannon fodder, but as long as we believe in ourselves, we will be invincible!" Xiaozhi said with enthusiasm.

"By calling!!"

Bibi Bird sang loudly, its willpower is not weak, even in the face of Frozen Bird, it did not show too much timidity, but moved its steps and walked in front of Frozen Bird.

In front of this big ice-blue bird, Bibi's body looks a little slim.

Frozen Bird is close to three meters tall, while Bibi Bird is only over one meter tall.


Frozen Torii was condescending, looking down at Bibi Bird with haughty eyes, without the slightest movement, with a contemptuous expression, almost ignoring it.

It swept its wings, indicating that Bibi Bird could attack.

"Hmph, how dare you look down on us!"

Xiaozhi and Bibi Niao were furious immediately, and temporarily let go of their ghostly thoughts of taming each other, and pointed their spearheads at the target at the same time.

"Bibi Bird, use Flying Sand Feet!"

"By calling!"

Bibi Bird turned around on the spot, pawed fiercely on the rocky ground, and immediately planed out countless smoke, dust and gravel, all of which covered the face of Frozen Bird.

Noble divine bird, then I will smear your face first and kill your vigor.


It's just that Frozen Bird didn't even make any movements, its dark red eyes froze, and there seemed to be a layer of ice protective film on the surface of its body, which easily blocked the flying sand.

"So strong..." Seeing the flying sand fall back to the ground, Xiao Zhi's expression was serious.

This kind of power is a bit like the duck-billed fire dragon he fought against a few days ago, and it can also condense a layer of lava armor around its body.

This is a difficult technique that only Pokémon with a super-high understanding of their own attributes can use.

"Damn it, then try this trick, Bibi Bird, use Gale Storm!!"

Undaunted, the Bibi bird fluttered its wings and flapped them several times in a row. A gust of wind suddenly arose between the wings, together with the dust and gravel thrown out just now. The combination of the two formed a small sandstorm.

"Is this the trick again...?"

The corner of Xiao Gang's mouth raised an arc, as if he had thought of something.

Xiaozhi, who was still a rookie at the beginning, also used this trick when he challenged the Nibi Gym. He successfully covered his vision and improved the defense of the little fist stone, and then let his Bibi bird crash into the little fist stone to death.

In other words, why not just learn from sandstorms?

With that Bibi bird with a unique painting style, even if he has learned absolute zero, Xiao Gang will not have any doubts.

Well, I'm still a little confused about whether I'm confused or not. Absolute zero is still too much, but sandstorms shouldn't be too difficult.

"Sandstorms with rock attributes will definitely have an effect!" This was Xiaozhi's idea, and his expression was determined.


However, in the face of the sandstorm that is about to ride on the face, this frozen bird still has no big waves. I saw it flapping one of its wings violently. , the dust suddenly dissipated, and the cave became clear again.

It's not even a skill.

"The level gap is too big..."

"This Frozen Bird is stronger than the Lightning Bird last time..."

Xiaozhi shook off the sticky sand on his face, his fighting spirit continued to increase instead of diminishing, but since the level gap is huge...

"Bibi Bird, use self-motivation!!"

"By calling!!"

Bibi Bird sang loudly, and drew a big cake in his heart for himself to tame Xiaozhi to fight in the future. He felt satisfied immediately, and the red light of attribute improvement fell on it.

Self-motivation, give yourself psychological hints, improve your physical attack and special attack.

But Frozen Bird didn't interrupt it, it still stood on the icicle platform like a hatching hen, its expression didn't fluctuate at all, and it even wanted to laugh.

That's it?

This gesture made Bibi Bird annoyed for a while, and she was about to rush forward immediately.

"Calm down Bibi Bird, don't be provoked by the opponent!"

Xiaozhi quickly reminded that the difference in level is too great, so preparation strengthening is essential.

"Bibi Bird, move at high speed again!!" He instructed.

The figure of Bibi Bird danced in mid-air, his body suddenly became much lighter, and his speed soared by 30%.

But even so, Xiaozhi's expression didn't improve at all, but became deeper and deeper.

"Remember, Bibi Bird, the trick you stole from Brother Chi must be used with caution..."

"Better call!"

Xiaozhi nodded, now that everything is ready, it's time to attack again.

"Bibi Bird, get close to the target, use the steel wings!!"

I saw Bibi's wings hovering in a flick, and under the boost of high-speed movement, his body turned into a brown arrow that was advancing rapidly, with a penetrating metallic luster shining on both sides.

The steel attribute restrains the ice attribute, even if there is a difference in level, the effect can definitely be achieved.


The Frozen Bird was finally about to take action. When it waved its wings, bursts of white mist appeared in front of its icy blue wings, instantly pulling out the water vapor in the air and condensing into solid ice rocks.


Dozens of solid ice stones shot away, as fast as a phantom!

"By calling!!"

Bibi Bird's expression suddenly panicked.

It obviously has the boost of high-speed movement, and it is attacking first, but the dozens of boulders are ahead of it, hitting Bibi Bird's belly at a tricky angle.

"Da da da!!"

Bibi Bird didn't have time to react, his body was hit by the boulders head-on, the steel wing's movement was choked, and a cloud of smoke exploded in mid-air.

The effect is outstanding! !

After breaking through the smoke and dust, although Bibi Bird was not killed in one blow, her injuries were not serious.

"Beep. The boulder is a preemptive skill. It is not powerful, but it can be shot first."

The picture book reminded in time.

Boulders are similar to skills such as lightning flash and water jet. No matter how fast the opponent is, they can still hit the target one step ahead.

Generally speaking, the preemptive skills are not too powerful, except for the grass slide, which requires the prerequisite of the grass field. However, the boulders used by the freezing bird at this moment are like rock blades, and the power is really not weak.

"Bibi Bird, are you alright?"

"By calling!!"

Bibi Bird regained his morale, hovered in midair again, and assumed an attacking posture.

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