He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 237: The illustrated book is still outputting! The illustrated book is crazy!

"Compared to Diao Diao!!"

As the strange white light dissipated, an extremely high-pitched eagle cry exploded in the sky at absolute zero, announcing the official birth of a giant bird of prey.

"Bibi Bird, evolved...?"

Xiaoxia looked in disbelief, staring blankly at the giant brown eagle in the shadow of icy light all over the sky. Under the white light, she couldn't see the specific appearance of the latter clearly, but the blurry colorfulness could be seen at a glance. Very gimmicky.

"Well, from a tool bird, it has evolved into a tool carving..."

On the other hand, Xiao Gang showed an expression of knowing his brother, and he squeezed his potential in the extremely dangerous danger to complete his evolution. This is Xiao Zhi's old method.

This is a very gambling attempt. Once it fails, the battle cannot be ignored for the time being. The Pokémon may even suffer from inner demons and Taoism, and the difficulty of the next tribulation will be doubled.

But without a doubt, Xiao Zhi won the bet.

Bibi Bird is already Xiaozhi's old teammate. He has joined the team since the first three days of the trip, and has been working diligently as a tool bird. In terms of experience, it is fully enough to support evolution.

"Compared to Diao Diao!!"

Bi Diao crowed again, evolution brought it new power, and the coldness gushed out from the sharp beak, barely stopping the black line crack at the middle junction in front of him.

In terms of stamina alone, Frozen Bird's endurance is still stronger, and the icy air on the other side is still extremely strong. Even Bi Diao, who has completed evolution, can only maintain a stalemate where he cannot be overthrown.


Coupled with the fact that it has just evolved, Bibi Bird has not yet fully adapted to its own body and strength.

"what to do...?"

The situation has reached a stalemate again, the absolute zero of Frozen Bird is still in the strong stage, and the absolute zero of his own Bi Diao is coming to an end.

Xiaozhi didn't have time to be happy, and was sweating profusely. The scene in his impression that he had an invincible buf as soon as he evolved did not appear.

"Don't worry, the trainer's usefulness will come out at this time..."

Hearing the sudden and steady voice in his head, Xiaozhi was instantly convinced that brother Chi was still reliable.

As smart as he is, he quickly understood Chi's intentions.

"I understand. As a trainer, I want to strengthen the bond of will with Bi Diao, so that its strength can be raised to a higher level...Well, brother Chi's understanding will never be so simple, and I understand again. Trainers, at this moment, we must observe everything around us and find breakthroughs for our Pokémon."

There was a storm in Xiaozhi's mind, and inspiration burst out like a fountain.


Feeling that Xiaozhi was already planning to guide the power on the rock wall ceiling to cause falling rocks to attack Frozen Bird in his mind, he interrupted Xiaozhi's thoughts with a sound.

It's all frozen energy, you blow up a falling rock with a hammer!

"What I mean is, when wild Pokémon confronts your own Pokémon, as a trainer, you must be good at breaking the opponent's heart..." Chi Huan said slowly.

In a stalemate, instead of considering other techniques, it is better to consider the simplest and most violent way.

Play with your mouth.

Directly point to the wild Pokémon, or the weakest point in the trainer's heart, directly strike the strongest blow from the depths of the soul, and stab someone in the heart.

It's a bit insidious, so when the strength is similar, Chi is not recommended, it is not a hero.

But if it is to face a strong enemy with the following overcoming, then no matter what kind of move, as long as it can win, it is a good strategy.

If a novice trainer can successfully attack the opponent while the champion is posing, the public opinion will only praise the rookie's skills and the champion's brains.

And I would never say that this newcomer is despicable.

"It makes sense! It's indeed the understanding of a person with a mouth!"

Xiaozhi's eyes brightened immediately, and he aimed his target at the Frozen Bird, which was still facing the wave in mid-air, and was already in absolute advantage, his eyes staring intently.


I am a man of battle, not a man of mouth!

Frozen Bird: "..."

Am I being followed by something?

Frozen Bird couldn't help shivering in mid-air, the God of Ice and Snow felt a little cold...


After staring at it for a long time, Xiaozhi scratched his head with a dazed look on his face.

"So, what am I supposed to say to disgust it?"

No matter how you look at this frozen bird, it is a perfect bird with a healthy heart.

At this moment, Absolute Zero has almost completely wrapped up Bi Diao. If you don't do anything else, you will really lose the game. As a last resort, Xiaozhi had to forcefully blurt out:

"Frozen Bird, you stupid bird!"

"Ka Ka Ka..."

Absolute Zero's power increased by 3 layers, and the Frozen Bird was successfully provoked.

Bi Diao: "?"

Huge force roared in, pressing it to the point of suffocation, and I wished to directly guide the absolute zero to Xiaozhi, wondering if this guy was playing with it on purpose!

"Frozen Bird, you..."

Xiaozhi wanted to continue to say something, but at this moment, a high-pitched mechanical and electronic sound came from his waist, a standard pronunciation of one word at a time.

"Didi. Frozen Bird, the god of bad luck, rested in the Twin Cave one day. When he woke up, he found that the only way out was blocked by humans with huge rocks."

The illustrated book suddenly interjected, and the volume of the machine was pulled to the maximum at some point, and the echo like a subwoofer floated back and forth around the cave.

Xiaozhi: "?"

And such ridiculous things?

Frozen Bird: "!"

Hearing that the movements in Frozen Bird's hands became messy, and the power of the skill was unknowingly weakened a bit, so that Bi Diao was finally able to recover.

Its heart has waves.

The illustrated book is still being output, and every word kills people.

"Didi. Frozen Bird, the Almighty God of Snow Mountain, can freeze everything, but cannot master the secret technique "Strange Power". He has tried to push the giant rock many times but failed, and even fell down once because of too much force."

Frozen Bird: "!!"

Absolute Zero's power weakened again, and its expression became chaotic.

"Didi. Although it is the most beautiful divine bird, it has actually been trapped in the cave without eating for half a month. It usually needs to maintain the movements of the hatching hen to reduce the weakening of physical strength. It has been half a month. Free-range chicken, today is the first flight."

The illustrated book has gone crazy!

Frozen Bird: "!!!"

"No way? A divine bird like the Frozen Bird can still be a chicken. I don't agree with that, hehe."

Xiaozhi hastily added a sentence.

Frozen Bird: "!!!!"

It was broken.

Dao Xin was also stabbed to pieces.

Even absolute zero is not easy to use.

"Compared to Diao Diao!!"

Taking advantage of this gap, Bi Diao finally completely broke the opponent's absolute zero in the limit, and the white light filled the sky and turned into faint snow flakes falling and turning into powder.

Under the illumination of white light, Bi Diao finally showed a new posture in front of everyone. He was dressed in brown feathers, with several gorgeous feathers extending backwards on his head. His body size reached more than 2 meters, and he looked extremely cool after spreading his wings. The appearance of the giant ferocious bird frightened the surroundings.

"You are so handsome!!"

Xiaozhi's voice reached Bi Diao's ears, and he couldn't help shaking the gorgeous feathers on his head proudly.

It seems that after the evolution, the appearance will improve, and the work of taming wild humans will also be accelerated...

"You are so handsome, you are worthy of being my illustration book!!"

Xiaozhi looked at his illustrated book excitedly, but no one looked up.

As for the cool giant bird in the sky, no one paid attention to it for the time being.

Bi Diao: "?"

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