He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 255 Move and you will die...

"Da da da da da..."

In the soul space, after being punched and kicked, Xiaozhi separated from Zao Yuchao. The latter's body was covered with bruises, and his body was still shaking from time to time.

However, his resilience is quite good. In less than a few breaths, the body made of soul was renewed again, as if he had not been injured, but the two panda eyes on his eye sockets could not be removed no matter what, and there was a black circle around the eyes. Painted.

Chaomeng stared at the big innocent eyes, until now he is still inexplicable, why this human being wants to do something when he comes up.

"You're pretty strong..."

On the other side, Xiaozhi's body was also trembling. Although the opponent looked confused, it didn't mean he wouldn't fight back.

After roughly estimating, on average, he punches Chaomeng 5 punches, and the opponent will punch him back, which is not light.

"Is it all right to say that?"

Xiao Zhi secretly asked Chi, he had already laid a heavy hand.

Chi An secretly nodded, today's boxing session should have made Chaomeng feel enough pain, and the deepest bond in the soul is probably unforgettable.

"Okay... by the way, you report your identity again."

Listening to the words in his mind, Xiaozhi has no doubts about him, brother Chi has always been his good brother, how could he have any ill will towards him?

So Xiaozhi threw Soul Chaomeng to the ground again, and then twisted the latter's chest like twisting a dead dog.

"Say it again, remember that the man who beat you to tears today is Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, the future Pokémon Master!"

Miscellaneous Fish Mewtwo: "?"

Pension Mewtwo: "..."

Immediately, Elder Chaomeng activated his ability and sent the former's soul back to the Viking Gym.


Inside the Viking Gym.

Chaomeng's physical body, which was wrapped and suspended by the energy of thought power, suddenly shook and opened his eyes. The pain in his soul made him unable to maintain the release of thought power. His body stepped down from midair and fell into the ruins of the wall again.

He was even more confused when his soul returned to his place.

what happens?

Was it just a dream?

He subconsciously touched his eye sockets. Although there were no physical injuries, he felt that his eyes were really swollen and painful.

The memory began to gradually blur, but the pain in the depths of his soul was unforgettable, making him unable to forget, the things engraved in the deepest part of his heart.

Chaomeng read the last sentence, the body and spirit finally couldn't bear the pressure due to excessive consumption, and fainted in the rock ruins.

"Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town..."

It was the only thing he could remember before he lost consciousness...


Sakagi: "?"

Seeing Chaomeng, who was about to explode, suddenly fainted and fell to the ground, which made Boss Sakagi even more confused. What happened?

Why does the expression on Chaomeng's face look so weird, as if it was...

It's like the innocent expression after being beaten by a street gangster with his head covered.

"Tsk, have you been taken a step ahead..."

Qinglu naturally understood what happened. Although he originally wanted to abduct this Chaomeng, but now that he was cut off, he was not upset, but he didn't have any entanglements.

He has a natural conflict with a Pokémon like Mewtwo, so it's okay not to.

So Qinglu watched Sakagi quietly and instructed his subordinates to carry the fainted Chaomeng into the gym, and did not stop him.

What happens to the future of Chaomeng has nothing to do with him.

"How about it, do you want to join the Rockets? I can let you be the second in command of the Rockets, and even half of me. Together, the world is at your fingertips!"

Boss Sakagi did not know when he had come to the arena below from the high platform on the second floor, shook his eyes with Qinglu, and then threw an olive branch again.

The young man in front of him, Sakagi has already placed him at the same height as himself, and dare not slack off in the slightest.

He has developed a good impression of Qinglu.

"Hmph, don't get me wrong, we are not the same way."

Qinglu retracted the wind speed dog in front of her, and replied coldly, without giving Sakamu any face.

Although he raised his hand to Sakagi, it doesn't mean that he has a good impression of Sakagi, but it's just for the sake of Viki Pan Gym.

Or to find a strong opponent for himself in the future, Sakagi has a chance.

But now Sakagi can't do it.

"Oh~ don't you want to join our Rockets, but you broke my predicament before, I have to express my gratitude."

Sakagi seemed to have expected Qinglu's answer, and was not annoyed, showing a smiling expression, like a good old man.

"Then I'll give you a...a whole corpse!!"

Sakagi's expression changed in an instant, his face became extremely ferocious, his eyes were fierce, and that extremely aggressive and domineering momentum shrouded the entire gymnasium again.

For a rookie trainer with such terrifying strength, if he doesn't join the Rockets, there is only one way to end.

die! !


There was a sound of high-frequency flapping wings out of nowhere on the arena, and in the next second, a yellow bumblebee's shadow suddenly appeared in front of the green body, with blood-red eyes, the body of the insect structure was yellow, and there were several circles of black on the abdomen. circular pattern.

There were several sharp large needles at the end of the arm and abdomen, and at this moment one of the large needles in the arm was lifted up in front of the green neck, and the tip of the needle had even stuck to the latter's neck skin.


Feeling the chill coming from his neck, and looking at the cold and ruthless eyes of the big needle bee in front of him, Qinglu doesn't have any doubts, as long as he makes any movement, the big needle bee in front of him will directly pierce his chest throat.

This is a big needle bee that has killed people, the real killer bee!

"So fast..."

Qinglu couldn't help admiring, he was completely unaware of the movement of this big needle bee.

"Hmph, I admit that you are very good, even so good that it makes me a little scared. In the battle of Pokémon, even the champion may not be able to defeat you..."

Sakagi put his arms behind his back, and a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"But now it's an adult's battlefield, not a trainer's battle..."

Since it is impossible to gain an advantage in Pokémon battles, there is only one way left.

Attack the trainer!

"I would also like to thank you for letting me get out of my obsession with Mewtwo."

Sakagi looked at the big needle bee in front of him, as if looking at a precious treasure.

Yes, what is Chaomeng? He Sakaki is already strong, so why rely on a man-made Pokémon to express it twice?

"My big needle bee, even if the champion is here, I don't dare to be careless..."

Sakagi sneered again and again, and his expression became decisive again. He adjusted his suit and clothes with the palm of his hand a little, and the aura of a high and strong man came out unreservedly, which was completely different from the aura released by Chaomeng before. field.

"No one can refuse me, and neither can you!"

Sakagi grinned grinningly, and made a gesture to direct the big needle bee to kill Qinglu on the spot.

"Go to another world and regret your kindness..."

Qinglu didn't move her expression, she just looked closely into the eyes of Boss Sakagi, and then her expression changed suddenly, which made Sakagi frowned, and her heart became inexplicably irritable.

"Laugh? Can you still laugh at this point?"

That's right, Qinglu laughed out loud.

"Hehe, the boss Sakagi who turned his face and refused to recognize anyone like this is a bit tasteful..."

As soon as the words fell, the green expression changed again, and the face became serious. In the not-so-huge body, the aura that was several times stronger than Sakagi rose to the sky, instantly washing away Sakagi's previous aura.

Although the big needle bee's sharp needle was still pointed at the green neck, the latter showed no trace of fear on his face.


A familiar high-frequency flapping sound sounded.

In the next second, a blood-red figure nearly one person tall appeared on the side of Sakagi's body out of thin air, and a large steel pliers had already landed on Sakagi's neck, sticking tightly to the latter's skin, glistening and oozing. The sharp coldness of people.

Without the slightest doubt, as long as the big pliers are slightly forceful, Sakagi's head will fall to the ground instantly.

"Move and you'll die..."

Qinglu said lightly.

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