He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2481 The Country Boy from Zhenxin Town

"Xiao Mao. I seem to have finally made an impression?"

Korni pinched her chin and kept thinking. Suddenly she remembered something and hammered her palm with her fist.

When I was a kid, there was indeed a very stinky kid who came to the gym.

Like a young master, he starts gesticulating as soon as he comes, as if he is the master of this place.

Later, under his grandfather's harsh training, he even cried and tried to run away, but Cocobul was so strong that he caught him and continued his training.

"I remember, you were the kid who kept crying and trying to escape, right?"

Korni raised the corner of her mouth and immediately started mocking.

But when it comes to talking, a hundred Korni combined are not enough for Xiao Mao to output alone.

He just chuckled and responded with the same sarcasm:

"I remember you too. You were a wild girl running around with a Riolu next to you, right? Haha, after all these years, your skills are still not very good. A Mega Evolution would be a life-and-death struggle~"


Xiao Mao's words clearly hit Korni's pain point, and the latter immediately glared at her.

Lucario next to him was grinning even more, wanting to throw Xiao Mao to the ground and beat him up.

"Wait a minute, Xiaomao is my guest! Kerni, don't be rude!"

Cocobul scolded in a stern tone, which made Korni stop.

Every time the new and old owners of the Sara Gym take over, they will hold a celebration. This is an old tradition.

It happened that he heard that his former student was going to travel to the Kalos area, so Cocobul invited Xiao Mao to come to their Salo Gym to participate in the celebration.

"Ahem. Speaking of which, Xiaomao, do you know what happened to Lucario?"

Cocobul's face straightened up a little and he got back to the point.

He, a student who only had a master-disciple relationship for a few months before, must have far more knowledge and vision than he does now, right?

"I was too lazy to say what this wild girl said."

Seeing that Korni was furious again, Xiaomao lengthened his tone and added:

"But, after all, the teacher has spoken, so it doesn't matter if I say it~"

Hearing this, Kerni's expression softened again, and she was startled.

Cocobul shook his head. In his state of mind, his granddaughter was completely manipulated by Xiaomao.

"Huh, it must be some kind of fallacy anyway."

Korni crossed her arms and tilted her head, muttering angrily, but her ears were still raised.

She was not listening to Xiaomao's lecture, but wanted to refute the other party's fallacies!

Xiao Mao did not continue to tease the latter. After coughing a little, he said:

"Indeed, you and your Pokémon have reached the passing level in all aspects. Normally, you will not lose your mind during mega evolution."

"But... Pokémon like Lucario are the exception."

Hearing this, Kerni and Cocobul couldn't help but look serious. They had never heard of this before.

"As we all know, Lucario is a Pokémon that is born with the power of waveguides, and after mega evolution, its own waveguide power will be greatly improved in an instant."

"It is true that the power of waveguide is a wonderful and powerful force, but at the same time, there are also huge risks."

"Since your Lucario cannot control the power of this waveguide after its mega evolution, it will naturally be disturbed by the waveguide and become crazy."


After listening to Xiaomao's explanation, the grandfather and grandson looked at each other and fell into a brief silence.

It seems to make sense.

After Lucario Mega evolves, you can even see a surging waveguide airflow with the naked eye.

"But when grandpa used mega evolution for the first time, he should have used it smoothly, right?!"

Korni quickly raised her hand to retort.

Next to him, Cocobul and his Lucario also nodded in agreement.

Xiao Mao touched his chin, thought for a moment, and then came up with an answer:

"The only possible reason is that others have mastered the use of waveguide power under normal conditions, but your Lucario cannot do this."

"The use of waveguide power?"

Korni looked stunned and subconsciously looked at her Lucario.

"Let's put it another way, is your Lucario good at using the Wave Missile move? Or is he better at other moves?"

Xiao Mao's continuous questioning, Cocobul was the first to understand, and his long and curved eyebrows couldn't help but stretch out.

Korni, on the other hand, was still holding her head, with a look of confusion on her face.

Like Xiaozhi, she is not good at thinking, and her CPU is already drying up and smoking.

Next to him, Cocobul also knew that his granddaughter was not good at thinking, so he said slowly:

"I understand. Korni, your Lucario usually uses enhanced fists. The second most skilled one is beating with bone sticks, and rarely uses wave missiles."

When Riolu evolves, most Lucarios will naturally master the Wave Missile move.

The same was true for his Lucario, and in the following battles, he frequently used wave missiles to fight.

Even if you don't deliberately exercise the power of the waveguide, the level of control over your own waveguide is enough to complete the mega evolution.

However, Kerni prefers physical combat.

Use force, strengthen punches, and hit with bone sticks. Korni prefers such moves, but rarely releases wave missiles.

In other words, her Lucario is a purely physical-attack Lucario!

"If you don't consider mega evolution, there's nothing wrong with pure physical attack. It's just a choice of fighting style."

"But now we have to consider the Mega Evolution Wave Missile, which is a move that every Mega Lucario must master proficiently!"

Xiao Mao's face straightened and he concluded in a deep voice.

These words finally made Kerni enlightened.

It really is!

The frequency of wave missiles used by my Lucario is indeed much lower than that of my grandfather's!

Seeing that Xiaomao actually pointed out the reason in an instant, Kerni thought more highly of the former this time.

"The crybaby kid at that time seemed to have really become powerful."

Although, his character still needs a beating!

"Speaking of Xiaomao, why are you so familiar with the power of waveguide? Is it possible that you have also conquered Lucario?"

Cocobul put his hands behind his back and couldn't help but asked curiously.

In response, Xiao Mao just shrugged, spread his hands casually and said:

"No, I just heard something about this mentioned by a country boy in the town before, so I made a note of it~"

Cocobul's eyebrows couldn't help but tremble. Does any country man from Zhenxin Town know so much about the power of waveguides?

The Kanto region is really a crouching tiger, hidden dragon!

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