He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 254 Establish a soul bond with Mewtwo!

(Fifth update!! Brother Meng, subscription, ticket. If there is a reward...?)


Chaomeng, who was in a state of extreme anger, was still bursting with energy, and the blood-red thought power turned into a huge net covering the two Viking Gymnasium owners at the same time.

He has already killed the red eye, regardless of the enemy or us!

"Hmph, even so, it's still a trash fish, but not to the point of a rat on the street." Qinglu didn't lower her head, she was still wantonly mocking.

Sakagi: "..."

But before the two of them could move, Chaomeng, who was still outputting furious anger, suddenly stopped moving, the red light on his body dissipated, the roaring energy dissipated, and even the pupils lost focus, as if he had been hooked into a void.

But at this moment, the body is still floating in mid-air in the package of thought energy, and the surrounding thought energy is flowing, so it cannot be approached.

Unlike Sakagi's bewildered face, Qinglu immediately understood what happened because he felt a familiar aura.

"Tsk, is that trash fish here..." He curled his lips lightly, with some dissatisfaction.

There is an uncomfortable feeling of being robbed of the head.

In the next second, a loud roar suddenly reverberated in Qinglu's mind, shaking his head a little dizzy.

"You are the trash, your whole family is trash!!"

Green: "..."



A powerful psychic-type Pokémon can more or less control the power of the soul, and a psychic-type Pokémon like Mewtwo can even separate the soul from the body.

In Xiaozhi's soul space.

Miscellaneous fish Chaomeng appeared here. Different from his body, he in the state of soul represents the deepest will in his heart. Chaomeng, who is full of confusion in his heart, is actually not high in will at this time, and there is nothing on his immature soul face. Violent breath.

Just a dumbfounded expression.

He looked around with question marks all over his face, seeing a gray scene.

"Where is this?"

Miscellaneous Fish Chaomeng was still bursting with energy just now, suddenly it seemed to be attracted by a very attractive black hole, and it appeared here in the next second.

Is it the power of this world?

Mewtwo is a man-made Pokémon, not in the Six Realms of Nature, maybe it was captured and warned by a passing native almighty today.

About to be deported?

He could faintly feel that there were two very powerful wills in this space, and one of them was even strangely similar to his own aura.

Looking up, he saw the source of the other strong will in the two paths. It was a man sitting on a grand master's chair, about 17 or 18 years old, wearing a red peaked cap, with a cold expression and no emotion in his eyes. looking at myself.

"Chaomeng, your heart is very confused, and you can't find the meaning of your life."

Chi didn't deliberately keep silent and pretend to be a master, and he broke his Dao heart when he opened his mouth, causing Zayu Chaomeng's pupils to shrink suddenly.

That's right, that's all his doubts.

As an unnatural Pokémon created by humans, what is the meaning of life?

He stayed in the Rockets, and even helped Sakagi to make troubles everywhere, just because Sakagi once said a word.

"Thirty is not confused."

The meaning is very simple, as long as you work for him for thirty years, he will no longer have any doubts.

"Heh, that old man Sakagi didn't think about doing anything for you other than treating you as a tool."

At this time, another strong will of the same origin sneered, which made Miscellaneous Fish Chaomeng quickly look left and right, but he couldn't see where the source was at all.

Miscellaneous Yu Chaomeng was in a hurry, and just wanted to find out something with the will of the same origin, only to see Chi on the grand master's chair suddenly raised his palm, stopping his inquiry.

"Don't ask, the meaning of life can only be understood by yourself, and outsiders can't help you."

Pension Chaomeng agreed with this sentence, and didn't say much.

That makes Miscellaneous Fish Chaomeng even more confused, since you don't say anything, why are you bringing my soul here?

"Oh, let's move on to the punching part then."

Chimei raised his eyebrows and snapped his fingers, and then the figure suddenly disappeared from the chair of the grand master, which was very strange.

Miscellaneous Fish Mewtwo: "?"


