He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 241 The God of Snow Mountain, Frozen Bird!

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In the film and television drama, when the apprentices of the martial arts school are practicing fighting, they often appear in the dusk. The scene of two people fighting on the river or sea, each punch is full of perseverance and youth, and the splash of water has been divided It is not clear whether it is sea water or sweat, but it gives people a magnificent sense of struggle and blood.

At this moment, Frozen Bird and Xiaozhi are like this.

Frozen Bird kicked up and brushed Xiaozhi's cheek, and Xiaozhi also hit the black tiger out of the heart, hitting the white feather on its chest.

Under the light of dusk, the entire sea area of ​​Twin Islands looks golden, and a few king carps cross the sea from time to time.

One person and one bird were separated by one meter, and the sea water spread over Frozen Bird's waist and Xiaozhi's chin.

Xiaozhi: "..."

No way, he was a few heads shorter than Frozen Bird, and if he stood parallel to the sea, the sea would almost submerge him.

But both Xiaozhi and Frozen Bird stared at each other [Literary Museum www.wxguan.info] tightly, confronting each other nervously.


"Hmph, you're not bad either!"

The two recognized each other's accomplishments in fighting attributes, but the battle was not over yet, and the momentum became even more dignified...



The shutter sound from the shore interrupted the confrontation between one person and one bird. The two couldn't help but turned their heads to look, only to see a black uncle taking pictures of them.

"Haha, this scene is too epic, I couldn't help but take a picture, you go ahead and ignore me."

Xiao Gang rubbed his head and replied in embarrassment.

The God of the Snow Mountain no longer sprays ice, but punches?

Wonders of the world!

For some unknown reason, Xiaogang suddenly had an urge to be a director, wanting to make an action movie with Xiaozhi as the main character.

He has the title in mind.

"Thousands of people beheaded! Inventory of the mythical beasts beaten by super rookies in Zhenxin Town"

Xiaozhi, Frozen Bird: "..."

After some interruption, the aura of Xiaozhi and Frozen Bird also dropped to the extreme, and then they lost their aura at the same time and walked to the shore.

Problems are not solved by fighting, they still have to be discussed carefully, and you can sit down and stab the knife if you have anything.

One person and one bird walked onto the shore, drew a path, and sat cross-legged, intending to use language knowledge and ideological accomplishment as shields and weapons to start the second round of battle.

Frozen Bird took the lead in attacking.


"Did Pikachu beat you?"


"Is Pikachu on the field?"


"Then am I on the field too?"


"Why can't trainers fight? You discriminate against humans?"


"Then you're going back on your word, is this the divine bird?"


"Oh, I'm a little grumpy!"


After less than a few rounds of debate, one man, one bird fought again.

Everyone: "..."

It's time for dinner, and everyone plans to enjoy the battle between man and bird while eating.

As Xiaogang brought out the food, Frozen Bird suddenly exerted strength, bursting out with the potential of God, kicked Xiaozhi away again, and flew to Xiaogang's side in an instant.

It really hasn't eaten for half a month, even the divine bird needs to eat! !

"Oh, does the Frozen Bird want to eat? Today's Pokémon food is spicy citrus fruit in the style of King Carp."

Xiaogang tried to reach out and touch the latter, the feathers in his hand were cold and soft, very comfortable...

If someone dared to touch it like this in the past, Frozen Bird would have cast Absolute Zero on the other party, but after realizing that this black guy was in charge of the group, Frozen Bird didn't say much, and his stomach started to grow Shouting, the aura of the snow mountain god bird is also disappearing...



The next day, early morning.


In the morning light, the Frozen Bird spreads its wings and soars, showing its thrilling charm and elegance in the sky. Every time it swings its wings, sparkling ice crystals fall down. The area is enveloped in a cold and powerful atmosphere, even the sea surface The waves stopped floating, and there was a sense of suffocation.

"Is this the God of Snow Mountain..."

Xiaozhi and his party also stared blankly. Although they fought all day yesterday, they were still extremely shocked to see the opponent's posture in the sky again.

Moreover, the current Frozen Bird is in its true heyday, and its momentum is much stronger than the previous day. Once again, Xiaozhi is not sure whether he can subdue the opponent.


After circling for a while, Frozen Bird landed in front of Xiaozhi, retracted its ice-blue wings, and stared straight at him with ruby-like pupils in its proud eyes.


Xiaozhi swallowed, but still looked at the other party without showing any weakness.


After staring for a while, Frozen Bird finally dissipated the powerful aura on his body, lowered his head slightly, and lightly pecked Xiaozhi's head.

Now that the meal is over, and I even hugged and slept together later, let's subdue it.

Things have happened, the uncooked rice has matured, and after passing the hurdle in his heart, Frozen Bird no longer struggles with the matter of being subdued by humans.

"Frozen Bird...!"

Xiaozhi thought that the other party was going to say goodbye to him. Although he was reluctant to give up, if Frozen Bird wanted to leave the team forcibly, he could only respect the other party's choice.

did not expect...

Xiaozhi was overjoyed, and couldn't help but rushed forward, hugging Frozen Bird's neck tightly.

It is a cool and refreshing touch, which gives a very relaxing feeling.

Like the fire-type Pokémon, only when someone is truly recognized can the flames on his body not burn, and only when someone is truly recognized, the intense chill on Frozen Bird will warm people.


Frozen Bird is not very used to being in such close contact with humans, it struggled a little and turned its head, complaining.

But the icy blue cheeks and ears were stained with redness...




Xiaozhi discovered that he had an extra skill, which could seamlessly understand the words of the legendary Pokémon.

"Are you going to leave?" Xiaozhi's tone contained a hint of reluctance, but he could guess some of it.


Frozen Bird nodded. As an aggressive and legendary Pokémon, it needs to have the experience of traveling alone on the mainland, comprehend life, and hone its strength. Finally, it will land, or be with humans, or live in seclusion and become a big boss .

If she wants to become stronger, she needs to go through this journey that belongs exclusively to the legendary Pokémon.

This Frozen Bird just came out for a trip, and was stuck in Twin Islands for half a month. It can be said that it is old and unlucky.

But having such strength just at the beginning also shows how extraordinary she is.

At least it is much more qualified than the lightning bird paddling in the unmanned power plant.

"Then you can come with me!"


Frozen Bird pecked Xiaozhi's head again, its icy blue wings slowly lifted up, and the tip of the wing finally touched Xiaozhi's forehead lightly.

Forgive me, Xiaozhi.

When I finish the journey that belongs exclusively to the legendary Pokémon, I will complete the dream of a Pokémon master with you.

Although the contact time is not long, one person and one bird have already faintly bonded. Xiaozhi understands the other party's desire to become stronger, and Frozen Bird can also understand Xiaozhi's attachment to Pokémon Master.


Frozen Bird finally tapped Xiaozhi's chest, signaling that there is still one of her feathers here.

Just call and she will come back.

Finally, the Frozen Bird fluttered its wings and flew towards the distant sky, carrying endless ice crystals and snowflakes along the way, leaving everyone with a beautiful posture of the God of Snow Mountain.

Xiaozhi took a few ice crystals falling from the sky, and held a high-grade ball and glazed feather tightly in his other hand.

"I will also become stronger..."


(Well...although...but still...staying in the team is difficult to control, so I just...)

(It’s not life release, this book won’t show life release...)

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