He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2627 The Adventures of Three Little Ones

It's just that the collision this time was obviously beyond Xiaozhi's expectations.

Rumble! !

With the complete explosion of the ultimate impact and high-voltage electric shock energy, a big hole was directly blasted in place this time!

The terrifying aftermath even spread to the surroundings, engulfing Xiaozhi, the others, and even the three Yusanjia.

boom! !

The next moment, everyone was blown away, and turned into shooting stars scattered in the sky. After drawing a certain arc in the air, they fell to a certain area in the surrounding dense bamboo forest.

The whole person was blown into the sky, watching the scene on the ground getting smaller and smaller, feeling the weird weightlessness, Xiaozhi couldn't help but come up with an idea:

"So, is this how the Rockets feel?"

Speaking of which, it seems like I haven't seen the Rockets trio for a long time?

Could it be that he has been fired by the Rockets?


There was a sudden exclamation from behind, and Xiaozhi realized that Serena was right behind him.

Because the latter was holding his arm tightly just now, he was also blasted into the air together.

The same goes for Youlijia and Xitron. This pair of brothers and sisters hugged each other tightly and flew to the other direction of the bamboo forest. Xiaozhi didn't have to worry much about this.

The machine invented by Citron should make the siblings safer.

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi still decided to focus on the present first, at least not to hurt Serena.

"Hold on to me, Serena!"

Quickly flipping his body in mid-air, Xiao Zhi hugged Serena into his arms, one hand tightly grasped the opponent's arm, and the other hand was raised behind Serena's back.

Closing his eyes, his whole body glowed with light blue energy ripples, which condensed and shrank toward the center.

In the blink of an eye, a layer of waveguide energy shield was condensed outside the body, wrapping him and Serena together.


Serena, on the other hand, was in a state of complete bewilderment. She was blown up to the sky for no reason, and then was hugged tightly by Xiao Zhi inexplicably.

Although the feet are weightless, there are fierce air currents all around

However, Kong Wu's strong embrace in front of him conveyed an unusual sense of security.

Serena blushed immediately, and could only bury her face in Xiaozhi's arms.

They didn't dare to make a sound to disturb them, and let their bodies first lift into the air, and then fall to a certain area of ​​the bamboo forest

And the origin of the case.

After a violent collision, the bully panda's huge body was knocked out by Pikachu's small size, and it knocked down several bamboos before stopping the flying trajectory.


After finishing his fight, Pikachu fell from mid-air, but the anti-injury arc of high-voltage electric shock was still flowing all over his body, which made him feel sour.

Not to mention, it's been a long time since he fought so seriously, Pikachu just felt weak all over his body.


It was only when it looked around that it realized that the figures of Xiaozhi and his party had disappeared.

He didn't even know where he went with those three Yusanjia.

Vaguely, one could hear the howling of ghosts and wolves from several directions in the sky, which gradually elongated.

High in the sky, the three Carlos Yusanjia became a whole and were blown out together.

Of course, it's not accidental.

The foam frog has quick eyes and quick hands. Before taking off, it used its own foam to stick the Harley chestnut and the fire fox next to it together, so as not to be completely dispersed.

Just when he wanted to stick to Xiaozhi, the latter and Serena were already blown to another direction.

"K myself"

Seeing this, the foam frog could only look at the suffering brother in front of him.

Ha Lili cried and howled in the air for a while, then fainted, and even foamed at the mouth, half-dead from fright.

The condition of Firefox is not very good either, its delicate little face has turned pale.

Especially at this moment when they are falling rapidly, at this height, even if they are not dead, they will lose half their lives!


So the foam frog gave the latter a thumbs up, indicating that with it, there would be no danger.

The resolute and serious expression of the foam frog calmed down the fire fox.

Don't look at the usually cold personality of Bubble Frog, it seems that he only wants to specialize in combat, and he is quite disgusted with Harry Li

But if something really happens, it will do its best to keep everyone.


When it was almost 30 meters above the ground, the foam frog slammed its body, throwing Harry Li and Fire Fox, who were wrapped in foam, behind him.

Both hands were completely empty, and then they continued to insert into the foam behind them, throwing out foam balls towards the falling point.

The speed of the hand was full, almost to the extreme, almost in the blink of an eye, a group of flexible and soft foam bed was piled up.


The three Yusanjia fell into the foam bed together, their strength weakened by the large buffer.

Finally, he bounced off the foam bed and fell to the ground next to him.

However, the damage received is basically equivalent to being hit by a move with outstanding effects, which is not a serious injury.

They landed next to a stream among bamboo forests, which seemed to be a safe place.


The foam frog was the first to react, and quickly got up from the ground to check the injuries of his two companions.


Ha Lili's eyes were completely rolled, and he passed out.

But compared to being injured, it should be fainted from fright.

And Firefox's injury was okay, and he didn't faint.

Even after landing, the first thing he did was to turn his head to check his big fluffy and beautiful tail.


After seeing that it was covered with dust, and the hair became extremely messy and frizzy due to the movement just now, the Firefox couldn't help but let out a low growl, and dropped the little pearl.

Compared with its own injuries, it values ​​its own appearance more!

Whether the tail is dry or not is more important than its life!

"K myself"

The foam frog was sweating profusely on his forehead, his eyes were narrowed into a line, and he looked at the two partners helplessly.

Is there something serious wrong with your brain?

The previous high-intensity throwing of the foam caused the foam frog to lose a lot of stamina, and now Xiaozhi and the others didn't know where they were blown away.

The foam frog has to close his eyes and rest, and temporarily restore his physical strength to a normal state, so as to deal with the crisis that may arise at any time.

Seeing the anxious Firefox crying next to him, the foam frog finally sighed.

He dragged his tired body up, took out a ball of foam from his back, wiped it on the fire fox's tail, and rubbed it lightly.

The latter's face was surprised and slightly sullen. The tail was the most important part of it, so it couldn't be touched by outsiders casually!

However, the foam still has magical powers. After a while, its tail became soft and beautiful again, even with a beautiful luster!

After finishing this task, Bubble Frog hid his achievements and fame, turned and left.


And looking at this foam frog leaning silently under the bamboo next to it, resting with its chest closed and its eyes closed, the fire fox was dazed, and his cheeks turned red.


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