He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2628 future baby

The falling scene of Citron and Yurika is similar to the previous one in the Prism Tower.


The siblings fell again onto the emergency mattress thrown by Citron and bounced to the ground, barely hurt.

"It's okay, Yurika!"

Getting up together, ignoring that his glasses were broken and deformed, Xitron checked Yurika immediately.

The latter shook his head, indicating that it was not a big problem.

The mouse in the small satchel also poked its head out curiously, climbed onto Youlijia's shoulder, and looked around.

"Where is this place?"

You Lijia's small eyes were dazed, and they seemed to be thrown into the depths of the bamboo forest, and there were almost no normal walking paths around them.

That tough bully panda really frightened her, and You Lijia's face was at least a little bit excited.

"And Xiaozhi and Serena don't know where to go"

"Don't worry, leave it to me!"

Xitron said in a deep voice, trying to make himself more confident and brave, so as not to scare You Lijia.

"Xiaozhi Serena sensor! ON!!"

Gao shouted the temporary name, then took out something like a radar detector from his backpack, placed it on the ground, and the front end of the radar began to rotate around to detect it.

Just watching the machine run, the surface began to fluctuate and tremble, and there was a strange roar faintly.


You Lijia lowered her eyes, and subconsciously stepped back a few meters while hugging Dongdongshu.

On the other side, it was almost the edge of the bamboo forest area.

Ping bang!

A light blue ball of energy light fell from the sky and hit the ground with a crisp sound.

But it wouldn't be broken like glass, Xiao Zhi controlled the power of waveguide and landed safely.

It's just that the posture of the two of them is very awkward at the moment.

Xiaozhi is in the place like a cushion of human flesh

They remained motionless, as if they hadn't noticed that they had landed.

So Xiaozhi raised his palm behind Serena's back, facing the air.

call out!

With a thought, he retracted the power of his own waveguide, and the surrounding energy shield also turned into blue ripples and dissipated.

"How about Serena, are you alright?"

Hearing Xiaozhi's words, Serena came back to her senses, and quickly got up with her palms on her hands.

And Xiaozhi was pressed under her body, and the posture of being completely stuck together made her face turn red instantly, and steam was constantly coming out of her head!

"Ah, Xiaozhi, are you okay? Did I crush you!"

Serena got up hurriedly, looking at a loss.

At the same time, I was still thinking about my weight. I guess I haven’t gained weight recently, right?

"It's okay, it's just a small scene~"

Xiaozhi smiled and waved his hands, then got up and looked around.

The two fell on the edge of the bamboo forest, a soft lawn area, which looked quite empty.

"Citron and Bubble Frog they should be fine"

He wasn't too flustered, it was just a temporary separation and separation, which was really a small scene for him.

With Xitron's invention, protecting Yulijia is not a big problem.

And before they were blown away, he and Bubble Frog looked at each other. From the firm and serious eyes of the latter, Xiaozhi knew that the other party would also take good care of Firefox and Harry Li.

"Let's go, Serena, shall we meet Citron and the others first?"

After dusting off his body, Xiaozhi opened his mouth and let out his little arrow sparrow.

"Please, come back and tell us as soon as you find Citron or the foam frog!"


The little arrow sparrow nodded, and immediately flapped its wings and flew towards the bamboo forest.

Although he doesn't have the talent of a tool bird, the character of the model worker of the family bird has been well inherited.

And Serena was still standing there in a daze, not fully recovering from the scene just now.

Wait a minute, did she and Xiaozhi hug each other just now? !

"Congratulations to the host, skipping the holding hands in stage one, and achieving the hug achievement in stage two."

In my mind, the voice of the system sounded again.

"Then let's start now to complete the kiss as the goal of the next stage!"

The imaginative keywords made Serena blush again, shaking her head vigorously, trying to throw out all the system's words.

It was just an emergency, not a goal at all.

No, when did I have this goal! !

"By the way, Firefox!"

Serena realized later that her Firefox was not around, and hurriedly looked around in panic.

It should be that he was blown up so that he didn't know where he flew, his eyes drooped, and he suddenly became worried.

"No problem, Firefox and my foam frog are together, it should be safe~!"

Xiaozhi gave Serena a thumbs up.

The latter's confident and hearty smile reassured Serena instantly.

Also, if you're with your trusty foam frog, there really isn't much to worry about.

If it was blown out together with Harry, it might be really dangerous.

Immediately, the two of them walked towards the bamboo forest. They were the ones who had been blown the furthest away. Now, the first step was naturally to walk to the original place.

"By the way, Xiaozhi, did you use something just now?"

The two walked side by side on the road, Serena couldn't help turning her face, and asked curiously.

It seems to be a protective device for the energy shield?

"It's not something, it's my ability, the power of waveguide~!"

Xiaozhi smiled, and said in a slightly smug tone.

As he spoke, he raised one palm, and with a thought, a light blue transparent ball condensed out of thin air in his palm.


This waveguide ball is like a balloon, and can even be gently bounced and manipulated in the palm of your hand.

This scene also made Serena's eyes widen, as if refreshing her world view.

Will Ash still use superpowers? !

Is it a superpower that can communicate with Pokémon like the alliance champion Miss Caroni? !

In my mind, the system is also explaining to Serena what the power of waveguide is.

"This is a peculiar way of using energy. Generally, Lucario can use it, but there are very few other Pokémon, and even humans can also control the power of waveguide."

Serena nodded secretly, her eyes couldn't help but brighten, and her admiration for Xiaozhi was raised to a higher level.

Not only is it excellent in battle, but it also has special and rare superpowers!

In his mind, the system hadn't finished speaking.

"According to the records, the power of the waveguide comes from genes. Generally, the descendants of humans who have mastered the power of the waveguide can also cultivate and use the power of the waveguide."

"So the host and the target's future baby will also be a great waveguide hero."

Serena: "?!"


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