He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2529 Team Flare and Carlos Power Plant! ?

"Just right. Croak-headed frog, use the water wave knife!!"

"Halili, use seed bomb!!"

Xiaozhi was delighted to see the hunting spirit, and immediately used the wild Pokémon that jumped up along the way as experience bags for training.

The two royal family members were like door gods, standing on the left and right of everyone.

The frog squinted his eyes and grasped the void in his hand. An energy blade composed of water flow was already formed.

Then he dashed forward with a vigorous step, and with a beautiful Iai slashing sword technique, he neatly knocked away a large-jawed ant that was rushing towards him.

Outstanding effect!

There are basically ground and rock-type Pokémon here, which are suitable for Frog and Harry.

"Oh?! Did the frog master the water wave knife move so quickly?"

The handsome and smooth water-flowing blade surprised the others in Citron.

This move seems to be a rare and unique skill from other places, right?

Xiaozhi nodded, feeling proud.

All I can say is that my frog is indeed a genius. After reading the ninja scroll he accidentally found, he quickly understood the water wave sword in a short time!

For this move, Xiaozhi remembered that Heiji's double-edged pill with sharp characteristics could also be used.

Just in time, with the Water Wave Sword, the croaking frog can finally stop using the low-power Iai Slash!

On the other side, Ha Lili opened his mouth and spat out a large brown seed towards a flying rumble stone.

Boom boom! !

The seed, half the size of a fist, exploded like a bomb the moment it came into contact with the rumble stone, causing a violent explosion!

Outstanding effect!

In the blink of an eye, the blood tank of Longlong Stone was emptied!

"Halili has become different too."

Serena couldn't help but sigh, obviously she used to be at the tail end of a crane, so it took her a long time to learn anything.

Apart from the food, there is nothing else that stands out.

But it seemed that after that trip to Shixiang Town, Ha Lili seemed to have enlightened himself.

High-power moves like seed bombs are also naturally mastered.


After a successful move, Ha Lili put his hands on his hips proudly, tilted his head and gave Serena a handsome raised eyebrow look, with black smoke still floating around his mouth like the muzzle of a pistol.

I finally know that I am also a super genius who is not inferior to the croaking frog!

"Be careful Harry, don't look around during the battle!!"

At this time, Xiaozhi quickly scolded, and Halili turned around subconsciously.

It turns out that this wild rumble stone is still strong, has its own energy waist, and still maintains its last bit of physical strength.

The rumble stone was so angry that it was blown to pieces by a little kid, and it swung its heavy palm towards Ha Lili's face.

Snapped! !

The slap was extremely clear, and it flew away.

And realizing that its physical strength had reached its lowest point, the Rumble Stone immediately closed its four arms, and a burst of light flashed all over its body, and a terrifying aura filled the air.

This is to use a big explosion to kill everyone together!

Snapped! !

However, the big explosion was only half-charged when a frog's foot trampled heavily on the face of Longlong Stone.

This is the lightning flash move of the croak-headed frog.

A very fast blow, although the damage is average, it is enough to kill people.


After being kicked unconscious, Rumbling Stone's dangerous moves were interrupted, and he finally fell heavily to the ground, unable to fight.

Seeing this, everyone was relieved.

"I thought I wouldn't be able to eat my brother's explosion today, but I'm going to eat a big explosion from Longlong Stone."

Yulijia sighed, spread her hands, and did not forget to complain about Citron.

Today's Yulijia is full of aggression!

"Still so reliable, croaking frog~!"

Xiaozhi gave a thumbs up and praised it.

Although Ha Lili suddenly became enlightened for some unknown reason, his speed in learning new moves and his strength and quality in battle were greatly improved.

However, my brain has not made much progress.

Combat intuition, instinct, judgment, etc. are still far inferior to those of the croaking frog.

I hope that one day, my brain will be enlightened?


Ha Lili stood up in disgrace, with a clear slap mark on his face. He could only look at the frog with itching teeth.

Damn it, I lost again today!

Seeing that everyone had already walked out several meters away, Ha Lili hurriedly followed them with his short legs.

It's just that Xiaozhi and others didn't notice that green light was flashing in Harry's abdomen.

Under the surrounding desert ground, some imperceptible green dots turned into green streamers and quietly entered Ha Lili's body, slowly merging with them.

After clearing a lot of experience sandbags, frequent battles allowed the frog to perfectly master the application of the water wave knife, and Ha Lili's combat ability has also been greatly improved.

The destination, the Carlos Power Plant, also appeared in front of everyone.

This is a highly technological building with a slender tower standing in the middle like a rocket silo, narrow at the top and wide at the bottom.

All around were spiked metal instruments erected diagonally towards the middle, surrounding it in a circle.

There are also some yellow spiral battery buildings scattered around.

"Is this the Carlos Power Plant?!"

Among the group of people, Citron, who is a master of mechanical invention, was naturally the most excited. He had actually wanted to come here for a long time for sightseeing.

It’s just that I was too afraid of society before and didn’t dare to come here.

However, when everyone got closer, they discovered that the iron gate of the power plant was tightly closed.

Moreover, there were two guards standing next to the platform. Seeing how they were dressed, Xiaozhi couldn't help but frown.

Wearing an orange tight suit, a trendy and weird orange perm, and wearing large glasses of the same color on his face

"Team Flare?!"

Xiaozhi blurted out and wondered, how come we can meet people from Team Flare here?

"Hey, hey, hey! This is the center of Team Flare. Any irrelevant brats should get out of here quickly!!"

One of the Team Flare soldiers saw that Xiaozhi and the others were about to come in, and immediately scolded them like flying flies.

This attitude made Citron a little annoyed.

As far as he knew, the Kalos Power Plant was an official property of the Kalos Alliance and not owned by the Flames. Anyone could enter and visit normally as long as they made a reservation in advance.

Some professionals can enter directly without making an appointment.

As the owner of the Miare Museum under the jurisdiction of the alliance, he is also a mechanical and electrical expert. Logically speaking, he can go in and visit whenever he wants!

But looking at the fierce looks of the two Flames soldiers,

Citron's tone suddenly weakened again, and he could only bite the bullet and said:

"Well, there seems to be a problem with the magnetic field on Route 13. Maybe it has something to do with the power plant. Can I go in and see what the problem is?"

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