He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2502 Common People in Canghai

Just from the corner of Serena's eyes, she seemed to see Xiaozhi's bait. It vaguely looked like a Q version of a girl?

This is a very cute little female bait with short orange hair.

This should be the exclusive bait of a female fisherman, and it seems a bit out of place with Xiaozhi.

"Oh, this? It's a fishing bait given to me by a former friend of mine~ It's very lethal to water-type Pokémon~!"

Xiaozhi laughed, and when he talked about his former partners, he couldn't help but feel a little proud on his face.

Of course he was talking about Xiaoxia. As a fishing master, the latter gave him a special fishing bait, which came in handy today.

Xiaozhi didn't notice the strange look on Serena's face next to him, and stood up on the rock, then suddenly swung forward.


The specially made Xiaoxia bait fell into the sea more than ten meters away and sank quietly.

"Next, just wait for the fish to take the bait~ Hurry up and get a poisonous algae dragon~"

Xiaozhi sat back on the small bench and began to wait for the fish to take the bait.

"Or you can just bring in a garbage algae and cultivate it from scratch~!"


Beside her, Serena also quickly threw her white butterfly bait into the sea, but now she had no interest in fishing and was a little absent-minded.

"Xiao Zhi's former female partner."

“I actually carry the gift with me all the time.”


Serena covered her mouth and began to think wildly, and her thoughts became more and more wild.

On the other side, the Citron brothers also put their own bait into the water and waited quietly.


In the water below the reef, Xiaozhi's frog was floating on the sea, with only its head exposed.

It stared at the sky motionless, letting the surrounding sea water push itself gently, quite Buddhist-like.

Although there are whirlpools of ocean currents in the outer area of ​​Azure Bay, it is calm and calm in the offshore area.

Not only Xiaozhi and his party were surrounded by many anglers.

There are even surfers and triathletes wearing only swimming trunks and swimsuits, practicing surfing and diving.

About five minutes later, Xiaozhi's fishing rod first made some movement.

"As expected of Xiaoxia's special bait, I got hooked so quickly!"

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, he immediately stood up and suddenly lifted the fishing rod.


The water splashed everywhere, and a red and brown crab with two large pincers jumped out of the water, with the fishing line still in its mouth.

"Damn it, is it the giant claw crab from my hometown?"

Xiaozhi frowned, greatly disappointed.

This wild giant crab even used its tendency to jump up, raised its pincers, and hit Xiaozhi on the head rather roughly.

However, Xiaozhi was extremely familiar with giant claw crabs, so he easily dodged them with a tilt of his head.


The giant crab missed the target, sailed past Xiaozhi, and fell back into the water.

"Tsk, so the crabs in the Kalos area are also red?"

After making a casual comment, Xiaozhi threw the bait back to the sea again.

It seemed that this Xiaoxia bait was really effective. Not long after I sat down, the fishing rod started to move again.

What jumped out of the sea this time was a colorful sea snake, with a slender blue body with yellow spots, and a grinning mouth full of sharp fangs.

It's obviously an aggressive Pokémon!

“Is hunting grouper fish in the Fangyuan area?”

Xiaozhi frowned. Seeing that the latter was about to attack him again, he immediately swung the fishing rod and forcibly threw the hunter fish back into the sea one step ahead.

Although I didn’t catch the poisonous algae dragon I expected,

However, there are even species of spotted fish that only live in the deep sea here, so it is obviously a perfect fishing location.


So Xiaozhi could only bite the bullet, change his position, and continue to throw out the bait.

"Is this really weird?!"

However, in the next hour or so, Xiaozhi had taken the bait nearly ten times, but none of them were from Garbage Algae or Toxic Algae Dragon.

And they are all hunting Pokémon that are very aggressive, such as squid, feral bass, and iron-armed spear shrimp.

As soon as he jumped out of the water, he launched an attack without any explanation.

Although, Xiaozhi easily dodged them.


However, Pikachu on his shoulders was also tortured a lot, so he jumped onto the rocks on Yulijia's side and lay down to laze around.

And seeing that his trainer seemed to have encountered some trouble, the Frog was not as bad as Pikachu.


The frog immediately dived into the sea, preparing to catch a garbage algae directly and hang it on Xiaozhi's fishhook.

Despite his cold appearance, he is also a responsible frog who thinks about his trainer!

During this period, Rena and Yurika also took the bait once or twice.

Serena took the bait with an Iron Arm Spear Shrimp.

This Pokémon has been seen in Guxiang Town before. It has the same characteristics as Mega Blastoise - a Pokémon with a super launcher.

However, Serena already has Turtlefoot as a water-type Pokémon, so she doesn’t plan to capture new ones.

The wild iron-armed shrimp also fell back into the water on its own after washing Serena's face with the water gun.

And Yulijia went even further, catching a dark blue Pokémon that looked like a baby.

The limbs of the body seem to be underdeveloped, but the appearance is cute, and there is a long streamer tentacle on the top of the head.

"Common people in Canghai, Fiona?"

Xiaozhi curled his lips, he didn't expect to catch Fiona in the Kalos area.

But unlike Manafei, the prince of the sea, it was a fantasy beast and Fiona was just an ordinary Pokémon, and even had abilities that were even worse than those of ordinary Pokémon.

Chunchun is a tool person for the reproduction of Manafei.

"Maybe it's because of the Mana Fei aura on my body that I attracted this Fiona?"

Xiaozhi guessed in his mind, and there was nothing surprising about catching a Fiona on the sea.

"Brother, brother, you are so cute! Help me to conquer it!!"

However, Fiona was pretty good-looking, so Yurika immediately pulled up Citron's sleeves.

It's just that the latter didn't seem to hear and remained motionless.


Missing the opportunity, the wild Fiona smiled and waved to Xiaozhi, then fell back into the sea without a trace.

"Hey brother! It's a super rare Pokémon!!"

This made Yurika angrily complain that there was no Fiona in the aquarium!

She quickly turned around to see what Xitron was doing.

But at this moment, Citron was also pulling hard on his fishing rod, as if it was caught by something.

"Damn it, it's obviously my proud instrument, why have Xiaozhi and the others caught so many of them, but I haven't even taken the bait yet?"

Citron was a little discouraged and struggled to lift the fishing rod. In the end, he found that he had only caught a pile of brown seaweed and seaweed mixture.

He just wanted to throw the seaweed back into the sea

These "seaweeds" suddenly started to move!

"Wait a minute, it's not seaweed, it's a wild Pokémon!!"

Xiaozhi had sharp eyes and immediately raised his hand to stop him, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

Wrapped by the surrounding seaweed, it is almost the same. But inside, there is a faint outline of a tan seahorse.

It's just a piece of garbage! !

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