He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2611 Conquer the sonic dragon in the cave! !

"Pikachu, prepare to fight!"

Xiaozhi waved his hand, and there was already a blank elf ball in his hand, ready to tame a wild buzz bat first.


Pikachu's tail also stretched out from the gap in the mine cart, lying on the back of the cart, ready to shoot electric shocks at any time.

The mine cart is on track, and it won't be needed to continue to provide power for operation.

Bang bang bang! !

The wheels rotate with friction against the track, relying on inertia to still move forward rapidly.


These wild buzzing bats seemed to be very shy, and after being disturbed, they just flew around in confusion above Xiaozhi's head.

By the time Xiaozhi was ready to fight, the high-speed mine cart had already left the area, and his head was empty.

This group of buzzing bats will not follow.


Xiaozhi also wanted to pull the brake handle on the front of the car and fight back to capture it again.


However, the next moment, there was a violent roar in the air, and I kept thinking about it, which contained a different kind of intimidation from ordinary Pokémon.

"It's the roar of a dragon!"

Xiaozhi immediately realized that it could only be that Pokémon that could make such a powerful dragon roar in this place, right?

Accompanied by bursts of dragon roars and the sound of mighty wings flapping, in the dim cave, a huge figure kept approaching the moving mine car rapidly.

It wasn't until he got closer that Xiaozhi could see the other person's appearance clearly.

The jet-black flying dragon has a somewhat slender torso, and its wide purple wings are in the shape of claws like a fossil pterosaur, with claws growing in front of the wing joints.

The neck is covered with a layer of thick white fluff, the forehead has red "V" shaped eyebrows, and a pair of round ears with circular ripples on the top of the head are like two subwoofer speakers.

"Here it comes! It's Sonic Dragon!"

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up and he had already taken out the illustrated book with one hand.

"Sonic Dragon, flying and dragon attributes, the evolved form of the buzz bat. The ultrasonic waves emitted by its ears can easily crush even huge rocks. It is good at hearing and can launch attacks smoothly even in the dark!"

The illustrated guide suggested that it was Ash's target Pokémon this time.

"Sure enough, it looks fierce!"

Xiaozhi did not turn his head, staring closely at the Sonic Dragon approaching from behind, and patted Fat Harry on the shoulder with his backhand.

The latter understood and lifted the steering wheel slightly to slow down the mine cart and maintain an even speed.

This wild sonic dragon flapped its bat wings and grinned fiercely. It was probably the vicious existence that the peasant woman said.

The space inside the Terminus Cave is extremely spacious, and the rock wall is almost endless, so even a large Pokémon like Sonic Dragon has enough space to spread its wings and fly.


The sonic dragon flew all the way to the top of the mine cart, kept pace with it, and once again roared in protest.

Apparently, the loud noise of the mine cart irritated the already irritable owner.

The next moment, Sonic Dragon took the initiative to attack!

The broad bat wings were pressed down suddenly, and countless blue-white air slashes flew out in an instant.

Bang bang! !

Not only the minecarts, but also the tracks along the way were destroyed by the sharp air blades.

Seeing several dangerous air blades shooting straight towards the mine cart where they were, Xiaozhi quickly responded:

"Pikachu, use the grid!"

Pikachu understood and jumped up quickly. The electricity condensed at his tail spread into a thunder and lightning net the moment it was thrown out, catching all the air blades in one go.

Boom! !

Then it exploded in the air, causing a violent tremor on the rock wall above, and a lot of gravel fell down.

After breaking out of the power grid, Pikachu fell back onto the back of the mine cart.

All four limbs are stepped on it, and the tail and ears are raised. This is Pikachu's fighting posture.

Speaking of which, it hasn't fought in a long time, so it's just a good time to use this bat dragon to moisten the knife!


Seeing that an inconspicuous electric rat easily intercepted his move, the sonic dragon became extremely angry and roared again.

This time it was no longer the wings or the dragon's mouth that launched the attack, but the pair of big ears like speakers on top of its head.

Buzz! !

A powerful blast of sound blasted from both ears, turning into a translucent spiral impacting the strong wind, and rushed towards everyone's position!

Sonic blast!

This used to be Sonic Dragon's exclusive move, but now, Pokémon such as Boomstick and Sonic Larva can also practice and master it.

Although it is a general attribute move, its power is extremely high, almost as strong as the destructive death ray.

There is even a move without any damage back and no side effects, which shows how powerful it is!

I have to say there are any disadvantages.

Deafening sonic waves, if you get too close, even your teammates will suffer.

In doubles, this is a move that will hurt your teammates.

"Oh! It's so strong. It's a flying dragon that uses sound waves to fight!"

Xiaozhi's eyes widened. This was the first time he met such a dragon-type Pokémon. He was so happy to see the hunting spirit that he immediately responded to it head-on:

"Pikachu, block it with 100,000 volts!!"

Pikachu understood and jumped up again, violent electric shocks burst out all over his body, colliding with the roaring sonic waves.

The power of both moves was extremely powerful, and for a moment, the golden current and the translucent sonic boom were stagnant.

Bang bang bang.! !

Beneath him, the minecart was still moving forward, keeping the stalemate offensive in a relatively static state and following the minecart forward.

But this Sonic Dragon has already exerted all its strength, and Pikachu hasn't exerted his strength yet.

"Pikachu, give it something fierce! Full power of 100,000 volts!!"

As Xiaozhi shouted, Pikachu's eyes curled up, revealing a sly smile.

The trip to the Kalos region has also reached the second half, and now its strength has long been restored to its original state, and even better than before!

Pikachu's back tensed, and the electric current in the electrical bag on his cheek was continuously released. The power of one hundred thousand volts was directly increased several times!

Zizz bang! !

Like a rising tide, the golden lightning that was several times thicker broke the deadlock, broke through the sonic blast on the opposite side, and marched all the way towards the sonic dragon behind!

Even Sonic Dragon couldn't help but widen his eyes, and subconsciously froze in mid-air, staring blankly at the golden lightning in his eyes that continued to enlarge and approach.

Boom! !

The next moment, there was a violent explosion in the ending cave, and the dazzling golden electric light lit up the entire area!

One hundred thousand volts successfully hit the target. As the smoke dispersed, the wild sonic dragon was scorched black and suffered severe injuries.

Moreover, his whole body was charred black, arcs of electricity were flowing, and he was in a state of paralysis!

"good chance!"

Xiaozhi no longer hesitated, quickly put his hat on backwards, threw a blank Poke Ball, and hit Sonic Dragon!

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