He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2612 Zygarde Core, Z2 Individual!


The elf ball accurately hit the center of Sonic Dragon's red "V" shaped eyebrows and sucked it in.

This seemed to be the weak point of the Sonic Dragon's Life Gate. It hit it with one strike, and there was a crisp opening and closing sound even while it was still in the air.

The conquest was successful!

Xiaozhi was very happy, it took no effort to get it.

His Carlos Dragon Team has finally been assembled, and when the next Technician Dragon comes back from delivering the letter and carries the banner with pure blood dragon attributes, it will be officially formed!

However, the Poke Ball in the distance was affected by gravity and began to fall vertically.

Although the speed of the mine cart slowed down, by the time the Poké Ball dropped, it was estimated to have traveled nearly a hundred meters.

"Pikachu, use the electric grid to get the Poké Ball back!"

Xiaozhi immediately commanded.

Pikachu understood, stepped on the backstage of the mine cart with all four limbs, and formed a spherical energy grid on its tail.

This time he didn't jump up, but stayed close to the platform and flicked his tail sideways to spread out the power grid.


The electric grid spread out all over the sky, like a big hand grabbing the elf ball.

The root of the power grid is still connected to Pikachu's tail, with a thin long current wire connected in the middle.


Pikachu shouted triumphantly, and then flicked its tail counterclockwise again.

The moment the power grid caught the elf ball, it was forcibly dragged back and flew towards the direction of the mine cart.


Finally, the Poke Ball fell firmly into Xiaozhi's hands, and the power grid also turned into a faint arc of electricity and gradually dissipated in the process.

For the current Pikachu, it is easy to use the power grid to do some tricks.

"As expected of Pikachu, he is still so reliable!"

Xiaozhi rubbed Pikachu's head, and between one person and one mouse, he finally regained some of the tacit bonds of the past.

As for the elf ball containing the Sonic Dragon in his hand, he was in no hurry to open it, so as not to attack aggressively everywhere and use the powerful sonic wave just now.

It's better to wait until you get out of the ending cave before releasing it.

"Fat Hali also performed very well, controlling the mine cart very steadily~!"

Xiaozhi turned his head again, looked at the front of the mine cart, and praised Fat Hali.

It seems that I have been praising the frogs lately, so I should praise Fatty Hali more when I have time.

Just when I turned my head, I saw that the front of the car was empty. The big fat hedgehog had long since disappeared.

"Where are the people?!"

Xiaozhi was shocked, where did Fatty Hali go?

He had been focusing on the aerial battle behind him, and he had no time to turn around and look ahead.

Could it be that Fat Hali was thrown away because of the bump in the mine cart earlier?

Xiaozhi quickly grabbed the brake handle in front, dragged it toward the back and pressed it.

Bah.! !

The wheels came to an abrupt stop, making a sharp sound as they rubbed against the ground. The mine cart slid forward several meters and finally stopped.

Xiaozhi looked worriedly at both sides of the path. If Fatty Hali was thrown away, he should be behind him, right?

It's just that except for some lights on the minecart track, this road is pitch black on both sides, with no visibility at all.

It is also an abyss with a steep slope and cannot be seen to the bottom.

The proud waveguide power cannot be deployed in this environment.

He didn't even have any other Pokémon with him to help. They were all camping in the open space outside the cave at the moment.

"Come on Pikachu, use flash! Let's go get Fat Harry back!"

Helpless, Xiaozhi could only get out of the mine cart and turn back along the track.


Pikachu nodded, exerted a little force, and his whole body suddenly glowed with a dazzling yellow light.

Because the brightness was so high, even Pikachu's body could not be seen. Only a group of yellow flashes that could move back and forth, left and right could be seen.

"Fat Hali, can you hear me?!"


One man and one mouse shouted, walking towards the darkness of the ending cave.

At the same time, in the cave nearly a few hundred meters away from the mine car, the figure of Fat Hali was walking alone into the depths.

It has actually been away from the minecart for quite some time.

At this moment, Fat Hali's eyes were glowing with rich green light, his expression was dull and empty, and he seemed to have completely lost consciousness.

On the swollen belly, green light bloomed flickeringly.

It seemed like there was something inside that was producing light, as bright as a firefly in this dark environment.

It's just that it's too far away from Xiaozhi, and the firefly isn't bright enough.

Some wild Pokémon in the Termination Cave, such as Gopher, Kokodora, and Yukira, were attracted by this green light and couldn't help but get closer.

But after getting closer, he was frightened by the intimidating force coming from Fat Hali's body and stopped, and he could only watch the fat hedgehog pass by.

As for Fatty Hali’s destination

Or maybe it's the destination of the Zygarde core individual in Fat Hali's body.

There are actually two Zygard core individuals currently living in the Kalos region.

The color of the hexagonal crystals on the abdomen of the body can be used to distinguish them. One is red and the other is blue.

The individual inside Fatty Hali is the blue one.

Because he was captured by Team Flare by accident, he escaped by chance, and met Xiaozhi and others by chance in Guxiang Town. He was also "accidentally" swallowed by Fat Hali, until today.

But "accidental swallowing" is actually the intentional act of the Z2 individual.

Z2, this is the target code given to this blue individual by the Flare Team after they captured it.

Exposed to the air and hiding on foot, it is still difficult to escape the search and pursuit of the Flare Team with the help of high-tech equipment.

Z2 simply took advantage of Fatty Hali's gluttonous personality and lived directly in the latter's belly.

With such a silly Pokémon as a cover and able to travel around with humans, he suddenly felt much safer.

"Damn it, I actually need help from humans!"

The core individuals obviously have independent thoughts. Inside Fat Hali's belly, Z2 has woken up. It secretly said angrily with a bit of shame.

Long before Team Flare hunted, it had no good impression of humans and believed that all humans were destroyers of the natural ecology.

For Zygarde, who is the watcher of nature, human beings are undoubtedly abhorrent.

However, human behavior has not completely destroyed the ecological balance and has not touched its bottom line, so Z2 has not taken any punitive measures, but it has always stayed far away from humans and has not come into contact with it.

After being forcibly hunted down by Team Flare, Z2's hatred for humans became even greater than before!

Now it needs to rely on humans and the power of Pokémon who have taken refuge in humans to escape, which makes it feel quite shameful.

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