He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2531 The final weapon? !

"Has it been infected by the trainer? The Pokémon has also grown to a huge size?!"

Xiaozhi couldn't help but complain, the giant clay giant is not weak at all, it should be able to block the attacks of the two opponents in front of him, right?

"Mahuola, shadow clone."

"Red-faced dragon, use dragon claw!!"

However, Momiji and Akobi cooperated tacitly and both launched an attack.

The agile Mahuola instantly cast countless shadows, disrupting the clay doll giant's sight.

And with the help of countless shadows, the red-faced dragon suddenly rushed out from a tricky position, and struck the giant clay doll's back with a claw, leaving a deep claw mark.

"Oh~ I see, you are not very good at fighting~!"

Succeeding easily, Akobi smiled proudly. This "ancient vagabond" didn't seem to be used to fighting with other people.

"Don't be nagging, let's deal with it first, Mahuola, the freezing ray!"

Momiji's tone turned cold and she launched another fierce attack.

The swift Ma Xunla opened her mouth this time, and the piercing ice light shot out and fell on the giant clay doll. Despite the latter's huge size, half of its body was instantly frozen.

"Red-faced dragon, reverse scale!!"

The red-faced dragon took advantage of the situation and burst out with crimson energy and flames all over his body. Then he rushed out and struck the giant clay doll with his sharp and overbearing claws, causing a critical hit!

"Mahuola, Freeze Fist!!"

And Ma Xuanla finally fired a freezing punch with outstanding effect. As the final harvest, it completely took away all the physical strength of this giant clay giant.


The latter's huge figure suddenly fell to the ground, unable to fight.


This scene also made the white-haired giant frown, and he could only bite the bullet and take back his clay doll giant.

The walking zombie has been wandering this land for so many years, and he has long forgotten how to use Pokémon to fight.

Even the Pokémon originally carried on the body have died at the end of their lifespan due to the passage of time.

What he still carries with him is this giant clay doll that gets bigger and bigger as time goes by.

A symbolic bird that can sleep for long periods of time in ancient ruins.

And a thousand-year-old coal turtle

"There's no need to struggle. Your fighting skills can't break through our siege~ Just hand over the key obediently, and then spit out all the information you know about the 'ultimate weapon'!"

Akebi sneered, snapped his fingers, and let the red-faced dragon in front of him take a few steps closer again.

Next to her, Momi Ji typed on her portable keyboard expressionlessly, watching with cold eyes.

Even the surrounding Team Flare soldiers were grinning ferociously, as if they would pounce on him and tear him apart at any moment.


Completely in a dilemma, the white-haired giant couldn't help but curse.

I should have known better than to come into this power plant.

He wandered aimlessly in the Kalos region, like a zombie.

Until today, when he suddenly passed by the Carlos wilderness, his body was different from that of ordinary people, and he smelled a strange smell for the first time.

Following the strange induction, he entered the Carlos Power Plant and was surrounded by this group of weird-looking people.


Under his thick white hair, he looked down at his key pendant, feeling tangled in it.

If this key is directly destroyed, I am afraid that the so-called "ultimate weapon" will be completely unable to be opened.

But if this happens, he will completely lose his last hope

"Can't be destroyed!"

The next moment, he made up his mind and held the key pendant tightly, but did not destroy it.

Seeing this, everyone in Team Flare also sneered.

Prepare to pack up this special key, along with the entire white-haired giant, and escort them back to Team Flare's secret base.

"Halili, use the missile needle!! Frog, use the water wave knife!!"

At this time, an exciting shout suddenly came from the side, followed by two figures rushing in one after the other.

The croak-headed frog was extremely fast, with a sharp blade of water condensing in his hand, and he rushed straight towards the vigorous Mahuola!

On the other side, Harry jumped into the air to charge up his energy. The spiked grass blades on his head and back all stood up, condensing and turning into gray-green energy spiked projectiles, which were fired at Red Face. dragon!

"Who dares to ruin the good deeds of our Team Flare?!"

Akebi cursed lowly and immediately responded angrily:

"Little tricks, red-faced dragon, dragon tail!!"

I saw this red-faced dragon turning its body violently, its strong and powerful tail attached with green light, sweeping across fiercely.

In an instant, all the missile needle shells were detonated and exploded without any effect.

"Mahuola, attack the key points secretly!"

On the other side, Momiji clicked the detector on her face and responded in the same way.

The mahara grinned with a sly smile, and then took the initiative to face the frog's attack.

In the sharp claws, a short dark purple energy blade was also condensed and held tightly.

Bang bang bang! !

In the blink of an eye, he and the Frog's Water Wave Knife slashed at each other several times in succession. The blades flashed, and in the end they were evenly matched. The two Pokémon retracted their knives at the same time and stepped back.

"Who?! Team Flare dares to cause damage!!"

Akobi cursed lowly, and under a burst of missile needle explosion smoke, she saw several figures suddenly appeared in front of the white-haired giant, it was Xiaozhi and his party.

Of course, in terms of body shape, Xiaozhi and his group were not even as tall as the white-haired giant's crotch, and the scene looked very strange as they were guarding them in front.

"Hey Team Flare! This thing belongs to Mr. Giant. If he doesn't want to hand it over, then you can't snatch it!"

Xiaozhi didn't have a good impression of Team Flare, so he immediately scolded them righteously.

Citron and others also nodded solemnly and helped support the scene.

"A few brats who like to play hero games are getting impatient with their lives.!!"

Seeing just a few children, Akebi was furious and immediately commanded the red-faced dragon to launch a fierce attack.

Just when he was about to make a move, his sleeve was pulled by Momi Ji next to him.

"Well, take a look at that person's face first."

Akobi was stunned for a moment, then took off her glasses and looked at Xiaozhi subconsciously.

This face is young and energetic, yet sharp-edged and somewhat mature. The more you look at it, the more familiar it becomes.

"Wait a minute, Ash from Zhenxin Town?!"

Akebi finally calmed down completely, and her shoulders trembled subconsciously.

Their team, Team Flare, had carefully investigated Xiaozhi's intelligence. They were extremely powerful, and there was a high probability that even Karuna, the local league champion in Carlos, would not be his opponent.

That's not to mention a few of their cadres.

They are not specialized combatants, and their strength is not even as good as a normal alliance king.

Akebi couldn't help but change her face, and she didn't know how to deal with it.

Oh my god, why did I suddenly encounter a problem? ?

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