He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 235 The Erlian Guarantees Are Hardships


Without giving Bibi Bird much time to think, dozens of boulders struck again.

Xiaozhi quickly instructed:

"Bibi Bird, use Broken Rock!!"

Since the regular house bird's moves don't work, then at this moment, turn into a bloody and ruthless tool bird!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Bibibird's two wings are covered with a layer of red light that belongs to fighting attributes, and it punches and kicks the boulders that come from the lasing. Boulders are also a kind of rock, and they are easily hit by them into crumbs.

Frozen Bird: "?"

Although it was a bit puzzled, this did not prevent it from attacking again. This time, the frozen bird hung its wings on both sides of its body, raised its neck, and spit out an ice blue energy beam from the bird's beak. The beam formed a column and filled the air. The strong icy breath shot towards the target.

It came into contact with the air along the way, and even froze the surrounding water vapor into ice flowers.

Frozen breath!


A sinister smile suddenly appeared on the corner of Xiaozhi's mouth.

Previously, you interrupted Bibi Bird's attack rhythm with preemptive skills, but Frozen Breath is not!


Bibi Bird has turned into a white phantom, and disappeared in place in an instant, with a fast speed, and quickly approached the source close to the ice breath.

Lightning flashed!

He had seen this move of ice breath in Golden City when he was facing Nazi's Mischievous Sister. It was a skill that would definitely hit a vital point, so he just needed not to be hit.

With the double boost of high-speed movement and lightning flash, the speed of Bibi Bird is even faster than that of Frozen Bird.

In less than half a breath, Bibi Bird had already flashed in front of Frozen Bird. The latter froze for a moment, closed its beak, interrupted the ice breath, and interrupted other actions.

"It's too late!" Xiao Zhi didn't give it a chance, and shouted:

"Bibi Bird, use the steel wings!!"

Bibi Bird instantly exited the flashing state, it was just a feint to get it close to the target, and at this moment, a layer of metallic luster had already condensed on the two wings.



Frozen Bird couldn't dodge in time. After being hit by two heavy steel wings in a row, it let out a muffled groan. It couldn't help but retreated a few meters and knocked down on the nearby rock wall, causing a burst of smoke and dust.

The effect is outstanding! !

Xiao Zhi took advantage of the victory to pursue and shouted:

"Don't give it a chance, Bibi Bird, use electromagnetic waves!!"

"By calling!!"

Bibi bird flapped its wings, and as a bird-type Pokémon, an electric current lit up on its wings, and it swung forward, pulling the electric current of electromagnetic waves into the cloud of smoke and dust.

Once the Frozen Bird is caught in the electromagnetic wave effect, relying on Bibi Bird's speed, this one can be said to have turned over in advance.


However, the direction of the plot is not as perfect as Xiaozhi imagined, only a high-pitched cry came from the layer of smoke, and the dim yellow smoke was suddenly covered by an inexplicable white mist.

The white mist has a magical power. The electromagnetic wave has just come into contact with it, and it is directly offset by an inexplicable force, and the current dissipates in the air.

"Didi, white mist, defensive skills, can prevent its own abilities from being reduced, and powerful Pokémon can even use white mist to offset the invasion of special states."

The illustration book reminded in time.

And the figure of Frozen Bird also broke through the white mist, hovered in mid-air, and looked down at everyone, noble and elegant.

At this moment, it didn't even have any scars on its body, and it didn't even leave any dust on its body when it hit the rock wall.

"Is this the legendary Pokémon..."

The three of them couldn't help blurting out at the same time, their eyes were attracted by the ice blue figure.

Frozen Bird is not a legendary Pokémon that is inclined to attack, but to defend, and its dual defenses are extremely high.

But this doesn't mean that its attack power is not good, it's just that it's weaker than its own defense power, but compared with the power of ordinary Pokémon, it's already very high.


In mid-air, the Frozen Bird at the top suddenly spread its icy blue wings, and endless icy air crazily spread out from the inside of its wings.

"Hoo hoo!!"

As if a terrifying snowstorm had blown out of nowhere in the cave, the hurricane and blizzard shrouded the arena at the same time, the temperature dropped to freezing point again, and the air waves roiled, making everyone bow their heads.

Endless snowflakes whizzed wildly, the meaning of ice was extremely strong, and there was a sense of chilling.

snowstorm! !

"Hoo hoo hoo..."

And the Bibi Bird in the front was the first to be hit by this terrifying snowstorm. The AOE in the whole picture did not give it any room to dodge. into the belly.

Xiaozhi hurriedly instructed loudly:

"Bibi Bird, use protection!!"

Protection is an essential skill for tool birds, and Bibi Bird naturally needs to master it.

"By calling!!"

The wind and snow blurred its face, and the terrifying chill and attribute restraint almost made Bibi Bird faint directly. It quickly shook its wings to recover, and formed a blue shield around its body.


In the snowflakes all over the sky, the cyan shield is like a small boat in a raging sea tide. It looks weak and crumbling, as if it will break at any time.

But it's just there.

It holds up!


Frozen Bird glanced at it, and there was no change in expression. The protection only lasted for one round, and it was a dying struggle. So how do you resist the next round?

"Hoo hoo!!!"

It didn't fold its wings, and the blizzard whizzing out in front of it was even more exaggerated and violent!

The legendary Pokémon has other abilities that are difficult to say, but endurance is definitely the most outstanding. The extended version of the blizzard has been extended to the second round, and it is still roaring crazily.

"Damn... Bibi Bird, use protection again!!"

Xiaozhi has no choice but to bite the bullet and forcefully pursue the double guarantee!

If it were him in the past, he would even jump out and ridicule that people who use Erlianbao have something in their brains, but only by putting yourself in their shoes can you understand deeply that those who use Erlianbao are desperate people who have no choice but to live.

A gleam of brilliance flashed in Bibi's eyes.


As the first blue light shield dissipated, the second blue light shield miraculously reappeared on Bibi Bird's body.

Two consecutive guarantees, success.

"Well done tool bird, only you will never let me down!!"

Xiaozhi couldn't help roaring with joy.

Although usually he is old and unlucky, but in battle, his luck has always been very good!


"Hoo hoo hoo..."

The terrifying storm lasted for 3 minutes before it gradually dissipated. Seeing that the little brown bird was still alive on the field, Frozen Bird's eyes became unfriendly.

Protection cannot block all skills. When the power reaches a certain level, the protective shield will also be broken.

Does that mean its blizzard power is not enough? !


Frozen Bird was suddenly angry, and a pair of ruby-like pupils exuded an extremely dangerous light at the moment, and he even exerted a little force in his heart, launching a new skill.

In the next second, a phantom with a peculiar one-eyed eye appeared on Bibi Bird's body.

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