He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2530 White-haired Giant? !

Boom! !

Just when everyone was in a stalemate, there was a sudden explosion in the power plant. It seemed that someone was having a dispute and fighting inside.

Seeing how Xiaozhi and the others were stretching their necks to look inside, the two Team Flare soldiers immediately waved their hands again as if to drive them away:

"Let's go! It has nothing to do with you, there's nothing to see in there!!"

Xiaozhi looked at Citron and saw the latter nodding secretly. Xiaozhi immediately raised his arms and said unceremoniously:

"Pikachu, use electromagnetic waves!!"

He took action directly. In all likelihood, this place was forcibly occupied by the Flare Team. Maybe the chaos in the surrounding magnetic field was also caused by the Flare Team.


Pikachu jumped up with a few quick steps, and dense arcs of electricity instantly burst out from his cheeks, falling on the two soldiers, who suddenly twitched.

After a while, before the two men had time to release their Pokémon to resist, they slumped to the ground with their mouths crooked, unable to move.


He succeeded easily, and Pikachu was quite proud when he landed.

However, this simple test allowed Xiaozhi to seize the opportunity and said in a serious tone:

"I see, Pikachu, you are not affected!"

Just now he was pretending to be half-dead on his own shoulders!


Pikachu's expression changed, sweat dripped from his back, and he quickly scratched his head in embarrassment and wagged his tail, trying to get away with it.

The chaotic magnetic field here will turn other electric Pokémon into fools.

But for its existence at this level, it won't have much impact. At most, it will be a little uncomfortable.

"Hmph! Let's discuss your problem later!"

Xiaozhi could only put the Pikachu incident behind him for the time being, after all, he had long been used to it.

After easily getting rid of the guards, everyone quietly climbed over the gate railing and sneaked into the Carlos Power Plant.

The sound of the explosion came from a corner of an open space in the power plant, where five or six Flare soldiers with the same appearance as the two janitors were gathered.

The bright orange-red shape, in broad daylight, looks extremely eye-catching under the sunlight.

In front of this group of Flare Team soldiers, there are two more unique-looking ones standing, who should be senior members of the Flare Team.

And this group of people is currently surrounding a human being.

Is it human? !

When Xiaozhi and others saw the target clearly from a distance, they were all stunned and froze in place, and even wondered whether this was a human being.

This is a giant about three meters tall!

The travel-stained, giant-shaped figure was dressed in shabby homeless clothes, and his exaggerated height made his figure appear extremely thin.

He has thick white long hair, a dark red shabby knitted hat, and a green scarf, which covers most of his face, making it difficult to see the specific facial expressions.

Carrying a huge old backpack, like a giant homeless man.

"Isn't this height too outrageous?!"

Watching from a distance, Xiaozhi couldn't help but blurt out.

It's not like he has never seen tall and burly people, such as Master Shiba from his hometown, who is over two meters tall and covered with explosive muscles. He looks like a hill standing in front of him.

But in front of this giant, Master Shiba can only be regarded as a short man.

At this moment, a group of people from Team Flare surrounded this giant, but his height was only about the height of a person's crotch, which had a great visual impact.

"Is this really a human? Could it be that it was transformed from some Pokémon?"

Citron pushed up his glasses and didn't think humans could look like this.

Is it possible to take drugs and take hormones? !

The group of people did not jump out immediately, but secretly hid behind a giant battery nearby and watched secretly.

In the encirclement of Team Flare, the leader put his hands on his hips and showed an impatient look:

"Hey! You monster giant, quickly hand over the key to your chest!!"

This is a woman with short brown hair, wearing a tight miniskirt, and wearing detection glasses of the same color on her face. She looks very irritable.

The woman next to her seemed to have a similar status to her, but her tone was much calmer:

"Why does that important key appear in your hand? And your body shape is really confusing."

This is a woman with dark blue hair, also wearing detector glasses, and holding a portable computer in her hand. She looks very calm.

Both are senior officers of Team Flare and scientists within the organization.

Where they looked, there was a pendant hanging from the giant's neck, with a bronze-colored, very shabby-looking key at the end.

The white-haired giant was stunned, looked down at his key pendant, and then let out a sigh:

"Key, I see, are you going to do something like that? Human beings in this era are also as ignorant as me."

Then he put the key back in his collar, not intending to hand it over.

"Give it up, it shouldn't be used, otherwise everything will disappear. You don't want to experience the same pain as me."

"Eternal pain that never ends."

The white-haired giant's words seemed very ancient, as if he were an ancient person who had traveled through time.

"Humph, I don't know what I'm talking about!"

The woman with short brown hair named Akebi snorted coldly, her face full of impatience:

"Only we, Team Flare, can change the world. If you don't hand over the key, then don't blame me for being rude!"

As he said that, a ferocious-looking red-faced dragon stood in front of Akebi. Its rough and ugly face approached forward, and it could strike out with a dangerous dragon claw at any time!

"In addition to handing over the key, maybe you also need to explain where you got the key. Otherwise we will not let you go today."

The blue woman on the other side is named Momiji. Although her tone is calm and cold, the threat in her mouth is no less threatening than that of her companions.

In front of her, there was also a jet-black, very cunning-looking meerkat Pokémon—Mahuola!

"On one side is a dragon, and on the other side is a dragon-slaying warrior. What a cool combination!"

In the dark, Xiaozhi couldn't help but complain when he saw the combination of the red-faced dragon and Mahuola.

And this white-haired giant was not a sheep that couldn't resist. He quickly threw an ancient elf ball.

This is a Pokémon that is equally tall. Its body made of rock is grey-blue, and it has no normal facial expressions. It looks like an ancient clay doll.

"It's a giant clay doll, but this size...?!"

Xiaozhi was a little stunned. This was a Pokémon from the Hezhong region, and he still had some impressions.

But although the average clay giant giant is huge, it is only about 2.5 meters.

However, the figure of this clay giant should have exceeded 4 meters? !

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