He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 236: Absolute Zero vs. Absolute Zero! !


In mid-air, Bibi Bird shuddered suddenly, fluttered its wings in the air and looked left and right for a while, as if it was being stared at by something.

"Didi. The eye of the heart, set a mark on the enemy, then the next skill will definitely hit."

The illustration book reminded in time.

Hearing this, Xiaozhi was startled, this move sounded like the forward swing of a certain terrifying skill...

Sure enough, in the next second, there was an answer.

I saw the Frozen Bird in mid-air spread its wings again, and a blizzard of ice and snow that was more terrifying than the previous blizzard whizzed out. This time, the blizzard that was still solid just now was even frozen into ice blue. Blur energy.

The ice-blue virtual energy pushes forward, and the sound is no longer howling wind and snow, but the more penetrating sound of glass friction.


For a moment, it seemed that even the space and time in front of it were frozen, and it fell into a terrifying solitude. The deep cave was filled with endless ice and snow, and a doomsday-like snow-white light covered everyone. eyes.

Absolute zero! !

"Didi. Absolute Zero, a one-hit kill skill. The disadvantage is that the hit rate is extremely low, but it will kill with one hit."

The illustration book reminded again.

Frozen Bird is already bored by the little bird in front of him, but it doesn't matter now.

Under this combination of punches, you can immediately regain your calm.

Faced with this incoming ice and snow energy, even space and time were frozen along the way, and the Bibi bird directly in front of him felt like he was facing a formidable enemy. He didn't dare to have any intention of resisting, so he had to flap his wings to dodge.

However, the phantom of the one-eyed eye suddenly lit up with a cold light, as if a strange restraint had been lowered to suffocate its movements, so it had no choice but to choose to resist.

Bibi Bird is a little dizzy now.

In the previous blizzard, the protective shield was almost broken on the spot. Facing the absolute zero this time, even invincible protection is meaningless.

Protection also has a limit. It is impossible for a little Lada to block Gulardo's cliff sword with protection.

Although Bibi Bird directly ignores things like the Sword of the Cliff, the absolute zero in front of him is...

"Tool bird, then use the trick taught by Brother Chi!"

A burst of shouting suddenly came from behind, and Bibi Bird turned his head to look, and what caught his eyes was a young man with high spirits and no fear in his eyes.

Its tiger body shook in mid-air, its emotions were infected by its own trainer, and its eagle eyes became clear and sharp again.

That's right, I kept this trick all the time, and I almost forgot it.

"What trick? Is it Brother Chi's unique skill?"

"Could it be flashing lights? Brother Chi, the old tool bird master, is planning to use flashing lights to paste Frozen Bird's face?"

Xiaogang and Xiaoxia in the back had already retreated to the entrance of the cave. The absolute zero of this scale was the largest they had ever seen. They always felt that even the trainers next to them might be frozen into a lump of ice.

But the eyes of Xiaozhi and Bibiniao who were closest to each other became brighter, and the ice energy that froze everything had arrived...

"Now, use parrot to learn tongue!!"

Xiaozhi suddenly roared loudly.

He really likes a sentence that Brother Chi said: A boxer must learn to imitate, a bird must learn to play with his tongue, this is the ultimate secret of copying ninjas.

Instant copy.

"By calling!!"

I saw Bibi bird flying to the same height as Frozen Bird, spreading its wings, and suddenly made a high-pitched cry from its sharp beak.


Its bird's beak first flashed a cold light, and then opened, the ice energy similar to the same source condensed around its mouth, and instantly evolved into the same ice-cold virtual energy, facing the enemy's attack head-on, after the attack moved At that moment, there was the sound of cold glass rubbing in the air again.

Since you can't defend, and you can't dodge, then use the same way and give it back! !

"Keng Keng Keng!!"

The two icy energies bombarded together head-on, and even the time and space at the junction were instantly frozen. There was no big scene like an explosion, but it gave people a feeling of almost suffocation.

Absolute Zero vs Absolute Zero! !


Frozen Bird's pupils shrank, but it didn't expect that its unique skill would be used by an unattractive bird today, which made it very annoyed. The power skyrocketed again.

You must know that even Blizzard can persist in releasing two rounds, absolute zero, and it is not comparable to ordinary one-hit kill power at all!


On the other side, Bibi Bird's condition is not so good.

After all, this trick is only a temporary copy, whether it is proficiency or its own attributes, it is at an absolute disadvantage, and it is only supported by the same original strength.

From a distance, there is a pale and blurred shadow in front of the two birds, like a frozen space where nothing exists, and at the junction, there is a vertical black line of space crack, declaring that this is the space between the two birds. different skills.

And this cracked black line is shifting towards the direction of Bibi Bird, and the pale frozen space is also completely pressing on the latter like a heavy burden, almost cracking...

"It's too reluctant, copying is still not feasible after all..." Xiaoxia couldn't help shaking her head.

On the other side, Xiao Gang didn't say much, his deep eyes looked closely at the young man on the ice field who didn't show any sign of flinching, and suddenly a bold idea came to his mind.

He understood again.

Xiao Gang raised his eyes and looked at Bibi Bird, who was still struggling desperately in the sky and almost fell, his eyes flashed with wisdom.

"This bibi bird seems to have not changed for a long time..."


"Tool bird, don't lose to it!!"

In the snow and ice all over the sky, Xiao Zhi's angry shout was especially harsh.


Following his loud roar, in the soul space, Chi saw a phantom of a bird's head suddenly appearing on his body, and was a little dazed.

This is the power of bondage that belongs exclusively to Xiaozhi.

Xiaozhi and Bibi Bird have entered a state of fetters and connection, and at this moment their spirit and will are shared.

Chi couldn't help but scratched his head. It's outrageous that a person and a bird who have been thinking about taming each other can also have a bond.

It can't be the fetters of Lao Yinbi, right?


Chi's eyes suddenly lit up, and he found that the phantom of the little bird's head beside him was flickering and changing slowly.

He couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth, and put his mind back to the arena again with admiration.

"Hehe, I'm getting more and more courageous..."

...in reality.

The terrifying absolute zero energy has almost completely pushed down on Bibi Bird's side, but a strange white light suddenly appeared from the latter's body inexplicably.

At this moment, there is no difference in the expression of Bibi Bird's eyes and Xiao Zhi's eyes, they are both extremely firm, and some are just a firm belief in overthrowing the ice and snow bird in front of them.

The white light exploded suddenly, completely covering Bibi Bird, and the latter's figure was also continuously deformed and expanded in this white light...

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