He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2535 Carlos Knight, vs. King Yankai!

"Are there other people who need the help of magnetic fields to evolve?"

Xiaozhi cast his eyes curiously, seeing that Big Nose and Magnemite were both Pokémon with the same evolution conditions.

But the magnetic field nearby has just recovered. Did someone receive the news so soon and rush over to realize evolution?

Or employees at the local power plant?

"Wait a minute, isn't this person...?!"

Citron also put away his joy after the evolution of the Magnemite, pushed up his glasses and confirmed again, his face gradually changed.

The burly man wore thick silver-white armor all over his body, revealing only a majestic and upright face.

The short black hair is raised on both sides. The hair extends to near the cheeks and is built flush. It is a standard Carlos noble hairstyle.

Paired with the thick silver armor, he looks like a medieval knight from Carlos!

"Have you finally completed your evolution? Dachaibeibi."

The armored man looked at his big north-facing nose with a smile on his face, and his nerves seemed to slow down for a moment. Only then did he notice similar movements on Xiaozhi's side, so he walked over.

Click. click!

As he walked, the joints of the armor on his body made metal clanking sounds, indicating that this was real armor and not some plastic cosplay costume.

"Hello, Mr. Yankai!!"

Citron was the first to go up and say hello, bending down to greet him seriously.

"Yan Kai?"

Xiaozhi was stunned. This was the first time he heard this name. Is he some famous person?

"Mr. Yankai?! Is he the king of Carlos?!"

Serena was not as familiar with Citron, but she reacted when she heard the name, covered her mouth and said in surprise.

Only then did Xiaozhi realize that the armored man in front of him was Yan Kai, the king of steel in the Kalos region!

Different from the old-fashioned appearance, Yan Kai speaks with a posture that is somewhat like performing in a classical theater:

"I am one of the Four Heavenly Kings, Yan Kai, known as the Man of Steel!"

"So these brave young men are the power plant you saved, right? It's an amazing feat and worthy of praise~!!"

As he spoke, Yan Kai even pulled out a sword from his waist and raised it high above his head. The scene was very impressive.

Xiaozhi: "."

After a brief contact, Xiaozhi also roughly understood the character of this king, and he probably really assumed that he was a medieval knight.

"I received a request from the alliance, saying that I wanted to come to the power plant to see the situation. It just so happened that my north-facing nose also needed to use the magnetic field here to complete its evolution, so I came here."

Yan Kai quickly explained.

But it seems that there is no need for him to take action here, everything has been resolved satisfactorily.

Then he turned his head and glanced at the self-destructing magnet monster behind Citron, touched his chin, and nodded with satisfaction:

"Well, this Magnemite has been cultivated very well. If you have a chance, you can come to my Chivalry Hall. It will have a chance to acquire true chivalry and become the strongest Pokémon!"

The Chivalry Spirit Hall is a private gym built by Yan Kai himself.

However, the purpose is not to issue badges, but more to provide training challenges for the trainers who come here to hone their will.


The knight's fighting spirit has already been aroused, and Yan Kai is preparing to have a battle in the power plant to teach the villains here a lesson.

Now, I can't use my strength, and I can only put the unsheathed sword back.

Yan Kai was not very good at hiding his emotions, and he frowned, a little annoyed.

This change in expression was noticed by Xiaozhi, and his eyes lit up, and he immediately stepped forward and said excitedly:

"Mr. Yankai, I am Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town. It just so happens that the incident here does not need to be solved additionally! How about we have a battle!!"

After coming to the Kalos area for so long, Xiaozhi finally met an opponent of a high enough level and couldn't help but launch a challenge!

Let’s try Carlos’ level as the King of the Alliance first!

"Oh~ This young man's knightly spirit is also very strong."

Yan Kai looked Xiao Zhi up and down, and his face looked familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere before.

The name is also somewhat familiar.

But no matter what, if you have a battle, your trip will not be in vain.

"Then, I accept your challenge!"

Yan Kai held one hand in front of his chest, leaned forward slightly, and performed a knightly etiquette.

"Oh, is this Carlos etiquette?!"

Xiaozhi didn't realize it, so he simply followed the Romans and bent down to assume the same posture.

But now the power plant cannot withstand the torment, so a few people quickly walked to the area outside the power plant——

After all, this road itself is a desert filled with wind and sand, surrounded by open spaces, so there is no need to look for a battle venue.

The two opened a field and stood ready, while Serena and the others stood by and watched, helping to clean up some wild Pokémon mixed in the mud and sand that might rush up at any time.

Even Miss Junsha, who was very close, cast a curious look.

Who is fighting against the King of Heaven?

"Then the rules of this game are 1v1, with the sword in my hand as the referee!"

Yan Kai pulled out the sword from his waist and inserted it between the two of them. It was more of a symbolic meaning.


Xiaozhi naturally raised his hand and agreed, with an extra Poké Ball in his hand.

If your opponent is the king of the alliance, you have to be more serious!


On the other side, Tianwang Yankai had already taken the lead in throwing a Poké Ball. The red light fell, and a thin crimson figure appeared in front of it.

The body of the mantis is made of red metal, with a red copper sheen on its surface.

Holding a pair of medium-sized pliers, the insect wings behind it vibrated at a high frequency, apparently capable of flying at super high speeds.

And one of the pliers is opened, and a bright small round bead can be seen inside.

It’s the giant mantis mega stone!

Is this a Pokémon that can mega evolve? !

"As soon as Mr. Yankai comes up, will he be the ace?!"

Citron, who was watching from the side, couldn't help but exclaimed in amazement. He had seen on TV before that Mr. Yankai used this Mega Giant Pincer Mantis to fight against the champion Miss Karuna's Mega Gardevoir.

It's definitely the opponent's trump card!

"Xiao Zhi, Xiao Zhi, Xiao Zhi from Zhenxin Town. I know your identity."

Yan Kai's eyes were completely serious and he was mumbling something.

He had heard his colleague, the Water Attribute King of the Carlos Region, Zhimi, mention the World Championships held in the Hezhu Region.

The most popular person in the competition is Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town. He is extremely powerful, and even ordinary kings cannot match the former.

Since the opponent was the legendary Xiaozhi, Yankai used all his strength from the beginning and sent in his ace, Giant Pincer Mantis!

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