He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2583 Don’t you Carlos have your own secondary god?

The northeastern area of ​​Aroma City is a majestic and dry volcano.

The dark rocks and soil on the ground are not covered by any vegetation, which is completely different from the beautiful and romantic Xiangxang City adjacent to it.

This place is almost at the corner of the Kalos continental plate, and was not originally on the planned route for Xiaozhi and his party.

The reason why we came to this volcano today

When we reached the foot of the mountain, we could already see a young man with thick short orange hair waiting there in the distance. After seeing the figures of several people, he trotted over to greet them.

"Everyone, you are here! Long time no see!"

Doropa greeted him warmly, especially Xiaozhi, who admired him very much.

Next to him, there was a rather shy fire dinosaur. Although he looked a bit fierce, his expression was very restrained. He held his tail in his arms with both hands, as if this gave him confidence.

"Oh~ Doropa, and the fire dinosaur, long time no see~!"

Xiaozhi and his friends also said hello to the latter.

This introverted and shy fire dinosaur is still very rare.

The reason why they came to this volcano today was purely because of Doropa's invitation.

Everyone did not delay. While climbing the mountain, Doropa walked in front and explained to everyone:

"This is Mount Aludoru, but it is an extinct volcano. Experts say there is no danger of a volcanic eruption."

This sentence made Xiaozhi raise his eyebrows, feeling a little familiar.

But this time it is really an extinct volcano, and it is not as hot as other volcanoes. Steam and white mist can still be seen in the gaps between the rocks.

The volcano in front of us, except for the darker color of the rocks, has little to do with "heat".

"It is said that some people have seen the legendary Pokémon, Flame Bird, on the top of the mountain many times during this season in the past!"

Doropa's tone gradually became excited.

"Firebird? Is that the legendary Pokémon from your side, Xiaozhi?"

Citron pushed up his glasses and couldn't help but ask.

"Yeah, it's a very familiar Pokémon."

Xiaozhi nodded, but many interesting memories came to mind.

Unexpectedly, there is also a legend of the Flame Bird in the Carlos area.

By the way, when I was in Azure Bay before, I seemed to have heard about the local legend of the Three Sacred Birds.

Um, doesn’t your Kalos region have its own second-level god?

"So Doropa, are you going to conquer that flame bird?"

Xiaozhi poked his head and said in a joking tone.

These words made Doropa's face suddenly turn red, and he quickly shook his head.

"How can I conquer a Pokémon of the level of Flamebird?"

His first purpose this time was to see the flame bird with his own eyes and take photos.

If possible, let your fire dinosaurs fight with them so that their strength can be further improved!

He already knew about his friend Tiereno's defeat at the Aromatherapy Gym. If he and the Fire Dinosaur challenged the Aromatherapy Gym now, they would probably end up with the same fate.

"So, I want to use the power of the Flame Bird to conquer the Aromatherapy Gym!"

These words were somewhat inaccurate. Doropa's cheeks turned red as he recited them in shame.

Coincidentally, after knowing that Xiaozhi and his party were near Aroma City recently, Doropa specially invited a few people.

Originally, I wanted to invite Tierno, but because the latter failed at the Aromatherapy Gym, he rushed directly to Baike City to conquer the next gym first, so he had to miss it.

"I see. A feast of fire attributes?"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi and Serena couldn't help but look at each other, both having the same idea.

It seems that my Rocket Bird (Long-tailed Firefox) can also evolve. Maybe I can use the power of the Flame Bird to complete the last step?

The two of them were not in a hurry to talk about the fire dinosaur of Doroba. It shouldn't be enough to defeat the legendary Flame Bird, it will be better if they try again when the time comes.

But the premise of everything

We have to find the flame bird first!

After walking for about half an hour, everyone had reached 2/3 of the height of Mount Aludolu. Following the spiral rock slope on the outside, they could already see the top of the mountain in the distance.


It's just that the physical strength of the group was not very good, so their movements slowed down, and they heard gasps one after another.

Especially Doropa and Citron, neither of them are good at moving outdoors.

In comparison, Serena and Yurika only had a few drops of sweat on their cheeks, which was not a big problem.

As for Xiaozhi, he can climb mountains by leaping like a frog.

"Words from the Flame Bird"

Having reached the high point of the volcano, the other people took a short rest. Xiaozhi walked to the edge and looked around, looking for the golden shadows of the sacred birds around him.

not at all.

Since there is no vegetation cover here, the environment is harsh.

In the sky, you can't even see the Fenxiangxiang and the little arrow sparrows on the rotten streets, it's very desolate.

"Huhu. In other words, the desolation is a bit outrageous. Huhu."

Citron was bent over, breathing heavily, but there was a strange look in his eyes.

Even in a desolate and severe volcanic zone, even if there are no plants, there should be volcanic Pokémon such as Fist Rock, Lava Snail, and Duck-billed Charmander.

But along the way, they could also see some rock Pokémon near the foot of the mountain.

When they reached half the height, they never encountered a wild Pokémon again.

"Generally speaking, this situation can only be because there is some powerful and vicious presence in the local area that makes other wild Pokémon afraid to live close to it, right?"

Doropa is also the type who is good at thinking. He breathed heavily and guessed.

"Flame Bird? Impossible."

Xiaozhi thought for a moment and immediately shook his head.

Although the Flame Bird fits the adjective "powerful", it is not labeled as "ferocious".

The most famous flame bird in their hometown lives on the Quartz Plateau, which is a paradise for wild Pokémon!

The majestic and righteous flame bird is more like the local patron saint than a vicious overlord.

"Or is it because Carlos's Flame Bird is more evil?"

Xiaozhi was not sure. Seeing that several people had rested, everyone continued climbing.

This time, they climbed to the top of the mountain in one go.

The top of the mountain area is not very majestic and steep, but is a spacious and flat cone-shaped rock platform. It must be the eruption vent of the volcano under their feet.

It is a completely pristine mountainous landscape, and there are no man-made railings or chains on the edge of the cliff. You can still see adjacent peaks and cliffs in the distance, and the scenery is majestic.

It's just that this place is also barren and desolate, and there are no flame birds.

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