He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2487 Long-tailed Fire Fox and Furry Sheep!

Xiaozhi closed his eyes lightly, and the power of the waveguide turned into an invisible cyclone and spread to cover the entire Refining Tower.


On the stone platform, Korni's Lucario shook his ears and subconsciously looked in Xiaozhi's direction.

As expected, this human being also knows how to use the power of waveguides.

Within a moment, Xiaozhi smiled proudly and opened his eyes.

He has found the target location, and I have to say that it is really hidden in a good place.

But completing the task in an instant made Xiaozhi feel a little less interested. However, he did not take the keystone bracelet immediately.

He didn't need the keystone in the first place.

Let's wait until dusk. If no one finds him by then, tell Serena and Citron secretly.

So Xiaozhi started to do nothing, put his hands on the back of his head, and prepared to follow his friends to watch the show.

"Hehe! Yulijia is also looking for her!!"

Since there is no threshold to participate, Yulijia is also ready to take action. If she can find the key stone, she may be able to complete the handsome mega evolution of her dong dong mouse!

"The time has come for science and technology to open up the era!"

As the crowd around him dispersed, Citron quickly became excited and took out a radar detection machine from his backpack.

"The machine that was prepared in advance to deal with this situation, I named it the Evolution Keystone Treasure Hunter! ON!!"

The rules stated that Citron could be used in any way as long as the building was not destroyed. Naturally, it immediately borrowed the power of science.

"Oh~ Sure enough, the power of science is great!!"

Xiaozhi was naturally the first to cheer and shout.

As the instrument started to operate, the detection probe began to rotate to find the target.

Didi didi!

Soon, the direction was locked towards Xiaozhi's wrist.

Xiaozhi: "?"

Then the machine's probe twitched and pointed in the direction of Xiaomao, Kerni, and Cocobul in the distance.

"Hey! I'm looking for the prize keystone, not the keystone that already has the owner!"

Citron's face started to panic as usual, and he kept tapping on the keyboard, trying to control the interface to correct the machine.

But this only made the detector's restlessness more exaggerated.

boom! !

Finally, another familiar explosion of black smoke rose up, blowing half of Citron's face black, and even affecting Xiaozhi and the others next to him.

Xiaozhi: "."

In this case, it shouldn’t be considered damaging the building, right?

Suddenly I feel that the power of science is not as good as the power of magic.

The great magician Citron's pathfinding technique with his staff in the Mirror Cave world seems to be more reliable than these scientific instruments? !

"Hey brother, it's really useless, you should look at me!!"

Yulijia shook her head helplessly and complained mercilessly. Then she released the dong dong rat from her small satchel and commanded confidently:

"Dongdongshu, find me the keystone bracelet!!"

Creatures like little mice are born with the talent of becoming "treasure hunting rats". Maybe they can find the target with their keen sense of smell!

"Dong dong zzz"

But at this moment, the Dongdong mouse is just like its big brother Pikachu, with its four little paws curled up and in a comfortable hibernation posture.

Even if he threw it on the ground, there would be no reaction at all, and he slept extremely soundly.

It is working hard little by little with its big brother Pikachu as a role model!

Yulijia: "."

As for Serena's method of finding her target, she secretly inquired about the system in her mind.

"The method is very simple. The first one is to stay in the center of the Refining Tower to preserve your strength and wait and see what happens. When someone finds the Keystone Bracelet, grab it as soon as possible!"

Serena: "?"

"The second method is to let the person take the keystone bracelet casually, wait for him to go out, and ambush him on the only way to leave, and then wait for an opportunity to seize the treasure!"

Serena: "."

Is there any way to avoid punishment?

The system was as useless as ever, and Serena could only helplessly take out a Poké Ball and prepare to search for it together with her Pokémon.

At this moment, most of the participants here are also cooperating with their own Pokémon. Most of them are using the unique searching ability of Pokémon to search the Refining Tower like a carpet.


The red light fell, and a light yellow fire fox appeared in front of Serena.

The fluffy hair is slightly curly and stands upright like a girl in a dress. There is a branch stuck in the big hairy tail on the back.

"Huh?! Serena, has your Fire Fox evolved? This Pokémon is called Long-tailed Fire Fox, right?!"

Shana hadn't gone far yet. After seeing the long-tailed fire fox, she couldn't help but came over curiously and said in surprise.

The youngest Pokémon performer at present, the previous "Queen Carlos", is a female trainer who uses Long-tailed Firefox, so Shanna is very familiar with this Pokémon.

"Yeah, the result of special training to fight against the Sara Gym!"

Serena nodded, her face flushed with a serious look.

After all, he has to face Korni's Lucario next. The opponent is too strong. If his fire fox does not complete the evolution, there is no way he can be the former's opponent.

So during the trip to the Mirror Cave, Serena had been training hard, and finally let the Fire Fox complete the evolution before challenging the gym!

It's just a pity.

The long-tailed fire fox will not gain superpower attributes until it evolves to the third stage.

Otherwise, the attribute combination of fire + super is the fighting + steel combination that perfectly restrains the opponent!

Of course, the second-stage Long-tailed Firefox can already use some simple superpower moves.

"Long-tailed Firefox, use the phantom light! Help me find the keystone bracelet similar to the one on Xiaozhi's arm!"

Serena did not intend to wait and see, she also joined the army of carpet searches.

The long-tailed fire fox nodded, pulled out the firewood from its big fluffy tail, and held it in front of him like a magic wand.

call out.!

The front end of the firewood scattered a faint purple halo, exploring the surrounding objects like a see-through light.

"Then let me come too!"

Citron could only temporarily put away the scrapped machine and prepare to seek help from Pokémon.


The red light fell, and this time Citron sent a new Pokémon.

This is a pink, upright sheep, only about half a person tall. Most of the hair on the body has been shaved bare. Only the neck and head are wrapped in a thick ring of white cashmere. It is a very cute sheep. Pokémon.

"Isn't this a woolly sheep? When did you subdue a woolly sheep, Xitron?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help but asked curiously, is this a sheep Pokémon that is commonly seen in the Johto area? It evolves again into an electric dragon!

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