He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2543 Miare Gym, Serena vs Citron! (superior

boom! boom! !

Soon, the two of them threw their elf balls at the same time.

The first Pokémon Citron sent out was Digger, which was not an electric type.


The first panda sent by Serena was a naughty panda who had recently joined the team. As soon as he appeared on the stage, he danced and shouted and provoked, which was very consistent with his name.

Although the two Pokémon are similar in size, their personalities are completely opposite. Digger's personality is very calm and mature.

"Um, these two Pokémon?"

Xiaozhi looked at it and couldn't help but have strange thoughts in his heart.

Looking at the two now, they are both cute Pokémon.

But once they evolve, whether it's a Digger Rabbit or a Bully Panda, they all have ferocious looks, completely different from when they were children!

"Naughty Panda, use Split Tiles!"

The battle begins, with Serena taking the lead as the challenger.

The naughty panda slightly adjusted the sunglasses on his forehead, then raised his fist like a knife and rushed out!

Since it has not yet evolved into a Bully Panda, it has not acquired evil attributes. At this moment, the Naughty Panda still has an absolute advantage in terms of attribute restraint.


However, Dig Dig Rabbit didn't dodge, he just lowered his body and waited in place.

At the extreme moment, he suddenly tightened the two slender ears on the top of his head and pressed them up, firmly catching the hand knife to split the tiles.

"Throw it out!!"

Following Citron's command, Dig Dig Rabbit grabbed one of the naughty panda's arms and swung it several times in the air before throwing it heavily to the ground in the distance.

Despite its small size, the power displayed is particularly astonishing.

"Characteristics of Hercules"

Serena frowned. She knew that Pokémon like Digger had the characteristics of "pickup", "cheek pouch" and "Hercules".

The opponent can explode with such power, which is obviously the rarest characteristic of a strong man!

Citron's expression rarely became fiery, he raised his hand and shouted:

"Now, use the Crazy Volt!!"

After all, it is a Pokémon with normal attributes and can learn moves of multiple attributes.

As the leader of the Miare Gym, Citron naturally allowed his Digger to practice his signature electric-type moves.


The next moment, violent lightning burst out from Diguru's body. Its appearance and style were somewhat similar to Pikachu's high-voltage electric shock - of course, the power of the scene was much different.

Then there were sparks and lightning, and Dig Dig Rabbit rushed out! !

Serena gritted her teeth and shouted quickly:

"It's not that simple! Naughty panda, block it with the waves of evil!!"

The naughty panda jumped up, a black circle of light formed in his hand, and shot out in the form of a beam of energy laser.

And it did not attack Crazy Volt directly, but landed on the ground in front of Digger Rabbit.

Boom boom! !

The huge explosion caused even destroyed the earth and rocks on the ground, and countless rubbles flew up. The electric current on the surface of the Digger Rabbit's body could not help but tremble and dispersed due to the stones, successfully interrupting the opponent's crazy Volt offensive!

Seeing this, Serena was delighted. This time it was her turn to take advantage of the situation and launch a fierce attack:

"Use the sucking punch!!"

The naughty panda grinned slyly, wrapped a spiral aperture around one of his fists, and rushed towards the enemy.

The other party has characteristic bonuses, and it also has bonuses——

Tekken features!

The power of all fist-type moves used can be increased!

However, Citron followed suit and immediately shouted:

"Interrupt it and use Mud Shot!!"

Dig Dig Rabbit raised its ears, and a ball of energy sludge condensed in the center. The next moment, countless sludge bombs were shot out, and they also landed on the ground where the naughty panda was advancing.

Boom! !

A familiar scene appeared again, the ground exploded, this time interrupting the naughty panda's offensive, sending him flying backwards in disgrace.

Needless to say, although the level of the two Pokémon is not too high, the sound of fighting is still very scary, and there are constant explosions.

But after all, they are still in their first-stage juvenile form and cannot fight for a long time.

After seven or eight rounds of fighting, both Pokémon were already panting.

"Evil Wave!!"

"Dig a hole!!"

At the critical moment, Diguitu turned his ears into big drills and sneaked into the ground to avoid the critical blow.

And before the naughty panda could react, he suddenly burst out of the ground beneath him.

boom! boom! !

Those powerful ears, blessed with the characteristics of a strong man, used two powerful and heavy slaps to directly fly the naughty panda away and land heavily on the ground, determining the winner.

"Naughty Panda can't fight!"

Xitroit quickly raised a small red flag and said solemnly.

It's just that Dig Dig Rabbit's physical strength is almost at its lowest point.

"Fairy Wind!!"

Serena sent a flower leaf with her backhand, grabbed her Graxitia flower and swung it forward. The strong pink wind blew hard and hit Digger's chest, knocking it away. Got out.

In less than two rounds, the winner was decided neatly.

The situation is temporarily back to the starting point.

"Thank you for your hard work, Dig Dig Rabbit."

Citron took the Digger Rabbit back and made some calculations in his mind, but he had no intention of sending the photoelectric umbrella lizard.


His second Pokémon was Ram, finally an Electric Pokémon.


As soon as he appeared on the stage, he threw out a thunder and lightning net, intending to net Serena's flower leaves from the sky.

"Huayedi, use magic leaves!!"

However, Huayedi now has the double bonus of the Graxitia flower and the Miracle Seed obtained in Biyi City - because the petals are equivalent to its own organs, it is a bug and it carries two props at the same time.

Whoosh! !

The powerful and sharp magic leaves directly tore through the power grid and even hit the furry sheep behind, leaving countless cutting scars on the latter's body.

"Electric ball!!"

"Power of the Moon!!"

Facing the electric ball thrown by the furry sheep, Huayedi flew to high altitude, and the huge pink energy bomb that was condensed defeated the electric ball and destroyed it.

Boom! !

Finally, the power of the moon exploded on the Furry Sheep's body, creating a burst of gorgeous pink smoke!

Serena smiled softly, with a crescent moon showing at the corner of her mouth, and launched the final attack:

"Then try my new trick! Use Luoying Colorful!!"

Countless green leaves suddenly fell from Huayedi's body, mixed with some petals and branches. Wrapped in these energy leaves, her small body rushed towards the target!

The colorful attack form of Luo Ying is similar to that of Petal Dance, but the power is lower.

But in return, he will not let himself fall into a violent and irrational state like Petal Dance.

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