He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2483 The Gym Leader’s Urinary Properties

Xiaozhi and his party entered Salo City, which is another seaside city with beautiful scenery.

Coupled with the arched classical stone buildings everywhere on the streets, whether it is the natural landscape or the city's internal facilities, it is a city well worth traveling to.

In other words, this is true of almost every town in the Carlos region, which perfectly integrates the three elements of nature, fashion and classics.

"Is that the Refining Tower there?!"

With his palms resting on the railing of Huanhai Avenue, Xiaozhi looked at the island on the other side of the coastline and couldn't help but exclaimed.

It is obviously not a huge island and can be seen almost at a glance, but there is a majestic and huge solemn stone tower built on it.

The beach connecting Sala City and the Refining Tower is also looming with the waves, and it seems that it may be completely covered by the sea water at any time.

"That's the Sara Gym, right?"

Serena straightened her hair that was blown by the sea breeze and looked into the distance. An alliance gym building on the side of the Refining Tower was quite conspicuous, which made her feel shuddered.

Can I really defeat Korni now?

"Don't worry! You've already done a lot of special training, and you'll definitely be able to get the Sara Gym badge~!"

As someone who has been there, Xiaozhi saw through Serena's nervous and excited expression at a glance, and immediately comforted her with a hearty smile.

It was almost dusk now. The four of them did not choose to go to the next island immediately. Instead, they walked to the local Pokémon Center to prepare for a rest.

They had been camping in the wild for several days.

As soon as he entered the center, next to the hall, three figures gathered in a group and chatting happily attracted Xiaozhi's attention.

A fat man, a short man, and a brown-skinned girl full of vitality

It was Doropa, Shana, and Tierno!

Naturally, the three of them saw Xiaozhi and his party walking in, and their eyes lit up.

"Hey! Serena, what a coincidence!!"

"Serena-chan~!! I met you here!!"

Shana and Tierno naturally ran up to Serena for the first time and greeted her in surprise.

Doropa couldn't hide his excited tone, walked up to Xiaozhi alone, and greeted him respectfully:

"Long time no see Mr. Xiaozhi!"

"Just call me Xiaozhi"

Xiaozhi scratched his head. He was still a little uncomfortable with honorific titles.

Although Carlos' three little ones all travel alone, they have also set up a group chat where they exchange experiences with each other every day.

Especially when traveling to the same area, two or three people often form teams to temporarily coordinate their actions.

Coincidentally, the three of them met in Salo City in the past few days.

"Dangdang~ Look at Serena, what is this~!"

Shana smiled and took out a palm-sized key ring with her backhand, and hanging on it was a large key with a delicate and beautiful shape and inlaid with gorgeous gems.

"I have successfully won a Triple Crown satellite match~!"

And the princess key in her hand is the proof of victory.

As long as you collect three princess keys, you can participate in the high-level events of the Triple Crown Satellite Tournament!

"Ah, that's awesome, Shana!"

Serena clapped her palms and couldn't help but praise.

She was a newcomer last time, but unexpectedly, in a blink of an eye, the opponent had already won her first victory. It seems that Shana is quite talented as a performer.

"It's a pity Serena, you came one day late, otherwise you could have participated with me in the Triple Crown Satellite Tournament held in Salo City yesterday."

Shana is a little regretful, she hasn't completely given up on Selena yet!

She got this princess key from yesterday's exhibition match.

"it's beautiful"

Stars appeared in Serena's eyes, staring straight at the princess key.

The shape is like the keychain that is the signature Pokémon of the Kalos region and is as delicate and cute as a keychain.

The competition process was easy to explain, but just the prize key after winning made Serena excited.

"And me and me! Serena-chan, look at this!"

Tierno suddenly pushed his fat face over and opened his badge box like a show off.

At this moment, three badges have been placed on it.

The order of the first two is similar to Serena's, and the third one is a badge with the image of two fists clashing - it is the battle badge of the Sara Gym!

Seeing this, Serena and even Xiaozhi were a little surprised.

The Raichu that Tierno used last time was not so good, but now he has defeated Korni's Lucario? !

"And me, Mr. Xiaozhi!"

At this time, Doropa also blushed and took out his badge box.

There are also three badges placed on it, and the order is also consistent with Tierno.

"I followed your advice and am actively challenging badges everywhere!"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi became a little confused. With Korni's strength, she shouldn't be defeated by two novice trainers in succession, right?

Even if her Lucario doesn't use the power of mega evolution, its quality is already strong enough.

"Kerni? Who is Kerni?!"

However, after hearing Xiaozhi's question, Doropa and Tiereno looked at each other, both of them confused.

"The Sala Gym Leader I challenge is the old man from Cocobul!"

"Yes, I think I did hear that Mr. Cocobul is retiring soon and his granddaughter will take over?"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi finally understood. No wonder Korni said that she was not the official gym leader yet.

That makes sense.

Xiaozhi has not only challenged many gyms, but he even served as a gym prosecutor for a period of time in the Sinnoh region. He is very familiar with the urinary behavior of these gym leaders.

Young gym leaders, such as Kerni, must give their best every time and will not give up in the slightest.

In this case, it depends on the strength of the gym owner. If he is a strong gym owner, he will basically reach a super high level of challenge difficulty.

And the older gym leader.

That's almost it.

We have reached the age of retirement, and there are not a few old men who will give their best.

After a little fighting and letting go, you can see if the challenger's strength is up to standard, or even a consolation prize. Then you can issue badges.

Generally speaking, the old man's gym leader will be simpler.

That's the case with Sara Daoguan.

Doropa and Tierno didn't even see Cocobul take out Lucario.


This actually made Serena fall into the contradiction of being envious, but not particularly envious.

She also wants to fight against Coco Bull, and the other party will let him go, and she can simply get a badge and be done.

But I also secretly want to have an all-out battle with Korni!

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