He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 247 The second favorite dish abuse link


Electric sparks shot between the rotating sharp corners, but they failed to gain the upper hand. I saw that the two armored tyrannosaurs gave up the horn drill attack at the same time, but raised their steel arms and smashed at each other's forehead.


After a heavy metal collision sound, the two dragon iron claws tightly grasped each other's claws, facing each other, and began to wrestle for strength.

After a long while, the two armored tyrannosaurus retreated several meters at the same time, and they fought in an evenly matched situation.

"The strength is not bad..."

Xiaomao couldn't help admiring. He had long heard that the Viking Gym has a unique way of cultivating Iron-clad Tyrannosaurus. He brought this Pokémon with him today and planned to copy it.

But if there is only this level, it is not worth copying him...

Xiaomao's eyes were fixed, and he attacked again:

"In this case, use the sharp stone to attack!"

"Hmph, we also use sharp stones to attack."

Xiao Mao and Sakagi gave up close combat at the same time and chose to use long-range skills. The two armored tyrannosaurs flicked their arms and released their skills at the same time.


Sakagi's armored tyrannosaurus condensed dozens of gray sharp stones around its body, and with its fists swung, all the sharp sharp stones shot out, piercing the air.

"Crap, rub, rub!!"

Xiaomao's Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus was different. He suddenly slammed his fist on the floor in front of him. In the next second, several blue rock spikes appeared on the ground one after another, spreading towards the target in a straight line.

There are two ways to release the sharp stone attack, one is the shape of a flying leaf and a sharp knife, and it is a long-range fixed-point strike that can smash all the rocks on the target.

The other is the cliff sword style, where the thorns go all the way, causing a line of AOE attacks, but only the last thorn can hit the target.

So in the Fangyuan area, the sword of the cliff is also called the small sharp stone attack.

"Boom boom boom!!"

The continuously protruding spurs collided with the sharp rocks that came from the spurt, and they exploded into countless gravel fragments on the way. The power of the two was almost the same, and they canceled out on the spot.

"It's not all offset!"

Xiaomao covered one eye with one hand, couldn't help laughing wildly, and leaned back tactically.

I saw that the sharp stone attack on his side hadn't completely disappeared. As the two different sharp stones in the middle fell completely, an ice blue ground thorn at the end suddenly shot out from the ground, hitting the iron armor right Tyrannosaurus belly.

Regardless of the fact that Ironclad Tyrannosaurus is made of steel, its stomach is not covered by armor, which is a weak position. It can directly break through the defense with one blow, knocking its entire body to the ground, and the damage is not low.

Xiaomao smiled triumphantly and waved his thumb:

"Now, use sacrifice attack!"

Sakagi seemed unaware of the disadvantage, and his tone was very flat.

"We also use sacrificial attacks."

The same instruction, the same bright golden light appeared on the bodies of the two armored tyrannosaurus, and then the two dragons kicked the ground at the same time, their thick and huge bodies seemed to turn into a golden tank, galloping towards each other majesticly.


The ground of the entire Viki Pan Gym began to vibrate as the two heavy Pokémon trampled on it.


The armored tyrannosaurus collided, metal explosions exploded in the middle of the arena, and the air waves and whirlwind spread towards the surroundings, making Xiaomao couldn't help squinting his eyes, even the cat boss above raised his cat's paw to block his eyes .

When the smoke and dust cleared, the two armored tyrannosaurs retreated at the same time again, and the power of the sacrificed attack was once again 50-50.

The only difference is that the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus of Boss Sakagi had bursts of electric arcs, and he shook his head several times, which seemed uncomfortable.

But there was nothing unusual about Xiaomao.

He understood the reason in an instant, and said directly:

"Taking advantage of this time, another sharp stone attack!!"


Xiaomao Ironclad Tyrannosaurus once again hit the ground with a punch, and the ground pierced with "clicks" and sharp thorns stretched away, piercing straight into the latter's defenseless belly.

"The last blow, use the sacrifice attack!!" Xiaomao took advantage of the victory and chased after him.


The Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus let out a roar, and its body was once again covered with bright golden light energy. It rushed up like a tank god of war, and slammed into the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus who had not recovered from the sharp stone attack.


The terrifying force made the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus completely irresistible. Even with its heavy body, it was still thrown out like a shell, hitting the wall behind, and was directly embedded at a depth of nearly half a meter, causing bursts of smoke and dust to shatter. crumbs.

By the time the latter landed on the ground, his eyes had already started to roll, and he couldn't fight on the spot, and his appearance was extremely tragic.

"Oh, I seem to have won two consecutive victories by accident. Could it be possible that I can still get 0 letters from a certain boss today? This is something I can't accept, ah ha ha ha!!"

Seeing this, Xiao Mao couldn't help but put his hips on his hips, and laughed out loud, his expression became extremely arrogant.

He is now completely sure that this is a paper tiger boss, a mere fish, and his strength may not be as good as Xiaozhi's.

Isn't this his second favorite part of abusing food, as long as he has a hand today.

"Oh, as a rookie, your strength is not bad..."

The way Sakagi looked at Xiao Mao also changed slightly. As an expert who is good at ground attributes, he was quite interested in the harmless iron-clad tyrannosaurus in front of him.

Ironclad Tyrannosaurus has two characteristics, one is the lightning rod, and the other is the stone head.

The stone-headed head can be immune to the sequelae damage that occurs after using skills with anti-injury such as sacrificial attack.

This is why Xiaomao's armored tyrannosaur can attack immediately after sacrificing his life to attack, but his own iron armored tyrannosaurus became stiff for a short time because of the pain.

It is a lightning rod characteristic.

"It seems that I have a good understanding of the characteristics of Pokémon..."

Not only is the knowledge reserve not low, but also the decisive courage to aim at the gap is far superior to that of his peers. Sakagi put the armored tyrannosaurus in front of him back into the elf ball, and couldn't help but love talents, and said slowly:

"Well, do you want to join our Team Rocket...?"

Although the mouth is a bit stinky, it can be properly adjusted.

If it really doesn't work, just find an unfounded charge and seal his mouth in the future.

"Join the Rockets? Don't make me laugh, am I joining? I call joining!"

At this moment, Xiao Mao's jealousy has completely disappeared, and some are just arrogance.

"But it's not impossible, and I'm not greedy. If I'm allowed to be the leader of the Rockets, I can join your Rockets. At that time, under the leadership of my Xiaomao, the Rockets will definitely become the world's number one positive energy company! And You, Sakagi, will also make Xian feel proud because of today's abdication! The generations to come are extremely honorable!"

He drew a big cake with his backhand and threw it back.


Sakagi sneered, and finally stood up slowly from the sofa, and walked to the railing. Under the light, his shadowy and sophisticated face was completely exposed.

Not to mention, even though his strength didn't seem to be good, just that face and the strong aura that came with him made Xiaomao calm down again, and he couldn't help but take half a step back.

"So you don't want to join our Rockets?"

Sakagi said coldly, although this guy has extraordinary aptitude, but at this stage, the future is nothing but hopeful, since he won't join, then take this opportunity to get rid of him!

The Rockets have minions all over the world, so why worry about not having high-quality rookies?

He was just about to reach out to touch the top-class horse elf ball in front of him, when he suddenly thought of something, he withdrew his palm again, evoking a cruel grin.

"Since you are about to die, let me show you what real fear is before you die!"

"Good job, your words almost scared me to death, hee hee."

Sakagi: "..."

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