In the next second, a figure soul appeared on the grand teacher's chair again. This time the figure was still wearing a red and white peaked cap, but it was much younger than the previous one, and its expression was also that of an ADHD patient. Pressing the fist, gearing up.

"This is..."

Miscellaneous Fish Chaomeng's eyes widened. The sudden appearance of the third soul will was completely different from the first two wills. It was not particularly powerful, but it gave him a very special feeling.

it's like...

It seems that all the wills in this world are revolving around this will...

If you want to change to a theoretical system, you can use a hypothesis to describe it.

"Speaking of the Mind"

Xiaozhi looked at Chaomeng in front of him curiously. It was a bit like a human, and a bit like a Pokémon, which was very strange.

"Oh, it's you, little brother, want to touch me? The skin is quite fair, but I hate the little boy!"

His expression suddenly became unkind. He remembered Xiaomao's boyish face, and he did two push-ups on the spot to warm up.

Although Brother Chi told him not to talk nonsense when he came in, just punch him, but Xiaozhi still rejected the proposal.

How can there be no reason not to sign up for boxing?

"Hey, I'm Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, the future Pokémon master, remember the name of the man who beat you to tears today!"

He shouted righteously.

Miscellaneous Fish Mewtwo: "?"

Before he could say anything, Xiaozhi, who was in the soul state, had already hit the flying tiger and pounced on Chaomeng, knocking him to the ground on the spot!

With a roll of his sleeves, his fleshy fists hit Chaomeng's eye sockets...


"Ahem... is this really okay?"

On the other side, Chaomeng, who was eating melon, asked with some doubts.

"It's not a big problem. This Chaomeng is still in the initial stage. It's the easiest way to leave an unforgettable mark on him."

Chi replied.

That's right, the two plan to help Xiaozhi tame this Pokémon.

Anyway, I can't continue to work for Sakagi, let alone be subdued by that green guy!

You must know that in Hualan Grotto at that time, Pension Chaomeng beat Qinglu to tears...

With the latter's stingy character, this Chaomeng really followed him. Not much to say, it is definitely a four-piece set of Juhe, surfing, rock breaking and monster power, becoming a real tool Chaomeng. thing.

Of course, whether or not to subdue it is a matter for the future. This Chaomeng still needs a period of independent experience at this stage, and subduing it is not good for it.

What needs to be done now is to let Xiaozhi establish a bond with this Mewtwo at the initial stage.

There are good and bad bonds, but a beating is not good or bad, there must be a bond.

And the deepest bond is undoubtedly to drag the other party's soul over and beat him up, so that the other party can experience the unforgettable soul bond!

So no matter how this Pokémon develops in the future, the deepest part of its inner soul will always be connected with Xiao Zhi.

Pension Mewtwo: "..."

How do you feel, this is cheating on this young man named Xiaozhi...?

He can already imagine that the super dream godhead will be added in the future, and his strength has reached its peak. One day, the god of war suddenly descends and beats the bewildered Xiaozhi to tears.

"By the way, can Xiaozhi beat him?"

Pension Chaomeng asked again.

Chi: "It's not a big problem."

In the soul space, it has nothing to do with the power outside the field, but the will of the soul. In this regard, this new Mewtwo has no advantage in front of Xiaozhi.

Sure enough, in the battlefield of the soul space, Xiaozhi had already pressed Chaomeng to the ground, and a set of muscle combination punches were aimed at his eye sockets, instantly punching out two tragic panda eyes.

Chaomeng's nose was bruised and his face was swollen from the beating, his soul felt mysterious, and his expression was even more bewildered.

where am I?

Who is hitting me?

Why are you beating me?

This cute and innocent expression made Xiaozhi stop his movements for a while, and he couldn't bear to make a move.

"No, Brother Chi said, the harder you beat me now, the more benefits I will have in the future!"

Thinking of this Xiaozhi lost his compassion in an instant, he aroused his strength again, and he was beaten violently at first.

Hahaha, my future can finally be expected!

Pension Mewtwo: "..."

Boy, your future seems to be dead...

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