He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2463 Crush, hard-clawed fossil pterosaur!

Chapter 2463 Crush, Hard Claw Fossil Pterosaur!

"The level is very high."

Just this hand made Xianxiang's face become extremely serious, and she gritted her silver teeth.

Moreover, the momentum of this mega fossil pterosaur is also very terrifying, especially when it is flying condescendingly high in the sky.

Not to mention Absol, even I couldn't help but feel like a helpless prey that would be swooped down by the fossil pterosaur at any time and thrown to the ground.

It was completely different from the fossil Pokémon she had come into contact with before!

"Fossil pterosaur, use primitive power!!"

Occupying the commanding heights, Xiaozhi also launched an attack.


Xuanxiang's pupils shrank and she counterattacked without showing any weakness.

The next moment, mega Absol turned into a black stream of light and suddenly shot up into the sky.

Although the wings on its back cannot allow it to fly, the maximum height and speed of its jump have been greatly increased.

boom! !

There was a clear sound of rock collision, and Absol hit the fossil pterosaur's chest, interrupting the latter's use of primitive power.

But the opponent's body was extremely hard, and as the attacker, Absol felt his head tremble from the impact.

"It's very fast. Then use the sharp stone to attack!"

Xiaozhi's face was calm, without any panic.

This fossil pterosaur has been the overlord of the sky since ancient times, and after such a long time to adapt to modern times, its strength has long since returned to its peak.

In terms of level, it can be said that he completely crushes the opponent.


The wings of the fossil pterosaur shook, and countless sharp sharp stones instantly condensed around it, and they flew out in unison.

"Dodge them all and use Bounce!"

The quality of this mega Absol has also been greatly improved. Its snow-white body is slightly covered with a layer of agile flying blue light.

Immediately afterwards, countless sharp stones were fired in volleys, which were used as springboards to perform continuous jumping and dodging.

In everyone's eyes, they only saw a snow-white and handsome Pokémon, jumping continuously in the dangerous rain of sharp stone bullets, trying to avoid every sharp stone blade.

He even had some skills, using continuous bouncing movements to keep getting closer to the fossil pterosaur.


Finally, he jumped up suddenly and jumped out of the circle covered by the sharp stone attack. His height was even higher than that of the fossil pterosaur.

This time it was Mega Absol's turn to be condescending, his head suddenly swung sideways in the air.

What a nonsense!

A burst of pink-purple light flashed from the curved corner of the sickle on his forehead, and then he escaped from the body and turned into a sickle-shaped energy slash, flying across the sky!

Spiritual blade!

"I have hands, but not many tearing claws!!"

Facing the opponent's menacing energy slash, the rocky claws at the tips of the fossil pterosaur's wings were attached with a ferocious red light.

Boom! !

With a simple slash at the incoming spiritual blade, it was easily broken into pieces, exploded, and stirred up a puff of smoke in the air.

This is the characteristic of the fossil pterosaur now!

Although it has not yet fully reached 100% of its mega evolution, its characteristics have changed——

With the Hard Claw feature, all moves launched using rock claws will be more powerful!

"Charge forward, Tear Claw!!"

Under Xiaozhi's command, the fossil pterosaur's wings shook, a sonic boom arose, and it rushed towards the target.

At this moment, Absol was still falling in mid-air. With the help of the wings on his back, he fell in a diagonal line.

But the blood-red claws in front of him have already arrived, and there is no time for it to land safely.

"Block it, attack the key points secretly!"

Xianxiang gritted her teeth and could only resist.

Mega Absol understood, his face was extremely focused, and he flicked his head. This time, the sickle horn on his forehead was covered with a dark black energy coat.

The next moment, the tearing claw struck the corner of Absolu's head hard!

Bang bang! !

There was an explosion of metal collision, sparks burst out, and the energy airflow trembled violently and blew around.

Just the ruthless red light of the tearing claw completely tore apart the black light energy from the secret attack in almost an instant.

This also means that the tearing claw struck Absol's head without any hindrance!

After receiving a heavy blow, Absol's figure fell quickly. This time, the wings on his back could not act as a buffer.

boom! !

Then it fell heavily to the ground, raising a cloud of gravel and dust.

Obviously this tearing claw is extremely powerful and causes huge damage!


Xianxiang's complexion changed and she shouted anxiously.

Why is this fossil pterosaur so powerful? She obviously used this mega Absol to challenge various gyms, but it was invincible!

How come you don't have much room to fight back against this opponent?

As the smoke dissipated, a gravel pit appeared on the ground, and mega Absol was in it.


Although the latter did not completely lose his fighting ability and could barely stand up, his condition did not look optimistic, and his snow-white hair became messy and covered in dust.

Xiaozhi didn't give the other party much buffering time. He raised his palm and pressed it down suddenly, roaring loudly:

"Decide the winner at once! Fossil pterosaur, use ultimate impact!!"

At the same time as the sound sounded, both Xianxiang and Absol felt an overwhelming sense of oppression coming from above.

Looking up, I saw that the entire body of the fossil pterosaur had completely turned into a pink-purple spiral shock wave, which was swooping down from high in the sky!

Looking at it obviously, the moves don't seem to be very fast.

But it was like a catastrophic meteorite from the horizon, with no way to dodge except to resist it head-on.

"Block it! Absol, use Super Horn Strike with all your strength!!"

Xianxiang could only bite the bullet and resist head-on, shouting out the most powerful move that Absol currently mastered.

Mega Absol's blood-red eyes were extremely solemn, giving him a feeling of desolation like a strong man going to his death.

After raising his head and letting out a loud roar, the curved corner of the sickle above his head was covered with a layer of gray-green energy light, and even extended forward to form a bunch of straight spears.


Absolu stepped on the ground, holding up the super horned spear, and faced the opponent's offensive!

Boom! !

As the two big moves collided head-on in mid-air, a deafening explosion sounded in the open space.

Only visible to the naked eye, the pink-purple spiral impact energy quickly shredded the super horn's energy into pieces and consumed it completely.

The fossil pterosaur also uses its own rock claws as weapons in its energy coat, which can maximize the power of the ultimate impact move!

Boom boom! !

The next moment, Absol's figure exploded and fell again, causing a roar.

In the endless smoke and dust, its body was still shining with light, which gradually dimmed. This was the gesture of exiting mega evolution.

Obviously, the winner of this challenge has been decided!

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