He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2544 Miare Gym, Serena vs Citron! (Down

"RongRong Sheep, lost the ability to fight!"

Under the strong impact of the fallen leaves, the Rong Rong Sheep soon fainted from exhaustion and fell to the ground.

Now, Citron was down to his last Pokémon.

"Serena has really become stronger now."

Citron secretly thought that he was no longer the novice trainer he was when they first met two months ago.

I don’t know if he is a genius trainer or if he has an expert guiding him behind his back. In short, his growth rate in the past two months has been too fast!

"Then this is my last one!!"

Citron took a deep breath and finally threw the last Poké Ball.


The red light fell, and this time it was a familiar face. It was the self-destructing magnet monster that had just appeared not long ago.

Since the previous battle with the Optoelectronic Umbrella Lizard had almost no physical loss, it was completely possible to continue the battle.

"One more time, the power of the moon!!"

At the beginning, Serena launched her ultimate move aggressively, and a huge pink ball of light condensed on the top of Huayedi's head and was thrown out!

However, this time, Citron has already taken measures to deal with it:

"Use specular reflections!"

But he saw a burst of pink-purple energy light film appearing on the surface of the self-destructing magnet monster's metal body.


Without dodging or dodging, the power of the moon hit the self-destructing magnet monster head-on, causing an explosion.

Boom! !

However, the next moment, a pink energy beam, even more powerful than the power of the moon, suddenly shot out from the self-destructing magnet monster's face!

The reflection was so fast that neither Serena nor Huayidi had time to react.

Boom! !

The next moment, this double-power laser of the moon's power also hit and penetrated the flower leaves, causing a big pink explosion in the air!

Huayedi is a big crispy person, and after receiving such a blow, her body began to shake in the air.

Citron took advantage of the situation and attacked:

"Now, use Taishan to suppress the top!!"

I saw the self-destructing magnet monster's blunt, heavy and huge figure floating out, and then suddenly pressed down like a jack, and the figure pressing Huayedi fell quickly.

Boom! !

Until Loli was pressed under him, the earth and rocks on the ground were collapsing with violent vibrations, making the scene difficult to watch.

And when the smoke and dust dissipated, the self-destructing magnet monster took off again.

In addition to the large pit full of gravel, Huayedi's delicate body was even more affected by dimensionality reduction. It turned into a big cake and stuck to the ground, with her eyes spinning.

"Huayedi, you have lost the ability to fight!"

Hitroit quickly raised the little red flag, winning a game on behalf of the host.

Now, it became the final match point, with only the last Pokémon left on both sides.

In the audience seat, Yulijia’s legs were short and her thighs were shaking while sitting on the chair. She couldn’t help but be surprised and said:

"Serena and brother are actually evenly matched!?"

Just let Xiaozhi defeat his brother, it's reasonable.

But Serena defeated the serious brother. Well, the brother is slacking off!

If you focus on mechanical inventions all day long, your Pokémon battle training will definitely fall behind!

Youlijia clenched her little fists and secretly made a decision to urge her brother to practice.

"Both of them performed very well."

Xiaozhi nodded. This was a wonderful battle.

So who will be the final winner?


Serena shouted low, and the last Pokémon she sent out was naturally her ace, Long-tailed Firefox!

In terms of attributes, the long-tailed fire fox's flame move can very well restrain the steel attribute of the self-destructing magnet monster, giving it a certain advantage.

Moreover, the self-destructing magnet monster is not the one from Team Rocket's trio. The mirror reflection is a complete "harmless reflection". Although the powerful moon power ray was previously reflected, he also suffered 10% of the damage. The power of the moon hurts!

"Magnetic monster, electromagnetic wave!"

"Long-tailed Fire Fox, use will-o'-the-wisp!!"

The final battle started, and both of them started to use dirty abnormal status moves in unison.

The dense currents collided with several ghostly ghost fires, eventually canceling each other out and dissipating in the air.

"In that case, use triple attack!!"

Citron launched another fierce attack, and now there was no polite way to wait for the challenger to make the first move.

Serena still chose the previous tactic and said:

"Long-tailed Firefox, block it and use the wall of light!!"

The long-tailed fire fox pulled out the branch on its tail and waved forward, and a wall of transparent light suddenly formed in front of it.


Through the wall of light, most of the power of the triple attack was reduced, and it fell on the long-tailed fire fox, only electrocuting it and knocking it back half a meter. It was no big deal.

"It's our turn, Magic Flame!!"

The long-tailed fire fox danced the tree branch staff into the wind, and wisps of erratic fireballs flew out. Under the control of telekinesis, they attacked the self-destructing magnet monster from all directions at the same time.

"Gyro Ball!!"

The self-destructing magnet monster immediately started spinning at high speed in the air, tearing any flames that were close to it into pieces.


He even maintained a high-speed turning posture and flew towards the head of the long-tailed fire fox. This was to use the momentum to perform the ultimate trick of overwhelming the mountain!

However, when the self-destructing magnet reached the head of the long-tailed fire fox, Serena's eyes lit up and she suddenly responded:

"Use Flame Vortex towards its chassis!!"

The long-tailed fire fox understood, and immediately raised the staff high, with violent flames bursting out from the front.

Under the influence of the gyroscopic ball, the rotating flame actually accelerated in amplitude and speed.

Chisssssssssssssssssssssssss.! !

The next moment, a massive flame tornado formed, completely wrapping and engulfing the self-destructing magnet monster!

Moreover, the gyro-shaped flame tornado that is wide at the top and narrow at the bottom makes it impossible for the self-destructing magnet to be used as a rat-defying weapon to use Taishan Pressure to suppress it!

"Then go up and escape for now!"

Serena could still come up with such a response strategy. Citron was already sweating profusely on his forehead. At this moment, he could only choose to avoid its sharp edge and prepare to leave this massive flame tornado first.

"I won't let you escape, long-tailed fire fox, use phantom light!!"

Serena's face showed a rare look of decisiveness and a bit of cruelty, and she shouted loudly.

The long-tailed fire fox even exerted its spiritual power to the extreme, using phantom light to control all the flames.

Then with a thought, the rotating flames collapsed and compressed towards the middle!

Before the self-destructing magnetron could fly out, flames were already covering it from all directions.

This time, even the gyro ball cannot stop the break.

Boom! !

Flames filled the sky and fell on every part of the body of the self-destructing magnet, causing a huge flame explosion!

Outstanding effect!

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