He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 256: Battle of the Strongest Viridian Pavilion Master!


Feeling the raw chill coming from his neck, Sakagi didn't dare to move, so he had to look to his side from the corner of his eyes.

A red figure came into view. The body structure of a praying mantis insect exudes a red metallic luster all over the body. With his back to Sakagi, he could not see the front clearly. He raised a steel pliers arm with his backhand, opened the pliers, and tightened them with the sharp jaws on it. Clinging to the skin of his neck.

"Giant Pincer Mantis?! So fast..."

Sakagi recognized this Pokémon, and blurted out that the movement of this giant pincer mantis is good at insect attributes, but he couldn't catch it at all.

That's right, although Sakagi announced to the outside world that he is an expert in ground attributes, in fact, his attainments in insect attributes are even higher.

Even so, he couldn't see any flaws in this giant pincer mantis, which is a perfect bug-type Pokémon...

Sakagi's expression was gloomy, and his evaluation of the hedgehog-headed boy not far in front of him couldn't help but go up to a higher level.

At this moment in the Viking Gymnasium, the distance between the two was less than 5 meters. On one side was the big needle of the big needle bee sticking to the green neck, and on the other side was the giant pincer mantis closing the steel pincers on Sakamu's neck with its back and backhand.

There is a sense of arrogance in the handsome action.

Any movement of the two worm-type Pokémon is enough to kill the human in front of them on the spot.

For a moment, the air became solidified and chilled again.

In the stalemate, I saw Sakagi suddenly relaxed, and said with a smile:

"It seems that this time, we are 50-50 again."


Qinglu refuted his evenness on the spot, glanced at Sakagi coldly, and said:

"I dare to do it, do you dare?"

One is in a high position and is the big boss of a large multinational group, with power that is almost invincible.

And the other is just a fledgling novice trainer.

The status is not equal. The so-called barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes. The balance of power in this situation is not a balance of power, but one-sided.

Sakagi: "..."

His expression instantly turned livid.

Indeed, Sakagi was reluctant to exchange his life for the life of a passer-by trainer.

The eyes of the two were fixed, and their eyes kept colliding with each other in the air, and then they snorted at the same time.



In the next second, the sound of insects flapping their wings at high frequency came from two places at the same time. The needle wasp and the giant pincer mantis gave up on the human in front of them at the same time, and they all turned into phantoms in place and disappeared suddenly.


At this moment, only the high-frequency vibrations of insects could be heard from the arena, as well as a yellow-black phantom and a blood-red phantom constantly flickering.

"Big needle bee, use double needles!!"

"Giant Pincer Mantis, use Bullet Punch!!"

As the voices of Boss Sakagi and Qinglu fell, two bursts of light flashed in the flickering phantom, one side was dark green light with insect attributes, and the other side was metallic silver light with majestic power.


The green light and the silver light collided in the air, arousing a burst of energy waves, and then separated and attacked in an instant. In the next breath, the two rays of light appeared in another corner and bombarded each other.

"Keng!" "Keng!" "Keng!!"

Explosive sounds kept coming and going in every corner of Changpan Gymnasium, and the light of the energy shock also flickered in every corner. Due to the extremely fast speed, it even gave people a feeling that there were several big needle bees and giant pincer mantises on the field at the moment. While attacking in general.


Having collided dozens of times in a few seconds, the Big Needle Bee and the Giant Pincer Mantis retreated a few meters at the same time, revealing their figures in mid-air, and the instantaneous continuous force made them breathe a little.

Sakagi frowned, and launched an attack again:

"Big Needle Bee, use the Missile Needle!"

Hearing that the big needle bee raised two big needles, the sharp energy condensed on them, instantly condensed countless white light spikes, and shot towards the target, with a long tail of energy dragging at the end of the spikes, the momentum vast.

Qinglu calmly instructed: "Giant pincer mantis, use continuous cutting."

