He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2482 The Blastoise that masters the waveguide!

"So if you want to completely master mega evolution, the method is very simple."

Xiaomao sent Buddha to the west and said casually:

"Next, you just need to let your Lucario practice the Wave Missile move. How much training is required?"

As he said this, Xiao Mao suddenly took out a Poke Ball from his waist and opened it.


The red light fell, and a huge brown-shelled turtle with two cannon barrels mounted on its back landed on the beach in front of him.

Kerni and his grandson tilted their heads, not understanding why Xiao Mao suddenly released a water arrow turtle.

Xiao Mao, on the other hand, snapped his fingers casually and said in a somewhat showy tone:

"Blastoise, use the wave missile~"

The next moment, the water arrow turtle's stubby palms came together in front of him and quickly condensed a dark blue energy bomb.

"This is a wave missile?!"

Korni's beautiful eyes widened, wasn't a move like Wave Missile that only Lucario could use? !

Why can a turtle be used now? !

As the Water Arrow Turtle pushed out its palms, the wave missile flew out, flying straight on the sea at high speed, even breaking the water flow below into waves, churning to both sides.


However, as the Water Arrow Turtle shouted, he moved his palm across the air.

Then the missile that flew out actually drew an arc of nearly ninety degrees on the sea surface.

Boom! !

Finally, it accurately hit a rock on the diagonal right. It was so powerful that the gravel exploded on the spot!

Korni was greatly surprised by this fancy hand, which was like being able to control the corners of a fired bullet.

"Well~ It's not a big deal. Once you have mastered Lucario to this extent, you should be able to fully control the mega evolution~"

Xiao Mao raised the corner of his mouth and casually took the Water Arrow Turtle back, hiding his merit and fame.

"Damn it, Lucario, we're using wave missiles to turn around too!!"

Korni immediately shouted loudly and wanted to try it.

Her Lucario also jumped in front of her eagerly, took a stance, and began to condense a wave missile between her palms.

However, the charging time of the move is a bit long.


Moreover, the wave missile that was thrown out was completely out of control. No matter how Lucario tried using his wave guide, the wave missile just shot straight out until it disappeared at the end of the sea level.

"Did you fail? It doesn't matter! Lucario, we will try to master this ability completely within two days! Special training has begun!!"


However, the fighting spirit of one person and one dog was high, and they immediately started exercising towards the deserted sea next to them.

The celebration in Salo City will begin in three days, and she must show her perfect mega evolution to everyone at the celebration!

Korni's fearless and excited expression actually made Xiao Mao, who was watching on the sidelines, relax his eyebrows a little and subconsciously reveal a smile at the corner of his mouth.

Although the person in front of him was a sweaty blonde beauty, the face of an old friend could not help but appear in Xiao Mao's mind.

"These two people are really similar."

Cocobul also smiled, and walked over slowly with his hands behind his back. While watching his granddaughter exercise, he asked casually:

"Does your water arrow turtle also possess the power of waveguide?"

Xiao Mao still respected his teacher very much and did not hide anything. He nodded and said:

"Yes, teacher. A friend of mine saw that my water arrow turtle had the potential to practice the power of wave guide, so he taught me some techniques to use it."

The friend he was talking about was naturally Xiaozhi.

As a waveguide hero, Xiaozhi has the responsibility to pass on the method of using the power of waveguide.

Although Xiaomao cannot use the waveguide, the target is not only humans. And this ability is not exclusive to Lucario, there are still other Pokémon that can use this power.

For example, in the Sinnoh region, Super King Wu Song's Charem.

And Xiaomao’s Blastoise.

With the mega evolution of his Blastoise, he can use this power with the super launcher characteristic amplification.

That's too far.

"Oh, it seems like this friend of yours is an amazing waveguide hero?"

Cocobul naturally knew the legend of the Wave Guide Heroes, but he didn't expect that such a group actually existed in this world.

"Speaking of which, Xiaomao, you are now an excellent trainer~!"

In response, Cocobul's face was filled with pride and he patted Xiao Mao's shoulder gently.

Although the water arrow turtle just missed it slightly, its aura alone was enough to surpass his own Lucario.

Even the king of their alliance in the Kalos region would probably not be Xiaomao's opponent.

Xiao Mao smiled freely, spread his hands and said:

"Teacher, now my main job is to be a researcher. Being a trainer is just a hobby~"

"It doesn't matter which path you choose~ Then stay here for the next three days~ Then help me host the celebration of the Sara Gym, how about that?"

"The teacher's request is of course no problem~"

An old man and a young man just sat on the beach and rocks, chatting after a long absence.

Time flies by, two days later.

On the other side, Xiaozhi and his party finally walked out of the Mirror Cave. In the distance, they could already see the coastline and the outline of the coast of Salo City.

Although they encountered many strange crystal mirrors later, the plot of traveling to another world did not happen again.

Leaving the mirror cave, the crystal rock snake also emerged from the ground simultaneously. Under the sunlight, its crystal body sparkled like a work of art.

But its expression seemed a little disappointed, and it couldn't help but lower its crystal head.

"Come back, don't be discouraged, Big Rock Snake, you can always find it next time."

After Xiaozhi comforted him, he had no choice but to take it back.

In the mirror cave, no suitable evolution props for the crystal rock snake were found.

"The normal big rock snake itself is a rock, and it needs a metal film, a material different from the rock, to complete its evolution."

Citron reasoned from the side:

"By the same analogy, the Crystal Rock Snake naturally has to look for evolutionary props that are different from the "crystal" material, so a mirror cave full of crystals is really not a suitable place."

He remembered that there was a diamond mine in the Kalos region.

It stands to reason that the direction of search for the crystal rock snake should be in the diamond mine, not the crystal mine.

"I understand. Next we need to find a diamond mine."

Xiaozhi nodded and took it to heart.

But this kind of thing cannot be rushed. Next, let’s hurry to Salo City ahead!

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