He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2504 Shipwreck, the Santeanu! ?

At this moment, this lantern fish is half out of the sea, staring directly at Citron's fishing rod.

Only then did Citron realize that the ultrasonic bait that had exploded earlier had not yet been removed from his fishing rod.


Although it has been completely scrapped, there is still arcing on it.

"I see. Were you attracted by the noise of the scrapped machine?"

Citron instantly understood that the characteristic of this lantern fish should be to store electricity. After sensing the current on the sea surface, he raised his head and looked around.

Just in time, it gave him an advantage!

Seeing this, Citron followed suit and quickly took out a blank Poké Ball like Ash, preparing to shoot it into the soul.

However, Lanternfish is a timid Pokémon. When it saw the humans on the shore, it suddenly laughed wildly and took out its Poké Ball to hit itself.

"Deng Deng.!"

This wild lantern fish was frightened and immediately dived back into the water.

"Wait a minute!"

Citron immediately started to rush, and took out the Poké Ball of the Furry Sheep, preparing to release electromagnetic waves to control the opponent. The prey he got must not run away!

Just wait until the furry sheep is released, and the other party may disappear.


At this moment, a figure suddenly jumped out of the sea water next to him.

Before I could see its appearance clearly, I saw it whip out a long white whip, suddenly sprang out like a spiritual snake, and accurately hit the lantern fish.

Moreover, the "white whip" seems to be extremely sticky, and it actually sticks to the lantern fish that wants to escape, unable to break free.


The whip twitched like a wave, and the next moment, the lantern fish was thrown directly onto the shore and slapped heavily on a reef.

Judging from the appearance, the cross eye has directly turned into a whirlpool eye, which is impossible to fight on the spot.

Only then did everyone see clearly the figure who made the move

It's a frog!

The "white whip" in his hand was naturally made of foam and had long sticky ropes.


Landing steadily on the rocks, the frog squinted its eyes, hiding its merit and fame.

Since you helped my trainer catch the garbage algae, I will also help you subdue this lantern fish!

Everyone was stunned. They didn't expect the cold-looking frog to be so warm-hearted.

"Cathead Frog"

Xiaozhi couldn't help but be a little surprised, the frog was thinking about himself.

Worthy of being a top student!

"Thank you so much, Frog, I will not let you down!"

Citron thanked the frog and moved much faster this time. He quickly took out the elf ball and threw it towards the lantern fish.


After hitting the opponent, he sucked it into it. There was also not much feedback from the struggle, and the elf ball stopped moving.

"The subjugation was successful!!"

A lantern fish with electricity-storing characteristics can be said to be in line with Citron's expectations.

At that time, if someone uses a ground-type Pokémon to defeat his backhand, he will take out a Lanternfish.

No, it's an evolved electric lamp monster, which directly uses a surfing move to make the ground Pokémon despair!

Citron then released the lantern fish again and began to communicate after healing.

He had a lot of electrical appliances on hand, and he casually took out one or two that could discharge electricity, and he convinced the lantern fish easily.

After a while, the two lantern tentacles shook and began to rub Xitron's palm affectionately.

"Damn it, I have to catch that Pokémon again!"

Among the four, only Yulijia was still fishing tirelessly, trying to catch Fiona again.

In this regard, Xiaozhi didn't know whether to tell the other party that this kind of Pokémon was actually not cherished. It was just a commoner in the sea.

It stands to reason that in any sea area, it is possible to catch Fiona——

It just depends on whether Manafei, the prince of Canghai, works hard to cultivate the land.

If necessary, Mana Fei could just wave to a piece of sea and summon a lot of Fiona.

But when it comes to fishing, whether or not you catch the bait is one thing, the process is also a kind of enjoyment.

Xiaozhi did not interrupt Yulijia's elegance.

Tu tu tu tu.!

Everyone was still fishing leisurely on the reef platform, when they suddenly saw a small boat passing by.

Since there are many rocks here, it is a special test for the driver's skills. While the boat is traveling fast, it has to move left and right to avoid the rocks at the bottom.

This made Xiaozhi and others stunned. Didn't they say that there were very few ships in Azure Bay?

Tu tu tu tu.!

However, the small boat seemed to have noticed Xiaozhi and his group, and suddenly changed its direction and headed towards the location of these people.

The sea water was naturally disturbed and turbid by the boat, which made Yulijia puff up her face angrily and pick up the fishing rod.

Damn it, she wants to catch Fiona! !

When the boat was less than ten meters away from several people, a middle-aged man with short green hair could be seen walking out of the deck. His skin was dark and strong, like a weathered sailor.

"Um. If I admit my mistake correctly, you should be the Ash from the Kanto region, right?!"

He raised his voice and asked from a distance.

Hearing this, Xiaozhi calmed down, took back the garbage and stood up.

Have you been recognized? Another mega evolution challenger coming to your door?

By coincidence, Rubbish Algae was also caught, and the fight seemed quite comfortable.

"Yes, I'm Xiaozhi!"

He naturally answered loudly and did not hide his identity.

After hearing this, another woman with short burgundy hair came out of the boat. It seemed that she was a couple.

Just looking at them from a distance, the expressions of the two people did not have the indignation on the faces of the previous challengers. Instead, they were very happy?

Not a challenger?

After a while, Xiaozhi and others were invited onto the boat.

There were five or six people standing on the deck at the same time, which was a bit crowded.

Due to the disturbed sea water, Yulijia had no choice but to give up fishing for the time being, and simply followed him on the boat to watch the excitement.

"I told you that you look familiar. You are indeed the Ash in the news!"

The sailor man said cheerfully, but he didn't seem to care about the arrogant words Xiaozhi had posted online, and introduced himself:

"My name is Eddie, and this is my wife Lingji. We are both underwater archaeologists~!"

"Underwater archaeologist?"

Xiaozhi and others were stunned, it was the first time they heard this word.

"It's about discovering treasures, ruins, sunken ships and other rare things that have sunk to the bottom of the sea. I am not a very official archaeologist, I should say I am a hobbyist~"

Next to him, Ling Ji, who has short burgundy hair and a capable appearance, explained with a smile.

But what makes Xiaozhi even more curious is that

Why did underwater archeology suddenly find me?

Could it be that he knew that he had Mana Fei and the power of the Sea King, so he could dig up underwater ruins and other things at will.

"Xiao Zhi, first I want to ask you something."

Eddie suddenly straightened his face and looked at Xiaozhi:

"Two years ago, did you board a luxury cruise ship named Santeanu in the Kanto region?"

Thanks to Mr. Yunyyi for the reward!

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