He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2488 The classic Dr. Oak summer camp!

"Well, this is a Pokémon given to me by my father."

Citron smiled, rubbed the head of the furry sheep, and explained.

Since I want to use mega evolution, in addition to finding evolution props, I also need to find Pokémon that can achieve mega evolution.

However, in the Kalos region, thunder beasts are basically official police dogs, and there are no traces of them living in the wild.

And electric dragons are also rare.

So Citron called and asked about his father.

The latter was also an excellent electric-type trainer when he was young. Maybe there is a way to find traces of these two Pokémon.

"Ah? My son wants to find a Pokémon that can mega-evolve? It's easy. I'll just give you a furry sheep. After it evolves, it will become an electric dragon~!"

Citron's father directly teleported a velvet sheep.

This velvet sheep is the descendant of his electric dragon. It just evolved from a meridian sheep into a velvet sheep from birth.

Now that he has grown up, he originally wanted to find a suitable trainer and give it away.

What a coincidence.

Even Citron's father said that when he finds the key stone in the future, he will also have information about the electric dragon mega stone, which will be a complete one-way service!

This naturally makes Citron even more determined to win this power!

As an electrical expert, Citron's method of treasure hunting is naturally electrical.

"Rongyangyang, use your electromagnetic waves to feel the keystone on Xiaozhi's hand, and then go find a new one!"

The docile furry sheep nodded, and a faint electric current shot out of its short hand.

Xiaozhi also quickly raised his arm and caught it firmly with his key stone bracelet.


As this small electromagnetic wave reflected back to Rong Rong Yang's hand, the latter seemed to have a certain ability to perceive this kind of object, and began to lower his head and search around.

"Everyone has their own skills"

Seeing that his friends seemed to have good treasure hunting strategies, Xiaozhi nodded repeatedly in approval.

However, until now, no one has gone to the destination immediately.

Xiaozhi subconsciously glanced at the most conspicuous statue of Mega Lucario in the Tower of Refining.

That’s where the real treasure is hidden!

However, he did not remind him, nor did he specifically look at the statue, so as not to be noticed by others.

"Oh Xiaozhi, did you find the treasure hiding place so quickly?"

At this time, there was a burst of ridicule from behind, and the voice was extremely familiar.

Xiaozhi turned his head and saw that Xiaomao had walked over from the stone platform where he had given a speech before, with a slight smile on his face:

"As expected of the power of the waveguide, it's so convenient. You can find the target in no time~"

Others didn't pay attention, but he had been observing Xiaozhi and could clearly see the direction of the latter's eyes.

"Hehe~ You really hid in a good place."

Xiaozhi naturally accepted the compliment and smiled proudly.

There are almost no secrets between the two of them. Xiaomao basically knows his information, so there is no need to hide anything deliberately.

"The most dangerous place is a safe place. It's just a simple cover-up."

Xiao Mao scanned the surroundings. Most of the people were on the first floor of the Refining Tower, searching the rock walls outside.

Or he climbed the spiral staircase and checked the stone chambers along the way. No one came to check the Mega Lucario statue.

This feeling of IQ crushing ordinary people is still very useful to Xiao Mao.

Although he is now a mature scholar, the bad taste in his bones, like the power of blood, can never be eliminated.

Xiaozhi was too lazy to look for it, so he and Xiaomao simply followed his friend side by side and started chatting:

"By the way, why did you suddenly go to the Kalos area? And you became a host."

"Didn't I tell you before that I'm going to travel to the Kalos area for a while? Teacher Cocobul invited me to come to Salo City, so I stopped by~"

Xiao Mao replied casually, then tilted his head and said with a hint of ridicule:

"Speaking of which, Xiaozhi, your recent reputation is not very good in the Kalos area~"

"Uh, it's all Xiao Heizi's doing!"

Nowadays, the two of them have lost the sharpness of tit-for-tat, and they will make cold remarks and ridicule when they meet.

Instead, it was a casual chat about old friends meeting again, without any violation or unfamiliarity.

Then Xiao Mao glanced at the slender figure walking in front, and couldn't help teasing:

"This is another classic partner combination, so is this your new girlfriend? She is indeed a standard Carlos beauty~"

"Don't talk nonsense, Serena is my friend!"

Xiaozhi quickly defended and introduced his Carlos partner to Xiaomao.

"Oh, you are Mr. Xiaomao. I seem to have read your papers, and they all have incredible views!!"

Citron quickly said hello seriously, while Yulijia beside him had a slightly red cheek.

Xiaozhi’s friend seems to be a bit good-looking!

"Hello, I am Serena from Chaoxiang Town!"

Serena also said hello quickly and secretly observed Xiao Mao.

Is this the same person who scolded Shana in the tone of a domineering president in the previous summer camp? It feels like he has completely different personalities from Xiaozhi.

But the two people stood there side by side very naturally, like twin stars that fit together.

They are indeed childhood sweethearts!

"Serena? A girl from Chaoxiang Town."

However, upon hearing this name, Xiao Mao's expression changed slightly, and then he took a serious look at Serena in front of him.

"Wait a minute, you must be the girl who attended my grandfather's summer camp when she was a child, right?!"

Xiaomao couldn't help blurting out.

Serena was startled when she heard this. She should be talking about Shana, right?

In her impression, there was no such person as Xiao Mao at all.

"What summer camp is it, Xiaomao?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help but asked curiously.

"Hey, it was the time we attended Grandpa's summer camp together when we were kids. A girl from the Kalos area got lost, and Ash finally rescued her."

When Xiao Mao was a child, he valued his grandfather's reputation very much.

As a young adult, he remembered things like lost children at summer camp very clearly, and was afraid that something would really happen and damage Dr. Ohki's reputation.

So he was deeply impressed by "Serena of Chaoxiang Town".

In the last summer camp, Xiaozhi did not participate due to temporary illness, but Xiaomao was still there.

There was also a missing out-of-town girl at that time, who seemed to be "Shana from Chaoxiang Town".

Damn it, why are they all from Chaoxiang Town? !

Xiao Mao's words made Serena's face gradually turn red, and she waved her hands in a panic, signaling Xiao Mao not to continue talking.

"Hey, it seems like this is really happening. Wait a minute, is the girl wearing the straw hat at that time Serena?!"

Xiaozhi realized it later and finally came to his senses.

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