He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2464 About the choice of mega evolution partner

At the end of the battle, the Fossil Pterosaur easily eliminated Mega Absol without much effort.

"Ah Absol!!"

Seeing Absol who fell in the gravel pit, his body covered with tragic scars, Xuanxiang's face tightened, and she quickly stepped forward to investigate anxiously.


As the winner, the fossil pterosaur hovered in the air several times, shouting in celebration, and then flew back to Xiaozhi's side.

An Absol can't completely let him fight to the fullest!

Xiaozhi feels the same way. It does not mean that trainers who master mega evolution are top masters.

The challengers he has come into contact with during this period are basically elite trainers. They are expected to achieve good results in the alliance conference, but they are still far behind the alliance king.

But he didn't just want to challenge the strong. He also wanted to see more types of mega-evolved Pokémon and their fighting methods.

"If we keep going, the people who come to challenge me will probably become stronger and stronger."

Xiaozhi didn't feel anything was wrong, he had a vague hunch in his heart.

On the other side, Xianxiang took back Absol, and without any time to say anything, she hurriedly ran into the nearby Pokémon Center.

After storing the Pokémon, he walked out again.


However, when she saw the fossil pterosaur still maintaining its mega-evolved posture, with its body covered in rock spikes standing next to Xiaozhi, Xianxiang was a little confused.

Normally, after the battle is over, things will return to their original state, right?

Could it be that,,, Xiaozhi's long-term maintenance of the fossil pterosaur's mega-evolved posture is also a kind of strength-enhancing training?

"I lost, but"

Xiaozhi was already prepared, and before Xuanxiang's "but" could be fully uttered, he took the lead and explained:

"Anyway, I'm not. I don't have Team Flare!"

Strong people regardless of age are naturally persuasive.

Sure enough, after Xiaozhi finished explaining, Ayaka's original sullen expression towards the former turned into an accusation and condemnation of Team Flare.

"What the hell is this organization doing? It's smearing innocent trainers at will!"

Xianxiang still has a sense of justice and can't help but ask Xiang Xiaozhi:

"So you won't refute anything on the Internet and let Team Flare throw dirty water?"

In Xianxiang's original understanding, Team Flare was a good organization with positive energy. The many technological equipment they invented brought many conveniences to the people of the Kalos region.

Xiaozhi shrugged. In fact, he was not particularly anxious. He couldn't just attack Team Flare's headquarters, right?

Moreover, he had asked Dr. Bratano and Miss Pansy for help before, but there was no follow-up.

Team Flare, a local snake in the Kalos area, is quite difficult to deal with.

Seeing this, Xianxiang did not continue to ask questions, but prepared to return to the Pokémon Center.

"Although I lost this time, let's compete again at the alliance conference next time. I will also participate in this year's conference!"

Before parting, Ayaka extended a fist gesture to declare war towards Xiaozhi.

"I'm not participating. If you want to find an opponent at the league conference, you can find Serena."

Ash pushed Serena up with his backhand.

Xianxiang's strength was far behind his own. After seeing Absol's mega-evolved battle method once, he completely lost interest in fighting the latter again.


Xianxiang couldn't help but look at Serena up and down. A girl like this who is fashionable, beautiful and soft should basically go to the Triple Crown Satellite Tournament, right?

"Serena, right? Anyway, I remember it, let's compete at the alliance conference then!"

Xuanxiang still said a harsh word, then showed her graceful and arrogant back to everyone, and walked into the building.


On the same spot, Serena covered her mouth, somewhat complaining about Xiaozhi's arbitrary actions.

She is no match for that mega Absol now!

But what if I also mastered mega evolution?

In her mind, Serena was even more passionate about the key stone in Salo City.

However, Xiaozhi has a better way:

"Does Serena also want to use mega evolution? If there is a competition then, I can lend you my key stone~!"

Keystones and megas can both be borrowed from each other.

"And instead of looking for these two stones, Serena should first choose a Pokémon that has the ability to complete mega evolution, right?"

Ash suggested that Serena's current Pokémon lineup, including Firefox, Turtlefoot, Mosaic, and an Ice Dragon that has not yet hatched, are unable to complete the mega evolution.


Serena and Citron next to her all reacted.

The latter is an electric-type expert, so it was natural for him to choose an electric-type mega Pokémon.

"In the currently announced list of Pokémon that can mega evolve, are the only electric attributes: Electric Dragon and Thundermon?"

Everyone took a rest on the stone platform outside the Pokémon Center and discussed this.

Thundermon is commonly used as Miss Junsha's partner in the Kalos region, but this does not mean that Thundermon is a bad actor here.

Basically, they are police dog thunder beasts specially imported from the Fangyuan area in the official police station. There are actually no traces of them in the wild.

And the electric dragon.

In some pastures in the Carlos area, there are traces of the bleating sheep and the bleating sheep.

"As for electric dragons, dad has one!"

Yulijia raised a finger and reminded immediately.

Their father opened an electrical appliance repair shop in Miare City, and Dianlong was a powerful helper for the latter, as he brought a generator with him.

Citron nodded, maybe he could find an electric dragon egg from his father.

Trainers who specialize in one attribute actually have nothing to worry about in this aspect, and have no choice at all.

Serena has many partners to choose from, and Xiaozhi has rich experience and is also helping analyze them.

For example, Tanabata Blue Bird, Jackrabbit, Gardevoir, and Toadgo are all good choices. Mega-evolved Pokémon that have both good looks and strength are very suitable for female trainers.

"System, record it for me. If you encounter these four Pokémon and their juvenile forms during the journey, be sure to remind me to capture them!"

Serena thought secretly in her mind.

The system, which had not been online for a long time, took a moment to respond. It seemed a little rusty.

"The number of these Pokémon in the wilds of Kalos is not large, and it is recommended to remove Gardevoir and Jackrabbit. The former is the ace Pokémon of Champion Karuna and may conflict with your character.

"The latter is the target's ex-girlfriend's signature Pokémon, which may make the target miss her."

Serena: "?"

Just record it, why do you still talk so much nonsense! ?

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