He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2503: Conquer the future dragon, Rubbish!

Xiaozhi quickly signaled to Citron to calm down, and then carefully peeled off a clump of "seaweed" hanging at the end of the fishing line.

As the crooked seaweed was peeled away, a small brown seahorse with a purple face and belly appeared in everyone's sight.

"What a piece of garbage!"

At this moment, the body of this garbage algae is curled up into a ball, its light blue tentacles holding its bait tightly.

This made Citron couldn't help but feel delighted.

The ultrasonic fishing bait he invented must have worked. This garbage algae was completely attracted!

Sure enough, his invention is still great!


But before he could be happy for a long time, the familiar abnormal sound of electric current sounded, and Yulijia, who was closest to him, was the first to turn dark.


The next moment, as expected, the high-tech fishing bait exploded on the spot, causing an explosion.

However, because the robot bait was too small, it only blew up the face of Citron, who was holding the fishing rod, black, but it did not affect other people.


The heavy blow to the abdomen made the garbage algae even more excited. It curled up into a ball and completely wrapped the robot bait without paying any attention to the surrounding environment.

"Well, it seems like it has nothing to do with ultrasound, right?"

Serena couldn't help but said, after all, the baits were all blown up and there was no ultrasound anymore, but this garbage algae still couldn't put it down.

"Could it be because...!"

Xiaozhi rolled his eyes and suddenly remembered something.

An abandoned iron can of garbage happened to be floating on the sea next to it. It had a hole on it, so naturally there was nothing inside.

Due to the influence of peripheral ocean currents, you can often see strange things washed up on the beach of Azure Bay. Of course, most of them are marine garbage.

Xiaozhi reached out and picked up the iron can. The surface had been corroded and rusted by sea water.

Then he lifted it to the side of Junshazao and shook it.


This garbage algae seemed to smell something, and finally tried to poke out the seahorse's head from its huddled position.

You can see that its round eyes are completely blood red, but it's not that violent and cruel blood red, it's more like it's so weak that its eyes are red?

The brown head looks like a hat of rotten seaweed.

The color of his body looked like it was polluted by marine garbage, which was quite sickly.


Sure enough, this wild garbage algae was attracted by the tin can, suddenly broke away from the bait, and jumped onto Xiaozhi's palm.

The body curled up into a ball again, completely covering the can and even Xiaozhi's palm.

It can be seen that this is a healthy Pokémon, and the weak and red eyes may just be their physical characteristics.

"Sure enough, it's not the ultrasonic waves that attract garbage and algae, but the metal."

Xiaozhi was finally able to come to a conclusion and couldn't help but smile.

However, one of his hands is now covered in garbage and algae, and it feels slippery and very sticky.

"I see.!"

Serena beside her also realized that the illustrated book just mentioned that garbage algae and poisonous dragon algae have the power to corrode the metal of marine garbage.

It's a bit like seeing delicious food and wanting to pounce on metal and corrode it!

I just don’t know if this can absorb nutrients from the metal, or is it just for fun?

"Ah, why is this like this?"

Knowing the whole story and knowing that his invention had failed again, Citron lowered his head in frustration.

In other words, just hanging a discarded iron can on the hook is enough to catch garbage and algae! ?

"Citron, do you want to subdue him?"

Xiaozhi tried his best to keep his palms still and asked quietly to the side.

Although he hit it by mistake, it was Citron who caught this piece of garbage after all.

"don't want."

Citron was still in a depressed state and shook his head. He just wanted to catch an electric Pokémon.

"In that case, it's just right!"

Upon hearing this, Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, and after throwing the fishing rod to Serena with his other hand, he picked off a blank Poké Ball from his waist.

This garbage algae is constantly squirming, secreting solution and corroding metal.

It feels a bit like his former partner, Heracross, who couldn't walk away even if he saw sap.

However, this kind of rough-and-tumble Pokémon is also very easy to tame.


Xiaozhi gently tapped the Poke Ball on Garbage Zao's back, and the latter was included in it along with the discarded iron can.

There was almost no difficulty. After shaking it a few times, the elf ball stopped moving.

"Garbage, conquered successfully!!"

Xiaozhi was overjoyed and quickly opened the elf ball again.

Garbage Zao was not that big and could be held in one hand. Xiaozhi raised it to his eyes and faced it face to face.

"I'm Xiaozhi! I'll give you more advice from now on, Rubbish!"

This piece of garbage was stunned for a moment, and it may not even realize that it has been subdued.

But still holding the tin can, looking like he couldn't put it down, he said hello to Xiaozhi.


It doesn’t matter whether you accept it or not, as long as you can eat iron!

After successfully catching a future dragon-type Pokémon, Xiaozhi couldn't help but feel elated. He stopped fishing and simply sat back on the small bench, rubbing Junzao's little head over and over again.

I like metal so much, but it’s just a discarded iron can, and it will probably be completely corroded in a short time.

By the way, I also have a metal film at home to help the rock snake evolve.

My own crystal rock snake couldn't be used at all, so this prop has been sitting idle at home.

I'll bring it over to the algae tray later!

"so good"

Xiaozhi's goal was successfully achieved, and several people around him had a look of envy on their faces.

Yulijia is still thinking about Fiona, the ordinary person from Canghai.

Serena, on the other hand, doesn't care about fishing or anything like that. As for the water-type Pokémon, her first priority now is to train her turtle feet and let them complete their evolution.

When the time comes, she will transform into a tall monster, and the turtle-footed giant armor will be the backbone of her team!

As for Citron.

He was about to regroup and try to catch his target before sunset.

"Huh? What is this?!"

Looking back at the water in front of him, he saw a blue-purple, flat fish Pokémon with half of its head exposed on the water.

Its big yellow eyes have black cross pupils, as if they were stunned by electricity.

The most conspicuous thing is the two slender tentacles bending forward on the top of its head, like two yellow light bulbs hanging at the ends, which are large and shining.

"Lantern fish?!"

Citron opened his mouth wide, why did he suddenly have his wish come true and deliver it to his door? !

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