He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2534 Evolution, the self-destructing magnet monster and the big nose!

After dispersing the Flare Team, everyone soon found several engineers and power plant workers in a tightly locked room in the power plant.

They all looked a little weak and sat limply on the ground. They had obviously been trapped for a while.

"As expected, it was forcibly occupied by Team Flare!"

This made Citron, a native of Miare City, immediately slap the table and curse in anger.

After all, in his previous understanding, Team Flare was a conscientious enterprise that often helped impoverished areas and donated money to charity.

It is also a high-tech enterprise, and new products that break through his vision are constantly coming to the market.

But along the way, the impression Team Flare had on him continued to decrease, and now they almost had the impression of a villainous and evil organization!

After rescuing the employees of the power plant, Citron also immediately contacted Miss Junsha from the nearby city of Miare and reported it to the Carlos Alliance.

The power outage in the northern area of ​​Miare City in the past half month is probably related to the power plant.

Citron himself was also an engineering expert in the electrical field who was proficient in mechanical maintenance, so he rolled up his sleeves and helped inspect and repair the power plant equipment.

It seems that the people of Team Flare forcibly changed the direction of power transmission, continuously transmitting the electricity generated for more than half a month to an unknown direction.

Without replenishment, the city of Miare in the south naturally lost power.

And it seems that due to the forced change in the direction of power transmission, the local magnetic field is also disrupted.

Ash, Serena and the others were unaware of the power. They knew nothing about the electrical field, and they could only let Pikachu release a hundred thousand volts to cause damage.

"Halili, do it again, the power of the earth!!"

Xiaozhi is currently in the open space of the power plant, preparing to recreate the scene that was called a magical skill before.

He had felt the strength of the earth's divine power before. Maybe the power was not up to that level, but he always felt that there was a strong aura of the ancient god, which was completely different from ordinary Pokémon.

Serena and Yurika watched with wide eyes.


But no matter how harsh and loud Halili's voice was, the miraculous green light never appeared.

It seems to be completely out of its control.


This scene also made the frog next to him shake his head in disappointment.

Then he no longer paid attention to this side, but turned around and walked towards a thick tree. Even though the soles of his feet were stepping vertically on the tree trunk, his figure was still as if he was walking on the ground, completely free of the influence of gravity.

At this moment, it has completely mastered how to climb trees vertically, can easily overcome gravity and perform work, and can walk light and steady no matter what environment it is in.

Seeing that Halili was still holding his head in distress, Xiaozhi could only walk up and comfort him:

"Don't worry Harry, maybe you are still too young now. When you evolve, you might be able to master this power?!"

Counting the days, Ha Lili should be evolving soon.

At the same time, the other two Yu Sanjia have been in the second stage for some time.


Hearing this, Ha Lili's eyes suddenly rekindled his fighting spirit. Yes, it can still evolve!

As he spoke, he began to tighten his body on the spot, gritting his teeth and squatting down to exert force as if he was constipated, as if he planned to complete the evolution at once.

Xiaozhi: "."

When they return to Miare City, should they buy some props or supplements first to replenish Harry's brain?

After a day of maintenance, the Carlos Power Plant has basically returned to its original state and is operating normally again.

And those employees who were restrained began to return to work one after another after half a day of rest and recovery.

There were even several more Miss Junsha at the door of the power plant, with their police dogs Thunder Beast, standing guard all around.

"Huh, it's finally solved."

Citron breathed a sigh of relief before taking off his electrician's gloves and wiping his sweat. His face was stained with engine oil.

Yulijia quickly gave a handkerchief to help wipe it.

Although they like to complain about Citron on weekdays, the two still have a deep love for each other as brother and sister.

Citron also took out his mobile phone to check the news. Power has basically been restored in Miare City.

As for the local chaotic magnetic field.

"Please, Furry Sheep!"

Citron released the Toolman Rongyang Yang with his backhand for testing. After the latter appeared, he was in good spirits. The wool around his neck no longer saw any chaotic arcs, which meant that the surrounding magnetic field had returned to its original state.

"In that case...!"

Seeing this, Citron's eyes lit up, he quickly walked to the open space outside and threw a Poke Ball with his backhand.


When the red light fell, it was still the three-in-one magnet monster.

This time it will no longer be unable to control its magnet body, and it will be suspended steadily in mid-air.

Citron looked excited, so he raised his hand again and sang loudly:

"Then, evolve~Three-in-one Magneto!!"

"Then, evolve ~ Northward Nose!!"

Just after he finished reading, Citron was a little dazed on the spot.

Wait a minute, did he hear it wrong just now? Why does it feel like there is a second person singing too?

In mid-air, the three-in-one magnet monster raised its position and was suspended in the air more than three meters high.


A dazzling white light suddenly bloomed from his body, and his figure quickly expanded and deformed in the light, moving closer to a flat shape.

This time it’s the real light of evolution!

But at the same time, there was similar movement in another location of the power plant.


The same light of evolution also rose on that side, making Xiaozhi and others look at it curiously.

However, he saw a tall man standing in the open space a few meters away. There was also a Pokémon suspended in front of him, which was evolving through the natural magnetic field.

As the light dissipated, the three-in-one Magnemite was the first to complete its evolution and turned into a Pokémon that looked like a UFO flying saucer.


It has a flat and huge body with a single red-pupiled eye in the center. The small magnet monsters that are seamlessly connected on both sides also have dull little eyes, and magnet tentacles extend from the bottom.

"A Pokémon I've never seen before."

Serena looked in amazement and quickly took out the illustrated book.

"Magnet, the evolved form of the three-in-one Magnemite, has both electric and steel properties. Under the influence of a special magnetic field, the molecular structure of the body is reorganized, and all three components can release magnetic force. It is said to be a Pokémon from the universe. .”

At the same time, the Pokémon a few meters away also completed its evolution.

Its body is like a giant stone human head, suspended in mid-air. At the bottom of the nose-shaped red magnet, the gathered iron sand forms a beard-like appearance.

This is a big north-facing nose!

Perhaps it’s time for the divine power of the earth to evolve.


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