The expression of the giant pincer mantis was as unwavering as its steel attribute, and the pincer arm flicked to the sides. This time, it condensed a dark green insect-attribute light, facing countless missile needles and swung its arm again and again. The raging energy flying needles were all shattered.

"Use acrobatics!"

"We use acrobatics too!"

Following the instructions of the two, a light blue energy coat appeared on the bodies of the two insect-type Pokémon at the same time, and their movements became cunning, changing their shapes back and forth in mid-air, doing various tricky movements, Finally, they hit together head-on.

"Keng Keng!!"

There was another majestic metal explosion, and Acrobat's light blue energy coat fell off the two worms at the same time, and they both retreated a few meters.

After fighting for several rounds in a row, the time it took to happen was even less than a few minutes, which made the panting of the two bugs begin to deepen.

Insects, among other things, stamina is definitely not what they are good at.

Sakagi stood behind the big needle bee, evoking a cold smile.

"Heh, is it 55 this time..."

"It's still 97." Qinglu's calm and wise eyes seemed to be able to see through everything, directly pointing out the key point, and said without hesitation:

"Isn't the current situation one-sided?"

The current giant pincer mantis is confronting the big needle bee head-on, which is the heart of the struggle between insect-type Pokémon.

In terms of attributes, the big needle bee has no chance of winning.

The poison attribute is directly abolished by the steel attribute of the giant pincer mantis, which is another insect attribute, and it has no effective effect in front of steel.

The big needle bee in front of him is indeed very powerful, but it is impossible to defeat his giant pincer mantis.

Sakagi, who was completely pointed out, turned pale and fell into silence for a while, and then said in a deep voice as if unwilling to admit defeat:

"My big needle bee has even more powerful power..."

Qinglu immediately sneered and said:

"Tsk, do you think I don't have a giant pincer mantis?"

Sakagi: "..."

His tone was suffocated, as a middle-aged insect catcher, he could naturally understand what Qinglu meant.

Mega evolution.

Whether it is his Big Needle Bee or Giant Pincer Mantis, they all master this higher level of evolution.

Seeing that he couldn't take advantage of the hedgehog-headed boy in front of him today, Sakagi sighed, and without hesitation, he took out a poke ball and took Big Needle Bee back.

"Then I will be temporarily defeated by you."

Today, no matter from every angle, he was firmly pressed down by Qinglu. Although this made Sakagi very unhappy, it was an undeniable fact.

But it doesn't matter, Sakagi has broken his obsession at this moment, and he has no fear in his heart.

As the most powerful of him, sooner or later, he will tear the face of this young man who is always calm and calm in front of him.

"Then I'll give you this."

Seeing a small object suddenly thrown by the opponent, Qinglu catches it with her backhand.

In the palm of his hand was a badge in the shape of a green leaf.

"Green Badge..."

There was a bit of nostalgia in the green eyes, and he put the green badge in his arms.

This world doesn't have his Viridian Gym, so let's use a green badge instead.

The two Viridian gymnasium owners from the two worlds just looked at each other from a distance, without saying anything, after which Qinglu took back the giant pincer mantis, turned and left.

And Sakagi didn't use any dirty tricks this time, just looked gloomy and watched the other party leave quietly.


When Qinglu left the gymnasium completely, the corner of Sakagi's mouth curled up with a cold smile again.

It is impossible for a person to become stronger for no reason, let alone become stronger in an instant. Sakagi has already become suspicious of this.

This trainer called himself Xiaomao at the beginning, but then it seemed to turn into another person completely, who is this?


Sakagi sneered again and again, it is absolutely impossible for a 10-year-old trainer to have such a state of mind, he understands that this is a real strong man who has gone through countless battles!


"Hmph, since you dare to tell me your name, this is your biggest mistake today, let me see who you really are, Qinglu..."

Thinking of this, Sakagi's pupils shrank, and he shouted in a deep voice:

"Give me all the information about Zhenxin Town, Xiaomao, Qinglu, Novice Trainer, these four keywords!"

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