He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 257 Another world, grandpa...?

"Is there a total of four 10-year-old novice trainers who came out of the new town this time..."

A few minutes later, Sakagi returned to his internal office, sat on a chair, stroking the cat boss with one hand, and holding a thick file in the other.

Next to him stood a secretary-like woman with glasses, with neat short purple hair, who was Sakagi's personal secretary, Matori.

"Yes, Boss Sakagi!"

Team Rocket's minions are all over the Kanto region, and the intelligence base alone is an extremely powerful search engine in itself.

"The first one is called Xiaomao, the grandson of Dr. Oki, and the initial Pokémon is a Jenny Jenny..."

Sakagi’s cold eyes read ten lines at a glance, and he quickly previewed his files, whether it was the initial Pokémon he received on a trip, or a gym challenge, or even bought a car of perfume in Yuhong City All the information, ten to five, are all on it.

But no matter how you look at it, he is just a wealthy second-generation Kaizi with good qualifications, and it can be said that it completely coincides with the image of Xiao Mao he first encountered before.


Sakagi suddenly noticed several special records among them.

For example, in the battle against the light red gymnasium, he once showed the power of crushing level.

Another example is that in Jinhuang City, they had entered the Silver Building.

Calculating the time, it happened to be the time when Lambda reported to himself that the Rainbow Group was retreating.

"Boss, we can't resist. The opponent is too strong. It was Champion Du who led the other three heavenly kings to attack Silver Tower overnight. The grandsons of these alliances!"

He remembered what Lambda had reported to him at the time.

Sakagi: "..."

He seemed to have guessed something, his face darkened, and he suppressed his anger and continued to look at the rest of the information, but what surprised him was that the word "green" found no such person, no information at all.

This is very weird, it is impossible for this to happen.


Then Sakagi looked at the files of the other three novice trainers who set off on the same day.

The second one is called Xiao Hei. He received a small Charmander on the first day, but since the second day, there is no more information, and the red seal of "has hit the street" was also printed on the file.

"Did you hit the street the next day? It's really pitiful..."

Sakagi sneered again and again, this world is not so simple, novice trainers are indeed easy to die miserably halfway, but it is a bit funny to rush to the street the next day.

The third one is a girl named Xiaolan, who has three generations of Chinong ancestors. On the day of departure, she received a wonderful frog seed. She wandered carefree along the way, but her track record was very strange.

The records often have paragraphs without paragraphs. The girl often disappears, and then a new record appears strangely in another city.

Similarly, she was also there on the day when Silver Tower was raided by the Four Heavenly Kings.

Sakagi: "..."

The last one is called Xiaozhi, and his mother's name is Hanako, but his father's information is not clear.

The original Pokémon was a rotten electric mouse, and it was also challenging the gym. Similarly, it also showed overwhelming strength in the light red gym.

There have been pictures of talking and laughing with the core cadre of the Rockets, Apollo.

The Silver Tower raid was also at the scene.

Sakagi even saw a video. The source of this video was not the internal engine of their Rockets, but just external network data, which seemed to be uploaded by someone.

The video is very clear, and you can see the view of a sandy beach and ocean, which should be a tropical island.

As the camera pans down, on the shoal, a young man with vibrant dark green hair and a red and white peaked cap can be seen standing in the sea water, the sea water overflowing his chin, with a serious expression.

On the other side, there was an ice-blue giant bird with beautiful glass-like feathers, but also very messy. The sea water filled her waist, freezing into ice flowers one after another.

Then one person and one bird shouted angrily, and rushed towards each other at the same time, only to see that giant bird kicked up and kicked the boy's chin into the air with its taupe bird feet.

And that young man's body was also unbelievably strong, so he slowed down and pressed the ice blue giant bird's head into the sea water with his backhand, so that the latter could drink more water.

"Da da da..."

One-man, one-bird melee combat broke out, reaching the sunset west mountain, and the twilight radiance swayed on the sea.

There are also several tab titles below the video.

"Extremely angry, you are far stronger than you think! "

"No way? Isn't there anyone who can't beat the beast now? "

"Precious Video of Early Humans Taming Wild Frozen Birds"

up: Uncle Congo Black

Sakagi: "..."

Suddenly ten thousand horses of Arceus galloped through his heart, making him want to swear.

Sakagi quickly forcibly ignored the video and turned back to the main point, but one thing is certain is that the person named Xiaozhi in front of him is also very extraordinary...

His brows were deeply frowned, and no matter how he thought about the Silver incident at the moment, it was not like what his subordinates reported, being attacked late at night by Champion Du and the king of heaven.

There is no conflict between the current Rockets and the Pokémon League, there is no need to attack directly.

"Couldn't it have been pushed by these newcomers, and then backhandedly threw the pot on Champion Du's head...?"

Thinking about the normal behavior of those core cadres, this situation seems really possible...

Although the strength of Lambda and the others is not bad, if these novice trainers use green power, it will be for nothing.


But that's not the point, the point is.

Where did this power, or this personality transformation from heaven to earth come from?

Who is this green?

What kind of secrets are hidden in these three novice trainers!

"Really new town, novice trainer..."

Sakagi began to brainstorm in his mind, his expression kept changing, he merged various conjectures and hypotheses, and constantly removed irrelevant answers. The hair of the cat boss was also constantly being stroked by him, and his eyes gradually brightened.

Yes, these are no coincidences!


Seeming to have the answer, Sakagi grabbed the cat boss violently, the pain made the latter a little furious.

"True Bird, help me follow the template of these three people and start scanning all the 10-year-old teenagers in the Kanto region. I want to be accurate to the individual!"

This is no coincidence, there must be some kind of special connection!

"No, don't limit the scope to the Kanto area. There are already these three people in the Kanto area. Focus on the Chengdu area!"

The Rockets' intelligence network is not only in the Kanto area, but also in the Johto area, and it is also in the hands of the Rockets.

As for other regions, it is much more difficult. They all have their own interest groups, and it is also difficult for Qianglong to suppress the local snakes.

He has already decided that these three trainers in Zhenxin Town are weird!

"Yes, it only takes 5 minutes, no, 3 minutes is enough!"

Makoto was meticulous, it was the first time she saw Boss Sakagi showing such an expression, she didn't dare to be careless at all, and started to turn around to operate on the computer.

Sitting on the chair, Sakagi's expression changed for a while, his brows did not stretch but frowned deeper. If it was really as he guessed, then it would be too scary.

Sakagi took a deep breath, seeming to sigh, seeming to doubt.

"Another world...Grandpa...?"

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