He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2500 The big adventure of red and green!

"Hey, didn't you just happen to be here, so Brother Qinglu should also come with you, right?"

Xiaozhi smiled happily and said expectantly:

"Hurry up and let Brother Qinglu come out for a walk. I haven't seen you for a long time. Let me say hello!"

After all, the last time we saw it, Xiaomao and the "big brother" Qinglv in his body were still the same body.

Brother Qinglu can be regarded as his elder, so he naturally has to pay his respects.

"Brother Qinglu, he is no longer here."

Xiaomao shrugged and said helplessly.

Hearing this, Xiaozhi raised his eyebrows, covered his mouth and started to be surprised:

"What do you mean? Could it be that Big Brother Qinglu has been transcended?"

"He's bigger than you. I mean he left my body!"

Xiao Mao scolded, with a somewhat annoyed tone.

Why is it that after so many years, this guy’s mind is still filled with thoughts of perfection! ?

"Ah, Brother Qinglu has a new body?"

Xiaozhi was stunned. This progress was much faster than that of Brother Chi.

Xiao Mao nodded, not hiding anything:

"Brother Qinglu doesn't need any fancy body. There are no restrictions. It's easy to change to a new body~"

Collect the tokens of gods from all over the world like Akina, and catch all the legendary Pokémon in one go.

It is true that the body finally created must also be a "body of God".

There is even a high probability that it will be equipped with the unique abilities of various legendary Pokémon. Maybe it can open its mouth to fire an "air blast", and raise its hand to fire a "spiritual blast".

Even if you punch the ground, you can thrust out the "Cliff Sword".

This is the natural benefit that comes from collecting many God's tokens. Just like the Stitch Monster, you can gain various superhuman powers.

But Qinglu is not very interested in this kind of super power.

It's almost done, hurry up and get a free body.

After all, Qinglu is not a researcher or scholar. In other words, from the moment Xiaomao changed careers, the two people's paths have been different.

There will be no benefit in forcing them to stay together.

"So I used the biochemical genetic research data left behind by Team Rocket at Evergreen Gym, and only added a token of God to it, and finally cultivated a healthy human body."

Xiaomao said.

Although it's not like the Stitch Monster that turns into a gift package of all mythical beasts, it's not a bad thing if it just gains a super power.

For example, Bi Lan's body is modeled after the Variety Crystal, and he naturally acquires the superpower of transformation.

"Oh! So what kind of god's token was added?!"

Xiaozhi couldn't help but become curious.

"Hey, I can't tell you this. But it should be a legendary Pokémon that you have never seen before~"

Xiao Mao raised the corner of his mouth and gave up.

Under Xiaozhi's annoyed expression, he continued:

"So after the new body was cultivated, Big Brother Qinglu naturally came up and was completely separated from me. From then on, we acted separately~"

At this point, Xiao Mao's expression also showed a bit of sadness.

The big boss in my body suddenly left, and I really felt a bit disappointed.

However, although the two of them will follow different paths, they are still closer than brothers.

Xiaomao just thought that he had an extra brother out of thin air, which was always a good thing.

"so good"

Xiaozhi said with a slightly envious tone.

According to this approach, Brother Chi could actually condense his body long ago. After all, they have already collected quite a lot of God's tokens.

The body born at this time alone can still wave a hand and shoot a "sub-space split", and open its mouth to spray a beam of "space-time roar".

However, this process of finding all the mythical beasts is not a chore for Xiaozhi.

Now that we have collected so much, the next step is to fill it up and collect them all!

The two chatted while walking side by side on the streets outside Salo City.

If you turn your head slightly, you can overlook all the beach scenery nearby.

It's been a long time since they walked together so leisurely.

"So, Brother Qinglu is now looking after the house at Evergreen Gym?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help but asked curiously.

Xiaomao shook his head:

"Brother Qinglu has no interest in the gym."

It seems that Qinglu was also a gym leader before, and maybe he often had to stay in the gym before, which led to a certain resistance to the gym now.

"If you really want to talk about it"

As he spoke, Xiao Mao touched his chin and thought, seeming to be looking for words to describe:

"Now Brother Qinglu must have been abducted by Chi from your family."

Xiaozhi: "?"

Why did he eat melon and end up eating it on his own brother Chi?

Seeing Xiaozhi's confused look, Xiaomao couldn't help but ask:

"Huh? Don't you know that Brother Chi suddenly came to our Changqing Gym before?"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi became even more confused.

Brother Chi's recent behavior has become more and more mysterious. Last time, he mysteriously asked himself to go to the Hezhong area to find the black and white dragons and complete the genes of the third god Kyurem.

He disappeared after that, and he didn't know where the latter went.

Unexpectedly, he ran back to the Kanto region! ?

"So, what's next?"

Xiaozhi asked quickly.

"The follow-up. I'm not sure about the follow-up either~"

Xiaomao tilted his head back and spread his hands:

"Brother Chi seemed to have found a good place. After knowing that Brother Qinglu had recovered, he came to the door and took him on a big adventure."

"It's a good time to reminisce about my childhood. The ambiguity between two old men is a bit chilling."

"Brother Qinglu was worried about getting a new body and wanted to exercise, so he agreed to the big adventure. Now I don't know where they went."

Xiaozhi: "."

He couldn't help but tremble. Why did the two people's actions together sound strange?

"I really want to know where the two of them went. It must be an amazing place!"

After listening to Xiaomao's story, Xiaozhi's curiosity was completely aroused.

However, after knowing that Brother Chi is still alive and kicking, Brother Green has also been reborn and is full of energy.

Xiaozhi was sincerely happy for the two of them.

The same emotion also appeared on Xiao Mao's face.

After receiving the careful care of the two seniors, the two naturally hope that these two "big brothers" can be reborn and shine even in this world.

Xiaozhi and Xiaomao couldn't help but lean on the railing at the beach, looking up at the bright moon in the sky, smiling softly.

But speaking of it, it seems that I have forgotten something very important.?

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