He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 242: Viridian Gym

Leaving the sea area of ​​Honglian Island, Xiaozhi and his party stood on the land again, but at the moment the former's mood was a little depressed.

"It's okay, Xiaozhi, you were just released."

"Whenever the Frozen Bird is tired from playing, it will come back."

Xiaogang and Xiaoxia patted his shoulder, probably to comfort him.

To be honest, with Xiaozhi's current strength, it is still early to control the legendary Pokémon, but the future is promising.

"The harder, the more fortunate!!"

Soon Xiaozhi regained his strength, danced his fists, and yelled at the sky inspiringly.

Thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi, don't be bullied!

Now he desperately wants to become stronger and become a powerful trainer worthy of Frozen Bird. Thinking of this, he threw the illustration book backhand and said in high spirits:

"Illustrated Book, I want to become stronger immediately, tell me the location of the last gym immediately!!"

He has already obtained 7 badges, and he is only short of the last one before he can formally enter the threshold of the Kanto Alliance Conference. He will fight against countless masters, and his strength will naturally increase by leaps and bounds.

Fighting is the best training.

"Beep. Searching for the nearest Gym... The search was successful! It took 103 seconds, more than 3% of the illustrated books in the Kanto region. The performance is really outstanding!"

The picture book suggested.

Xiaozhi: "?"

"Didi. The nearest gym is the Changpan Gym in the northwest." The illustrated book gave the answer.

Hearing this, Xiaozhi frowned, and couldn't help shaking the illustration book. He has been to Tokiwa City, but you didn't say that there was a gymnasium there.

"Didi. The challenger of the Changpan gymnasium needs to have at least seven badges to be eligible to challenge, so it is not my problem, nor is it the problem of the Changpan gymnasium. So the question is, whose problem is it?"

The illustration book is eloquent, and instantly breaks Xiaozhi's Taoism.

Xiaozhi: "..."

But from another perspective, it also shows that in just a few months, he has changed from a cute newcomer to a powerful trainer with seven badges, and Xiao Zhi also has a sense of pride and pride in his heart.

"It's decided, the next target is Viki Pan Gym!!"

Xiaozhi raised his arms and called out, signaling his two friends to keep up with him.

"Why don't you think about it... There are still many gyms in the Kanto area..."

"The Viridian Gym is said to be controlled by the Rockets behind it, and the owner of the Gym is the legendary boss Sakagi..."

Xiaogang and Xiaoxia are a little timid, this gym is not easy to mess with.

It is said that many trainers have entered in the past few years, but no one has come out.

"Boss Sakagi?"

Xiaozhi's tone paused, he is not a newcomer now, he naturally knows that Boss Sakagi is the real big boss behind the Rockets, the one who kills decisively and has a good reputation.

But then his expression turned cold, and his tone became unfriendly, very arrogant.

"Hmph, but I've wanted to anal him a long time ago! This time, the last gym will be at him!!"

Although the Rockets are very powerful, and several core cadres even have terrifying strength comparable to the king of heaven, he has also contacted it several times, but he has not gained the upper hand.

Then the master hidden behind, and the big boss Sakagi, may be even more terrifying.

"It doesn't matter anyway."

Xiaozhi smiled carefreely, with Brother Chi standing behind him, it wasn't a big problem, he was very courageous.

I really can't beat the group of Pokémon sent by Brother Chi, even if his grandma comes to command, he can hang up Boss Sakagi and make him kneel and call him boss.

"Oh, I won't intervene in the Changpan Gym this time, and I won't care about your death."

Chi in the soul suddenly interrupted Xiaozhi's flirting.

It seems that with him sitting behind him, Xiaozhi now begins to get carried away again.

Obviously Frozen Bird had just left, and he had just vowed to improve his strength. Now when encountering something, the first reaction is not what he wants, but thinking about having his own backstage?

This kind of thinking is unacceptable.

Fighting is the fastest way to improve strength, this sentence is correct, but there is another premise.

A battle without retreat!

Now Xiaozhi's strength is not enough compared to the top, and it is more than the bottom. He really needs to hone his mentality, fight a battle with no retreat, and break through this layer of shackles.

"I'm going to retreat for half a month to understand the secrets of heaven. You can play this half a month by yourself. If you die, I will occupy your body by the way."

The red and cold mouth directly blocked Xiaozhi's back completely, and then asked again:

"So, do you still want to challenge the Viking Gym...?"

Xiaozhi: "..."

His expression darkened in an instant. You must know that if Brother Chi was really excluded, he might not even be able to defeat a core cadre, not to mention the stronger enemy behind him, and the boss Sakagi.

Only then did Xiaozhi come to his senses, it seemed that ever since he had Brother Chi standing behind him, he had been in a lawless state where anyone would dare to charge, and he didn't have to worry about the consequences of failure at all.

And once this layer of protection faded, the fears of the past would also rush to his face, almost engulfing him.

Xiaozhi couldn't help taking a few steps back.

With Chi, his experience and knowledge seem to have become richer, he has more powerful enemies to fight, and his strength is also improving rapidly.

But as an alternative, it has been its greatest strength.


Also inadvertently weakened a lot.

"Do you still want to challenge the Viking Gym...?"

Chi's question was like a big bell, hitting Xiaozhi's heart fiercely, and he got into a tangle...


"I am Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, the man who wants to become a Pokémon Master!! Viridian Gym, I will conquer it with my own strength!!"

Xiaozhi suddenly raised his head and roared loudly to the sky, emboldening himself with a loud voice, which was answering Chi's question and also responding to his own heart.

He wants to find the courage he hasn't used for a long time! !

Courage does not mean fearlessness or brainlessness. He even changed his goal from "beating Boss Sakagi" to "conquering the Gym". If he only relied on his strength, it would be impossible to overthrow Boss Sakagi now.

Gou Yibo.


Chi Po listened to Xiaozhi's second-year answer with satisfaction. Although it was a little awkward, he finally smiled.

This person's personality is too jumpy, so he needs to beat and beat every once in a while.

"What? Brother Chi, are you kidding me?"

Feeling that the tone of the man in his soul had changed back to the old emotion, Xiaozhi couldn't help asking.

"Of course I'm joking, I don't need to retreat now." Before Xiaozhi was happy for a few seconds, Chi reminded again:

"But this time, I really don't care about the Changpan Gym. Even if you die, I won't intervene. Everything depends on you."

"I understand, this time you just watch me operate."

Xiaozhi's eyes didn't show any disappointment, instead they lit up for a while, his body was trembling with excitement, and Pikachu next to him felt his emotions even more. Only Bibi Corona.

"The last badge, Viki Pan Gym..."

Xiaozhi clenched his fists tightly, his childish face now showed a little more maturity...



On the other side, in an office.

This is a subsidiary organization of the Kanto Pokémon League, and a thin man with the appearance of a handyman is working hard.

When the lunch break was approaching, he took a temporary rest with back pain, his expression was full of withering, and he looked like he was drained.

We started to eat lunch, and there were many low-level workers around, chatting and complaining during the meal break.

"Hey, I'm so tired. The work of the alliance is simply not something that humans do."

"Forget it, I have always been 996 when I work in the Rockets."

"Forget it, I have worked in the Galaxy Group next door for three years, and I have been 007 for three years, and the leader of ZZ will come out every morning to paint cakes for us, which makes me sick."

"Hey, the world is not easy, let's live in a decent official organization..."

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