He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2501 Azure Bay, fishing for Toxicosaurus!

At the northern end of Route 12 in the Carlos area, there is an open bay area.

There are scattered small islands and reefs of different sizes here, with dense seaweed underneath, making it a natural paradise for ocean Pokémon.

After bidding farewell to Xiaomao and Kerni, Xiaozhi and others continued their journey and arrived at a place called "Azure Bay".

"Azure Bay is famous for its complex reef islands and surrounding ocean current whirlpools. It is a place where ships cannot normally go to sea, but it has become a perfect habitat for ocean Pokémon and a holy place for many fishermen."

"It is said that a long time ago, there used to be legendary bird Pokémon that flew from far away and lived here, so there is also a magical Poseidon Cave here."

Walking into the beach from the high slope, feeling the sea breeze blowing in front of you, Citron introduced this place to several people.

Azure Bay is like a man-made bay, with the outer area covered with rocks and irregular ocean currents.

Therefore, the interior of the bay and the outer sea have evolved into two completely different natural landscapes.

"Poseidon's Cave, bird Pokémon?"

Xiaozhi looked curiously at the azure bay, and the first thing that came to his mind was the sea god Lugia, or the three holy birds in his hometown.

However, this is just a rumor. Many people have come to this blue bay to look for the so-called "Poseidon Cave".

They all came back in vain, and in the end there was only a piece of legend left.

However, today they deliberately took a detour to the northern end of Road 12 instead of going south. The reason was that they could directly reach Biyi City where the fourth gym is located.

"Because there are many reefs in the offshore area of ​​Azure Bay and are rich in seaweed and seaweed, even the peripheral whirlpool currents often wash some garbage debris into the bay. Therefore, there are many wild garbage algae and even poisonous algae living in this sea area. !”

Listening to Citron's introduction, Xiaozhi's eyes couldn't help but light up.

He didn't forget to gather a team of Carlos' dragons!

The baby Tyrannosaurus in the backpack has not yet fully hatched. You can use this time to capture a new dragon-type Pokémon.

The Toxic Algae Dragon, which is similar to the Spiny Dragon King, has become Xiaozhi's target.

Serena couldn't help but curiously took out the illustrated book and started exploring it in advance.

"Garbage algae, with poison and water attributes, will simulate the form of rotten seaweed, spraying venom on prey that approaches without noticing, thus killing the opponent.

"Toxic algae dragon, the evolved form of garbage algae, has both poison and dragon attributes. It has a rough personality. It likes to mix in seaweed, and it sprays venom that can even dissolve metal. It will stick out of the sea through the umbrella-shaped part on its head to absorb sunlight, thus Create dragon energy within your body.”

At the first stage, Garbage Algae was still an ordinary seahorse, but after evolving, it gained dragon attributes and transformed into a true dragon seahorse.

"The combination of poison + dragon attributes, it's really rare!"

Xiaozhi was already full of energy. He rolled up his sleeves and ran to the coast, looking for a good rock to sit on.

To conquer this seahorse Pokémon, you have to choose fishing!

"Just right, you can relax~"

Serena was the first to respond and followed behind Xiaozhi, lowering her hat slightly so that her entire face would not be exposed to the sun.

It wasn't a big problem. She had just finished challenging the Sara Gym, and she didn't want to challenge the next Biz Gym right away.

Although Biyi Gym is a grass-type gym that Long Tail Firefox can't control, let's take a rest today!

Serena sniffed forward with her nose. Although the introduction said there was a lot of debris and garbage washed here, there was no peculiar smell.

The sea also looks sparkling, blue and clean.

"Xiao Zhi, let me help you find a good fishing spot~!"

So Serena happily acted as a fishing assistant for Xiaozhi, and released her turtle feet with her backhand.

In this kind of seaside beach and reef environment, it naturally depends on your turtle feet.

"Brother, brother! Let's go fishing too!!"

Seeing this, Yulijia's face became hot, and she pulled Citron's sleeve and followed him.

I just happened to see so many new water-type Pokémon at the aquarium in Guxiang Town.

"That's fine. I remember there are wild lantern fish living here, let's see if I can tame one."

Citron nodded. Lanternfish, a combination of water and electricity, is a powerful backhand Pokémon for trainers who specialize in electricity attributes.

They put their luggage on the shore, took off their shoes and socks, each carried a good fishing rod, and the four of them stepped barefoot into the sea water.


The turtle's legs are jumping up and down, signaling everyone to follow its pace. If you don't pay attention and look closely, you will see that it looks exactly like the surrounding rocks.

After a while, with the help of Turtlefoot, the four found two natural reef platforms less than half a meter apart.

Although the reef is not big, it is not a big problem for two people to sit on each.

So Citron took out four small folding benches with his backhand. The brothers and sisters sat on one side, while Ash and Serena sat on the rocks next to them.

The location was also chosen very cleverly, facing away from the sun.

Then the four of them started operating their own fishing rods, hooks, floats, and bait.

Even Yulijia is playing with a child-like mini fishing rod, and catching small fish is not a big problem.

"By the way, what kind of bait did you use~?"

Seeing Xiaozhi playing with the fishing line mysteriously, Serena couldn't help but put her face close and asked curiously.

Fishing bait in the Pokémon world does not refer to food hung on a fishhook to lure, but a small object with a special smell that attracts water-type Pokémon a few centimeters above the fishhook.

It's more like a float. But it's in the water. Should it be called a sinking float?

Broken fishing rods generally have nothing on them, while fishing rods of better quality than good fishing rods will automatically be equipped with this lure bait.

Of course, fishing masters and experts often make their own exclusive baits to cope with various water environments.

"Hehehe~ A special bait invented in advance to deal with this situation uses ultrasonic resonance to attract specific Pokémon to take the bait. I named it Citron Lantern Fish and Lantern Monster Catching Bait!!"

Citron was deaf and thought Serena was asking him, so he immediately took out a fish bait that looked like a metal square box and said proudly.

Just looking at the appearance, I feel like it’s completely incapable of attracting Pokémon.

Next to you, Yulijia just glanced at her brother with a look of disgust and shook her head helplessly.

As for the bait, at least you don’t have to worry about it exploding.

Immediately, Yurika replaced her fishing rod with a "white butterfly" bait that is very popular in the Carlos area.

Serena uses the same style, nothing special.

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