He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2584 The demonic flame bird!


Doropa was the first to become anxious, holding a camera in his hand and looking around.

On the one hand, it was because he didn't see the Flame Bird, and on the other hand, he was afraid that he would be embarrassed in front of Xiaozhi and come to nothing.

"According to the records I found, it has been at least five or six years in the past. It is only right that we can see the flame bird in this season every year."

He quickly looked at the adjacent steep peaks in the distance. Floating clouds could still be seen on the mountainside. Perhaps the Flame Bird was hiding in a cave in the distance?

"Don't worry."

Xiaozhi comforted him, but he was seen every season, not every day.

Maybe it takes a special day to see it?

Doropa quickly shook his head. The information he collected was surprisingly consistent. The days that appeared every year were around the last few days, so it should be possible to observe them.

"So the flamebirds migrated from afar and didn't live here?"

Citron speculated, then he took the backpack, took out a large machine, and dropped it suddenly to the ground.

At times like this, we have to rely on science to save the world!

“The power of science is so great!!”

After seeing the detection machine start to operate, Xiaozhi was the first to praise it.

But coincidentally, he was also using his waveguide power to see if he could find anything.


But not long after the waveguide power was released, Xiaozhi noticed a strange waveguide feedback.

This is an evil and vicious waveguide that makes people's hair tremble.

And the source of the waveguide is


Xiaozhi couldn't help but blurt out, causing several people who were originally looking at the surrounding cliffs to look at the soles of his feet.

At the same moment, Citron's detection radar also shook and was aimed downwards.

There was even a fluttering shadow like a flame on the detection feedback screen in his hand.

Boom! !

As expected, Citron's machine exploded again, perming the hair of all those who were nearby.

It’s just that I haven’t waited for a few people to complain about Citron’s invention.


The ground beneath his feet suddenly began to tremble violently.

Citron's expression suddenly changed. Could it be that the explosion of his machine caused the volcano to erupt? !

The crater of the volcano is right at their feet, and the magma rising into the sky can be boiled directly for them in a pot!

"It's not a flame eruption. It's something weird!"

Xiaozhi, who blessed Carlos with a mature style, immediately opened his arms to protect everyone behind him.

With this look of a reliable big brother, not only Serena and Yurika's cheeks were blushing, but also Citron and Doropa's hearts were beating fast and their faces were blushing.


The next moment, the ground three or four meters in front of everyone suddenly shattered and cracked.

Immediately afterwards, a group of crimson and even slightly pink demonic flames burst out from it, rushing straight into the high-altitude clouds.

Everyone subconsciously looked to the sky.

But he saw the black-red fireball slowly spreading outward from both sides and below. It turned out to be a huge flaming bird!

The dark and slender body of the flying bird has a slender and sharp crimson beak, the front end is curved, and the eyes are fierce.

It is covered in jet black feathers, with a pair of crimson hooked bird claws exposed underneath.

The black crown, wings and tail edges are fluttering and burning with crimson flames, and the shape looks extremely evil and monstrous!

"It's the Flame Bird!!!"

Doropa looked happy and immediately exclaimed.

It was the first time for Citron and Serena to see this kind of Pokémon. They were full of surprises and didn't think anything was wrong.


Xiaozhi had three question marks on his head and turned his face to look at Doropa.

Wait a minute, this monster is a flame bird? !

He looked intently at the black-red strange bird in the sky again, and found that its basic body structure was really similar to that of the flame bird. They were both normal bird bodies, with substantial flames burning on the edge feathers.

Just this temperament

So evil.

And the pair of blue-green eyes, combined with the slender beak that opened, looked more like a ferocious vulture sizing up its prey than a noble divine bird!

"So, is it the regional form of the Flame Bird?!"

Xiaozhi came back to his senses. Before that, he was still talking about Nianmei'er who had different geographical patterns.

So the flame bird in front of me is the monster version of the flame bird from who knows which region, right?

Since they had never seen the original version, the Doroba people thought that the Flame Bird in front of them was the genuine product, and it was taken for granted.

Even the descriptions Doropa collected from the locals about the appearance of the Flame Bird all showed this strange and ferocious appearance, proving that it did not suddenly mutate this year.

"So at this time of year, the flamingos will be dormant and sleeping inside the volcano?"

Citron quickly blocked the scrapped machine behind and smiled dryly at the sky.

Perhaps it was the explosion of his own machine that woke up the flame bird?

It seems that his temper is not very good.

"Bad experience!!!"

The next moment, the black and red flame bird in the sky woke up completely, extended its wings, and let out a high-pitched chirp.

The flame feathers on his body were billowing and fluttering, and a pink-purple energy field was visibly released all over his body, spreading out with evil and shadowy power.

This layer of energy field turned into a canopy, covering all Xiaozhi and his party!

There was no actual harm, but the eyelids of Citron and Doroba suddenly dropped.

"Why do you feel so tired all of a sudden?"

“My feet are so weak, it’s hard to even stand.”

"Strange, I'm so sleepy now."

Seeing his friends slumped down on the ground one after another, yawning contagiously, Xiaozhi couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

He also felt a strange sense of fatigue.

It was as if after the fuel had been burned out, only whitened ashes remained.


However, Xiaozhi snorted coldly, and the blood and righteousness that kept pouring out of his chest forcibly dissipated this burning feeling of fatigue.

Then he looked at the black and red flame bird in the sky, his eyes serious.

"So is this the power of this flame bird?"

What a strange power.

The aura was opened, but before the enemy even got close, he was already unable to hold on any longer.

Although he can rely on his own perseverance to force away this feeling of fatigue, friends...

"Please, Latias, use healing wave!!"

Xiaozhi initially threw a love ball, and Latias appeared, hovering into the sky, and immediately threw a pink energy ball in the direction of everyone like a meteor swarm.

call out.!

As a wave of healing spread, the fatigue on the faces of Serena and others gradually disappeared, and they stood up again.

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