He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 246 Xiao Mao vs Boss Sakagi!

"Come out!"

Sakagi threw the elf ball in his hand casually. It was a brown Pokémon with only three cylindrical heads connected together, and it fell to the ground. It was impossible to see the structure below the head.

This is Sakagi's inferior horse.

Xiao Mao couldn't help but took out the illustration book.

"It has been subdued, don't you need my introduction? Don't be disgusting with the illustrated book. Hee hee."

The illustration book opened and prompted.

Xiaomao: "..."

Three gophers, he did have three in the gopher burrows around Deadleaf City, not any special Pokémon.

Xiaomao glanced at the three gophers in front of him. His strength seemed to be only average, and he became courageous in an instant. After hesitating for a while, he reached into his waist and took out a poke ball.

"Come out, my baby~"

A red light flashed, and a large dog-shaped Pokémon with red and black stripes appeared on the field. Even though its limbs landed on the ground, it was still more than two meters high. It was covered with a large layer of yellow mane. The fur was soft and its limbs were healthy. Shuo, the head is actually not like a big dog, but more like a big lion with a mane.

Wind speed dog!


The wind speed dog roared up to the sky, the sound was like thunder, and the momentum was extraordinary. There was even a terrifying power in the roar, which made the three hamsters in front of them unable to move back a few steps.

The characteristic intimidation is activated, and the attack power of the three gophers is reduced.

Facing the big lion with its dancing mane, Sakagi didn't move at all. As experienced as he was, he could almost perceive the fighting power of this wind speed dog at a glance.

Human combat power detectors, experienced trainers can actually do more or less.


Sakagi gave this combat power data.

Of course, this is just panel data. Whether the real combat power of more than 9000 can be displayed in the battle depends on the operation between the trainer and the Pokémon.

Although it is less than a five-figure combat power, for a rookie trainer, this is already an extremely terrifying and exaggerated statistic.

Thinking of this, Sakagi couldn't help but said:

"Oh? Use the flame attribute to deal with my ground attribute?"

"Hmph, in the face of the level gap, attributes are meaningless."

Xiaomao hooked the corner of his mouth and launched the attack first, indicating:

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, use the flame vortex!!"


The wind speed is dog-toothed, and a crimson flame is spit out from the mouth, which spurts away in the shape of a fire column. When approaching the target, the direction of the flame turns and turns into a whirlpool that surrounds the three gophers.


The flames gathered and burned the three gophers continuously, causing the latter to let out a muffled groan, with a bad expression on his face.

"The temperature of the flame is pretty good...Three Gophers, use Sand Hell." Sakagi instructed.

It was said that the three heads of the three hamsters in the flames shook for a while, throwing out countless dust and sand, and the surrounding arena collapsed, successfully covering and extinguishing the surrounding flame vortex.

However, the three hamsters also had a few more scars from flames.

The effect of fire on ground attributes is not bad, but double the normal effect, and the damage is not low.

But the ground attribute is doubly restrained against the fire attribute.

Sakagi instructed:

"Three Gophers, use Earthquake."


The three gophers trembled, and with it as the source, ground waves continued to spread around in circles, and the entire arena began to vibrate, and even a lot of soil crust and ground were cracking.

Xiao Mao didn't panic, and instantly had a countermeasure.

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, use Bounce!"

I saw the body of the wind speed dog suddenly jumped up, the strong jumping force and airborne force made it look like flying in mid-air for a while, and it didn't land for a long time.

Naturally, the violent vibration did not cause any harm to it.

The skill of bouncing is similar to digging holes and flying into the sky. They are all skills that need to be charged for one round. At this moment, one round of charging also allows the wind speed dog to completely avoid the damage of the earthquake.

"Wind Speed ​​Dog!"

With Xiaomao's low shout, the earthquake skill stopped, and the wind speed dog that was stuck in the air just landed, and its strong forelimbs and soles directly stepped on the head of the three hamsters, and the impact directly made the three hamsters' heads tilted, causing no damage. vulgar.

"It's over, use the jet flame!!"

Xiaomao took advantage of the victory to pursue, not giving the slightest chance.

Taking advantage of the reaction force of the bounce, the wind speed dog opened its teeth again at the same time as it opened the distance, and suddenly a thick flame bombarded the three gophers completely.

"Boom boom boom!!"

The flame exploded, and the surrounding dust and sand shot up into the sky one after another, with a huge momentum, completely covering it.

When all the smoke and flames had dissipated, the three gophers in the center had completely lost their ability to fight and fainted on the ground.

And the wind speed dog has retreated to Xiaomao's side, the mane on his body is dancing, like a flaming lion, and his eyes are firm.

Xiaomao caressed its chin, and his expression gradually became arrogant...

"That's it?"

Although these three hamsters are quite capable, after 10 gymnasium experiences, he is really not enough to watch!

He even had a faint guess in his heart, could it be that the big boss of the Rockets is actually a spring commander who plays with his mouth?

That's right, who stipulated that the big boss must be able to fight? !

It just needs to be strong enough, the boss drinks tea and eats melons, strategizing thousands of miles away, this is the normal style of painting of a big boss of a multinational black-hearted international company.

Sakagi: "..."

Feeling that the monkey in front of him looked at him gradually as if he was looking at a fool, which made him a little uncomfortable.

Sakagi didn't even look at the three gophers below who couldn't fight, took it back and threw another poke ball again.


A red light flashed, this time it was an earth gray upright dragon Pokémon with a metallic luster. Sharp tapered corners.


This time Xiaomao behaved well, and didn't even take out the illustration book. After seeing the opponent's Pokémon, he threw his poke ball without even thinking about it.


A red light flashed. His Pokémon was very heavy, and even caused a slight earthquake when it landed. It was also a steel-skinned dragon-type Pokémon.

Another Ironclad Tyrannosaurus!

"I have long heard that the Viking Gymnasium has a unique understanding of the cultivation of Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus. Today I want to see and see."

That's what he said, but there was a smug smile on Xiaomao's face.

Although the two iron-clad tyrannosaurus in front of him are almost the same size, the metallic luster on his body is deeper, and the protruding water chestnuts on the back are also more prominent. It is obvious that he is better at breeding the iron-clad tyrannosaur One chip!

This inch-cut man is indeed a joker.

Now it was Xiao Mao's turn to look at Sakagi instead of looking at the monkey.

He was even hesitating whether to say the frivolous words of "hanging the flagpole outside the league and engraving big characters on the forehead" again.

Sakagi: "..."

He sneered indifferently, but it was just another inferior horse, just for his entertainment.

"Iron armored rhino, use the horn drill!"

"Iron Armored Rhino, we also use horn drills!"

Following the orders of the two, the two armored rhinos rushed towards each other at the same time, and the sharp horns on the face door spun wildly like an electric drill.


There was a violent metal cutting sound from the corner drill to the corner drill, and friction sparks burst out continuously at the junction!


(3 more, please subscribe for tickets!)

(Orgasm tomorrow.)

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